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Entre les Frontières

Entre les Frontières

Avi Mograbi et Chen Alon partent à la rencontre de demandeurs d’asile africains que l’État d’Israël retient dans un camp en plein désert du Néguev. Par le biais d’un atelier inspiré du «Théâtre de l’opprimé», ils interrogent le statut de réfugié. Pourquoi Israël, terre des réfugiés, refuse de considérer le sort de ces exilés que la guerre et les persécutions ont jeté sur les routes ? Quel est l’élément déclencheur qui pousse un jour ces hommes et ces femmes à abandonner tout ce qu’ils possèdent pour plonger vers l’inconnu ? Le théâtre peut-il créer un pont entre les Hommes pour qu’ils échangent et se comprennent ?.

The Night Between Us

The Night Between Us

Marie (25) is a young, penniless mother trapped in a life she never wanted for herself. When she saves the life of adrenaline junkie Erich (30), she is fascinated by him. Erich introduces Marie to the world of showmen and takes her on a hunt for an intense life. The beginning of an intoxicating love that confronts Marie with an important decision..

Between The Buried And Me: Coma Ecliptic: Live

Between The Buried And Me: Coma Ecliptic: Live

Metal Blade Records, in association with Good Fight Entertainment, present Between the Buried and Me Coma Ecliptic: Live! The concert, which features the band performing Coma Ecliptic in its entirety, was filmed live on location October 4th, 2017 at The Observatory North Park in San Diego, CA. The show will be made available on CD, DVD, and Blu-ray, as well as digitally. Coma Ecliptic: Live was directed by Vince Edwards and edited by Blake Faucette and Justin Reich. The audio was mixed by Jamie King @ the Basement Recording NC. Live GoPro camera placement by Blake Richardson..

Between the Frames

Between the Frames

Between the Frames is the story of an exceptional relationship between a teacher and a young generation of actors brought up in his creative workshop. Five years after graduation from university, the main characters return to see themselves from the side and try to catch what is happening between the frames. The story is told by ex-students while they are watching behind-the-scenes archives of their student performance The Cabaret and reflecting upon the years that have passed. In the center of the story stands a teacher as a life-turning figure for each of the characters..

Passion - Between Revolt and Resignation

Passion - Between Revolt and Resignation

Almost 50 years ago, women and men all over the word dreamed of changing the world. What is left today of the expectations and the hopes of the people that flooded the streets? Not much, unfortunately. The filmmaker examines episodes from his own life, trying to understand how they fit—if they do at all—with the major changes of the world that hint all at a catastrophe in the waiting..

Between Us

Between Us

In 2016, director Charlotte Røhder Tvedt sent out an open call for people all across Norway to document their world in the form of a film clip. More than 900 entries were submitted and from these contributions, Røhder Tvedt assembled a collage of beautiful everyday moments, personal confessions and kinetic bursts of dance and movement. As the film cycles through expressions of love, loneliness, joy and sorrow, patterns and connections appear and it becomes clear that Between Us is a film about how we relate to one another..

Between One Shore And Several Others

Between One Shore And Several Others

Kayyavi is an imaginary or imaginable promise in the life of Salman, hailing from a provincial fishing community who lives and breathes the sea. Evolving along unchosen ways, life invariably finds itself at the starting point as if in a looping dream. What turn will the life of Salman take as Kayyavi begins to unfold like the haze that envelops all of perception...

Between Valleys

Between Valleys

This is the story of Vicente, a successful, married, economist with a nine-year-old son. It also tells the story of Antônio, the same man, living as a hugadores—one of the homeless, trash scavengers who live and work in Brazil’s enormous garbage dumps. Vicente seems to have it all, but as we watch his life begins to crumble little by little. Meanwhile, Antônio, already at rock bottom, struggles to rebuild his life..

Between Tears and Laughter

Between Tears and Laughter

This is the story of three ladies who live together in an apartment in Hong Kong and what happens to them. First, there is Shuxian, whose husband left her and has a son in the hospital who can't walk. Then, there is Meifen, a romance novelist who pines for a deceased lover and, finally Manli, a young lady with some sass who is expecting a visit from Mr. Zheng, a man she has been a pen pal with for a year. She also has been dating someone else, not happily. The film goes through all three lives..

You, me and a corpse between

You, me and a corpse between

Run away from the all night through party, a young girl is trying to help her good friend to get rid of the bloody consequences of the quarrel with his wife. By the way they reveal new circumstances of their relationship..

Who is the Thief Between Us

Who is the Thief Between Us

The young journalist, Sahar, meets Hussein in London and they return to Egypt, where he meets her father, Asim, the company manager, from whom his twin brother, Sherif, embezzled a large sum of money. After Sherif gets arrested, Hussein tries to sell everything to help him get out of jail..

Entre deux mondes

Entre deux mondes

Dans un pays jamais nommé, un jeune homme semble tomber du ciel directement dans la mer et s'échoue sur le rivage. Il se retrouve errant dans les rues d'une ville inconnue jonchées de postes de télévision et d'écrans d'ordinateur abandonnés par des émeutiers. Sous ses yeux, des hommes armés de bâtons en attaquent un autre habillé d'un costume de Mickey. Plus tard, l'inconnu vient au secours d'une jeune femme et parvient à la mettre à l'abri dans la jungle. Parallèlement, deux pêcheurs se racontent la légende du prince qui se cacha dans le tronc creux d'un arbre pour survivre....