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Thomas & Friends : La visite de l'inspecteur

Thomas & Friends : La visite de l'inspecteur

One beautiful morning, Thomas puffs into the docks where he meets Gordon with the express. He tells Thomas that he is to take a railway inspector on a tour of the Island with the Fat Controller. The tour is to end at the docks and the Fat Controller tells Thomas to be very busy shunting coal trucks when they arrive. Then, Thomas has an idea. He thinks if he gets more of his friends to help, the inspector would be impressed with the busy engines. Thomas chuffs to Maron where he meets Percy who is waiting for his mail trucks to be loaded. He asks Percy to come to the docks to shunt trucks. Percy is unsure at first, but when he hears it will please the inspector, he agrees and leaves his empty mail trucks at Maron. Just as the two friends leave, Gordon with the Fat Controller and Railway Inspector arrive. The inspector is not impressed by the quiet station..



It's morning and raining outside. Emma is home alone while her mom is working. The phone rings, but nobody is on the line..

L'homme de l'Atlantide - Les visiteurs de l'au-delà

L'homme de l'Atlantide - Les visiteurs de l'au-delà

Trois plongeurs sont happés et coulés au large de la côte pacifique. Mark est appelé pour examiner l'endroit. Il découvre que ce qui les a tués est un colorant ayant la consistance de l'acide. Deux des plongeurs disparus réapparaissent et commencent à se faire remarquer en émettant des sons aquatiques....