

voir film Elephant streaming vf

Low Fat Elephants

Low Fat Elephants

Greta is madly and deeply in lust for her straight room mate Cassandra. Too shy to confess her feelings, she writes passionate love letters, signing them "Jean Pierre." Her roommate is fixated so Greta hires an actor to play the fake Jean..

The Ending of the Order of the Elephant

The Ending of the Order of the Elephant

A precocious, proud preteen who has grown up throwing tea parties argues with her friends over whether she is too old now to still enjoy tea parties, while the babysitter attempts to resolve a misunderstanding with their rocky relationship. Meanwhile, a toy elephant narrates the entire event..

Searching for the Elephant

Searching for the Elephant

When drug addict Jason is forced to wear an ankle tracker and serve parole on a run-down ranch, he unexpectedly meets his veteran grandfather, Griff, whom Jason thought was dead. Trapped together, the two men wrestle through their bitterness, as enemies close in to collect a long overdue debt..

Family White Elephants

Family White Elephants

Artist/Director Mary Jo Bole mines an eccentric inherited archive in order to trace her family tree, which includes both Cleveland industrialist magnates and immigrant factory workers. Bole’s relating artwork, spanning decades, provides a thread that points to the unexpected ways in which these relatives and their memento mori endure..

Mémoires d'éléphant

Mémoires d'éléphant

C'est un éléphant de presque 60 ans, très grand mais fatigué. Comme tous les anciens, il vit désormais seul avec sa mémoire légendaire. Il s'en est passé des choses dans la savane pendant tout ce temps. Il y a eu sa vie d'éléphanteau, la lutte pour se faire une place dans son groupe, ou encore les 250 kilos de nourriture dont il a besoin chaque jour..

Hello Elephant

Hello Elephant

Vittorio De Sica is a teacher struggling to take care of his family and always dreaming that Parliament will increase the salaries for teachers and life will become easier for his wife, Maria Mereander, and kids. An Indian prince (Sabu) visits Italy, is assisted by the teacher and gives De Sica a baby elephant as a reward. This upsets the landlord, Nando Bruno, the other tenants, and the neighborhood. He takes the elephant away but, like Lassie, it comes home..

The Elephant: Graveyard

The Elephant: Graveyard

The team of Chinese peacekeeping police Ding Yin was raided while performing a peacekeeping mission in a certain country. Ding Yin led his companions Li Dashi, Rena, Trafal, and Lijiao into the dense forest, but fell into the "elephant mound" that is difficult to escape. Several people of different identities and backgrounds face the test of life and death and human choices. Will Ding Yin break out of the puzzle?.