

Seven voirfilms

Abe Sada: The Last Seven Days

Abe Sada: The Last Seven Days

In May 1936, the “Abe specific incident.” shook the entire country of Japan. It is said that Abe had a live-in maid (Yuma Asami), the owner of the restaurant’s employer Ishida (Nobuyuki Matsuda) was killed, that the cut is more localized. With respect to neither confirm nor deny the crime, frustrated by the testimony of the specific criminal Urakawa Abe (Shun Sugata). And the relentless questioning of Urakawa, we are told the circumstances leading to death and cut from the bodies of penis. Result of fierce passion between men and women debauched erratic, and saw two people … and the constant questioning after the incident, and the constant “last seven days” to depict that Katsuaki the in the here and now Abe no specific story that you have to watch it!.



At seventeen, we were all newbies at love. These are innocent and reckless high school love stories that we dare not think of doing now..

Kamen Rider Hibiki The Movie: Hibiki & The Seven War Oni

Kamen Rider Hibiki The Movie: Hibiki & The Seven War Oni

When a powerful new Makamou attacks and defeats Hibiki, Asumu dives into Takeshi’s history and discovers a book that details the ancient Oni and a boy sharing his name. As he reads on, he learns of the tensions between humans and Oni as they struggle to stop the Orochi Makamou, but will he discover the key to defeating the new Orochi in the present?.

Forty-Seven Days with Jesus

Forty-Seven Days with Jesus

When the Burdons attend a reunion at Poppa and Nonna’s ranch, they realize just how disconnected their family has become. Facing marital hiccups, teenaged angst and Poppa’s health hurdles, the adults decide to share Poppa’s enchanting ‘Forty-Seven Days’ story with the kids, transporting us back in time to see the miracles of Jesus’ final 47 days on Earth. When an unexpected business opportunity places Joseph at a crossroads, his commitment to his family is tested. Can the Burdons pull together in the face of uncertainty? With Poppa’s tale as their guide, they embark on a journey towards unity and rediscovery..

L'Heure Supréme

L'Heure Supréme

Un travailleur d'égout parisien aspire à une montée en état et une belle femme. Il sauve une fille de la police, vit avec elle dans un appartement stérile au septième étage, puis marche loin à la guerre..

Seven Short Films About (Our) Marriage

Seven Short Films About (Our) Marriage

Noah and Madison are artists who want to change the world, and they begin their marriage as most couples do - full of hope and idealism, sure that their love will solve all their problems. But marriage isn't all about the great times people post on social media. It's also about the arguments over petty stuff, and the arguments over big stuff, and the longstanding resentments that no one wants to even bring up. Seven Short Films About (Our) Marriage tells a story of raw authenticity in seven episodes spanning fourteen years of their marriage as they reckon with racism, career challenges, medical issues, and more..

The Seven Sins of England

The Seven Sins of England

Filmmaker Joseph Bullman challenges the belief that England is in the midst of an unprecedented surge of anti-social behaviour by uncovering the nation's ancient heritage of hooliganism, binge-drinking and violence. From Edwardian yobs to Elizabethan xenophobes, the film reveals the English have been on their worst behaviour for more than a millennium and has contributed to our conduct today..

The 7

The 7

High school seniors on a geology field trip to a cave encounter problems not listed in the course outline..

Patient Seventeen

Patient Seventeen

Le chirurgien Roger Leir affirme extraire les micropuces dont les extraterrestres se servent pour manipuler les humains. Ce documentaire vise à distinguer les faits de la fiction..

Seven Alone

Seven Alone

Un récit fictif de l'aventure réelle de la famille Sager. En voyageant avec un wagon du Missouri à l'Oregon, les choses se passent bien pour les Sagers, jusqu'à ce que le père Sager meure d'un empoisonnement du sang suite à une attaque indienne et que sa mère meure peu après d'une pneumonie. Les dirigeants du wagon décident de renvoyer les enfants, mais l'aîné, John (qui avait été décrit par tous les adultes comme paresseux et sans valeur), décide de conduire ses frères et sœurs à travers le désert pour terminer le voyage que leurs parents ont commencé..