

Comment regarder In the Garden sur Netflix gratuitement

Venetia's garden

Venetia's garden

Venetia Stanley-Smith is an English woman who lives in a 100 year-old farm house in the village of Ohara, Kyoto. Her eco-friendly lifestyle is a harmonious blend of English tradition and the Japanese seasons. Thanks to her appearance on the TV program At Home with Venetia in Kyoto, Venetia’s hand-crafted lifestyle that she shares with her Ohara family and friends has captured the hearts of audiences around the world. Venetia’s Garden presents a new chapter in Venetia’s story. Be enchanted by Venetia’s wisdom for peaceful living in this feature-length documentary, which is a feast for the senses..



This film is an imprint on the film strip, an imprint in the mind just like a memory of my father’s garden where a child is playing; an imprint of the father on the garden as a reflection of his character; an imprint of the garden on the father; an imprint of him on a person. As if the seeds were falling from his beard, skin, or hair and become the garden, roots, sprouting and growing, just like a child..

Small Garden

Small Garden

A life form wakes up in an unknown mysterious world. As he explores it, he slowly understands what kind of place it is. This world seems to be a beautiful place, but it is also fantasy, lacking what real life can offer. The being must consider to stay in the fantasy or return to the real..

Martha's Garden

Martha's Garden

il fait froid et il pleut depuis des semaines. Il est déjà tard lorsque Karl Winter rentre chez lui. Dans l’obscurité, il rencontre une femme qui a un pouvoir de fascination mystérieux – Martha… Commence alors une liaison sous le signe de la fatalité, qui entraîne Karl loin des ornières de la «raison». Des rêves à double fond et des modifications subliminales dans l’environnement confirment Karl dans le sentiment que Martha a fait pénétrer l’étrange dans sa vie. «Nous coulions et coulions, et nous nous tombions dans les bras l’un de l’autre toujours plus profondément. Dehors la dépravation était aux aguets – j’étais sur mes gardes, mais je ne savais pas ce que j’avais à craindre…» «Marthas Garten» est un obscur plaisir en noir et blanc – sanglant et comique à la fois..

Grosskochberg - Public Landscape Gardens

Grosskochberg - Public Landscape Gardens

Kochberg Castle was once owned by the von Stein family and Goethe visited Charlotte von Stein there several times. On the occasion of the "1000 years of Weimar" celebrations, the castle, which has been converted into a memorial, is being opened to the public. At the inauguration ceremony, students of the Weimar Academy of Music will give a large festive concert. On the basis of old engravings and personal letters and pictures the audience learns more about the relationship between Goethe and Charlotte von Stein..

Daniya, the emir's garden

Daniya, the emir's garden

Daniya is the story of a trip. A man of culture and resolute, the younger brother of the Countess of Barcelona, leaves the Catalan court for the kingdom of Denia (Daniya). The purpose of his trip is to accept the ecclesiastical authority entrusted to him by the Muslim king of Mozarabic Christians living in the territory of the Kingdom of Denia. It is an interesting but dangerous journey, described as an adventure. A journey that will enrich the spirit of the youth that will be seduced by Al Andalus..

Garden of Eve

Garden of Eve

A woman (Mercedes Cabral) shares her story as a prostitute in front of the camera. A survivor, she looks back at her life as a mother. Milagros (Sue Prado) and Elena (Jam Pérez) are sisters tilling “camote” (sweet potato) in a dry land. Poverty provokes Elena to migrate as a mail-order bride in Japan while Milagros stays to take care of the family. Eos (Boots Anson Roa) is a widow who falls in love with a younger man, Rodrigo (Rome Mallari). They try to make the relationship work amidst the pressure of their family and the society..

Le jardin de mon père - L'amour de mes parents

Le jardin de mon père - L'amour de mes parents

Il fut un temps où les parents ne ressentaient que «malheur et misère», lorsque leur fils leur rendait visite – et il n’en allait pas autrement du fils. Alors on s’évitait autant qu’on le pouvait. Pendant des décennies, la situation n’a guère changé... Dans ce film, le réalisateur fait le procès-verbal de ses retrouvailles avec ses parents – et tente la révision de son histoire personnelle. Ce faisant, une nouvelle image des parents se révèle, laissant apercevoir de temps en temps quelques images d’une époque achevée depuis longtemps. En revanche, l’histoire de leur couple, drame intemporel, est touchante – et face à elle, nous ne ressentons aujourd’hui que «malheur et misère»..

Maali (The Gardener)

Maali (The Gardener)

A middle-class couple’s marriage is called into question during a quiet getaway when a gardener’s unwitting comment stokes old resentments. Much that has been suppressed over the years spills out, as the wife mulls over all her sacrifices through the years. Language: Hindi (subtitles available).

National Garden

National Garden

A filmmaker spends a year in the national garden of Athens, Greece and discovers the secret life of this place, by following several characters who seek refuge in its serene setting..

Water Supply To The Garden

Water Supply To The Garden

Nature can be generous for rains and at warm times it covers the ground with dew, feeding plants and small insects. But sometimes it is time of drought. At such times you can sit and wait for the mercy of nature, or you can, as is done in this cartoon by insects and a frog, build a system capable of saving all living things around..

A Peaceful Garden

A Peaceful Garden

On a clear afternoon, a small garden at home is surrounded by a silence that seems to last forever. Only the gestures of the cats let me experience the time of this small garden. In the garden, something is being built up, cleared away, destroyed, created. This film is an experience of garden time, which fades as the layer gets thicker..