

To the House voirfilms

Beauty of the Haunted House

Beauty of the Haunted House

A Hong Kong businessman is in financial trouble, so a Japanese Japanese bank offers a loan on the condition that he sell the family mansion on Lantau Island. The tenant, his patriotic uncle, will only go out in a coffin. The Japanese bank use blackmail to scare the businessman but they don't know that, in that house, there's something terrible than their blackmail..

Mahoro Ekimae Tada Benriken

Mahoro Ekimae Tada Benriken

À Mahoro, la banlieue fictive de Tokyo, Tada travaille comme solutionneur de problèmes généraux à la demande. Un jour, l'ancien camarade de classe Gyoten débarque sans prévenir. Les deux hommes ont plus de 30 ans et sont divorcés. Sans explication, Gyoten demande soudain à passer la nuit chez Tada. Tada finit par accepter Gyoten comme assistant et ensemble, ils s'occupent de diverses affaires concernant un ensemble de personnes d'horizons différents..

The Black House

The Black House

Un agent d’assurance de la compagnie Showa reçoit un appel d’une cliente qui projette de se suicider et qui aimerait savoir si sa police couvre ce cas de figure. Ne pouvant se résigner à la laisser commettre pareil acte, il décide de lui rendre visite….

Housewife's Afternoon Delight

Housewife's Afternoon Delight

Sayaka est une femme au foyer sexuellement frustrée dont le mari parle rarement et est toujours occupé par son travail. Mais elle trouve bientôt un antidote à sa solitude et à son ennui sous la forme d'un vendeur à domicile dans ce drame érotique..

House of Culture

House of Culture

In 2009-2012, Yuri Mamin was the author and presenter of the educational TV program "House of Culture" on the STO channel (Russia), where he spoke in defense of civil rights, in defense of the values of world culture and in defense of nature and animals subjected to arbitrary extermination by hunters and poachers in Russia, by the barbaric laws of Russian officials..

Murders at the House of Death

Murders at the House of Death

Yuzuru Hamura (Ryunosuke Kamiki) is a university student and a fan of mystery novels. Against his will, he was forced to join the school's mystery club. The club is led by Kyosuke Akechi (Tomoya Nakamura). Meanwhile, Hiruko Kenzaki (Minami Hamabe) appears in front of them. She attends the same university and she is also a private detective. These 3 people attend a summer camp and stay at Shijinso pension in the mountains. On their first day there, they must barricade themselves in the pension. The next morning, they discover a murder has taken place in the pension..

Neko Atsume House

Neko Atsume House

In Neko Atsume no Ie, Atsushi Ito stars as Masaru Sakamoto, a novelist who moves to the countryside to try to combat a bad case of writer's block. While struggling to begin his next novel, Masaru spots a stray cat, which he decides to befriend. Masaru leaves food out for the pretty kitty, and before long his new home is covered in cats..

Guests in the House

Guests in the House

A college professor and his wife moves into a house inhabited by the ghost of his friend's grandfather's concubine. The ghost is trying to locate the ghost of her dear husband while trying to communicate with the house's new owners..

House of Himiko

House of Himiko

Saori est une jeune femme qui lutte pour se frayer un chemin dans la vie. Son père gay, Himiko, avait abandonné Saori et sa mère des années auparavant. Maintenant, la jeune amante de son père, Haruhiko, se présente pour dire à Saori que son père meurt du cancer. Toujours en colère contre son père mais ayant besoin d’argent, Saori se rend à la Maison de Himiko, une maison de retraite établie par son père pour les hommes gays. Au fil du temps, une relation précaire commence à se développer entre Saori, son père, et Haruhiko..

The House of the Seven Vampires

The House of the Seven Vampires

In their quest to exterminate the “pink” people of the world and invoke the return of their messiah, the “bostauros” end up opening a different portal. The incorrect reading of the mysterious book connects them to the House of 7 Vampires: a clan of thirsty vamps who have lived in scarcity of human blood for centuries. From absurd preaching to bloodbath, a vampire joke from Brazil today..