

Où voir Blade Netflix

The Swordsman

The Swordsman

Harriet Zapper est une femme aux talents de combattante uniques : elle est spécialiste du maniement de l'épée et peut pratiquer le karaté, la boxe et le judo. Et elle porte deux revolvers magnum .357 pour une protection supplémentaire. Lorsqu'une série d'assassinats sanglants a lieu, elle doit retrouver le cerveau derrière ces crimes. Elle se retrouve dans le sud de la France, dans un nid de corruption, de trahison et de meurtre....

The Chase

The Chase

Shih Hai-tung a swordsman seeks revenge for his father's murder knowing that the Golden Gate Sect were responsible. He had killed two Heavenly Dragon Association gangsters creating a significant amount of hostility between the two groups before they meet each other head on..

Kisaragi Sword

Kisaragi Sword

The story concerns the efforts of seven master swordsman who join together to protect the new inexperienced Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune from the evil plans of the Owari Clan's corrupt Lord. It's a colorful bunch, a drunk samurai, a master thief, a sword instructor and a Lord who is disguised as a ronin since it is an executable offense for a lord to wander outside of their domain without permission. As the Chief Magistrate becomes suspicious of the Owari plot to send men to Kodenmacho Prison to start a riot he begins to investigate the rumors. He soon calls upon the Lord of Mikazuki Castle and the Shogun's best friend to help thwart the evil ambitions and battle the rouge swordsman hired by the Owari Clan..



An imagined apocalypse is presented to us through portraits of people struggling to survive in a hostile environment, where they only have themselves and the only thing they have in common is the desire to live, no matter the cost..