

Seven voirfilms

Miss Seventeen

Miss Seventeen

Miss Seventeen is a reality television show on MTV that aired from October 17, 2005 to December 19, 2005. The show consisted of 17 young women competing for an internship at and a college scholarship. Atoosa Rubenstein was the main judge, she was the youngest editor-in-chief ever to run Seventeen magazine. They picked 17 girls from around the United States who were not only photogenic but also had been at the top of their class, to provide a role model for young women. The girls were flown to New York, where they would take part in a contest similar in format to The Apprentice — they would be given tasks to be done by Atoosa, and in each episode one of the girls would be eliminated from the competition. The winner would get her face on the cover of Seventeen magazine, a college scholarship and would be offered an internship job on the magazine. The criteria for elimination were not only performing poorly — Atoosa was watchful of how the girls talked when no one else was in the room, via cameras set up around the house. In this manner, she could watch the girls with their guards down and see what their real motivations and dreams were. In one elimination, for example, Atoosa sat down with the girl and explained that she didn't feel that the girl was in the contest for the 'right' reasons — video clips were shown to the viewers which showed the girl talking to her other roommates and explaining that she was more interested in the face-time she would get for being part of an MTV show..

Seven Girlfriends

Seven Girlfriends

Jesse is charming, romantic, and he knows how to pop the question; he just can't face marriage. So, when he and Hannah split up during the same week that a former fiancée dies, he decides to figure things out. He visits each woman about whom he's been serious to ask what went wrong. His teen flame, an independent woman who sometimes sleeps with him, and a group of lesbians give him advice, as does Anabeth, dead but lively in his dreams. One ex remains furious, but with the help of her inventive colleague, the level-headed insomniac Laura, Jesse even gets to talk to her. It's on to Anabeth's funeral, where he'll see Hannah, and maybe grasp what has been eluding him..

Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story

Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story

Bakery owner and reality TV star Birdie Moore’s world begins to fall apart once her family secrets are put in the spotlight. As the secrets begin to threaten her reputation, Birdie concedes and lets go of her pride in order to maintain her legacy..

Seven Dead Men

Seven Dead Men

Seven Dead Men tells the tale of a caper gone awry. A pair of brothers, Steve and Carl, tired of their place in the world, hatch a plot against local crime boss Peter. Little do they know that their fence Johnny's big mouth and lies are about to get him in trouble with a lot more than Claire, his part-time girlfriend. Meanwhile, Jack and Petey have some unfinished business to settle. However, the schemes backfire and doom those involved..

Traquées par les Japs

Traquées par les Japs

En février 1942, un groupe de femmes de nationalités, de statuts et d'âges différents est détenu dans un camp de prisonniers de l'armée japonaise dans des conditions extrêmement difficiles, au coeur de la jungle. Bravant tous les dangers, le groupe de prisonnières parvient à prendre la fuite....

Gringo joue sur le rouge

Gringo joue sur le rouge

Chef d'une bande mexicaine, le bandit El Chacal agit sans scrupules et sans pitié aucune. Lorsqu'il attaque une ferme familiale, il viole une femme puis la tue et enlève un enfant pour l'élever comme son propre fils. Quand Gringo revient à la ferme et voit sa famille ainsi massacrée, il promet de se venger à tout prix..

Le tueur à l'orchidée

Le tueur à l'orchidée

La police italienne vit au rythme d'un tueur en série, qui laisse un étrange talisman sur ses victimes féminines. Il dépose dans leur main une lune argentée. Une femme va s'en sortir. Avec la complicité de la police et des média, qui la font passer pour morte pour ne pas éveiller les soupçons de l'assassin, elle prend les choses en main..

The Fantastic Seven

The Fantastic Seven

An intrepid team of stunt experts stage a daring air, sea and land rescue of a kidnapped movie star from the clutches of a suave, modern-day pirate who rules a sovereign fortress state in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico..

WWE WrestleMania X-Seven

WWE WrestleMania X-Seven

WrestleMania X-Seven was the seventeenth annual WrestleMania PPV and was presented by Snickers Cruncher. It took place on April 1, 2001 at the Reliant Astrodome in Houston, Texas. The event was the first WrestleMania held in the state of Texas. A record-breaking attendance for the Reliant Astrodome of 67,925 grossed US$3.5 million. The main event was a No Disqualification match between Steve Austin and The Rock for the WWF Championship. The main matches on the undercard featured Triple H versus The Undertaker, the second Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the WWF Tag Team Championship, and Vince McMahon versus Shane McMahon in a Street Fight. With WWE's acquisition of long-time competitor WCW and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin joining forces with storied rival Mr. McMahon..

Seven Nights in Japan

Seven Nights in Japan

Handsome Prince George arrives on board his ship in Japan. Youthful, immaculate in naval uniform and smiling broadly, he goes through the complicated formalities of being greeted by a host nation. But housed with the Ambassador and his family, the Prince finds the atmosphere stuffy and dull; he longs for freedom and, for once, rebels against his upbringing with all its constraints and responsibilities, escaping for a week of romance, and unexpected drama….

Seven Against the Sun

Seven Against the Sun

In February of 1941, South African troops are in action against the Italian forces on the northern frontier of Kenya. An Italian invasion, aimed at pushing the Allied Forces out of Central and East Africa, is imminent. The South African Command realizes it has no forces at its disposal capable of stopping the Italian objective, so they resort to a grand bluff....

The Seventh Sense

The Seventh Sense

A blind street musician, shut off from everything but her music, begins working with a reclusive composer who uses sensual metaphors as teaching tools. Farced with the possibility of regaining her eyesight she fears she will lose her musical inspiration..

Seven Ne Yapmaz

Seven Ne Yapmaz

Frivolous, flirtatious, handsome Ozan Ekinsoy is the heir of the largest holding in Turkey Ekinsoy Holding. But because of a big mistake he made, his father Orhan sent a kiss to punish him. The poet meets Nazli in the country with a pure heart and beauty that he has not witnessed until that day. Nazli, the pupil of the village where she lived without her mother and father, is a brave and beautiful young woman who can stand on her own feet. Ozan is very influenced by this authenticity of Nazli and begins to feel emotions that he never anticipated against Nazli; He fell in love with Nazli. Nazli also tells him. The exciting beginnings of an increasingly entertaining chase. They have a very nice time together, but Ozan is obviously not married to Nazli. But since childhood, Fatma is the number one rumor of Fatma and the region that has raised Nazli. It is a misunderstanding that catches two lovers, Nazli and Ozan must marry without ever wasting time. The poet finds himself suddenly in a life he never dreamed of. And suddenly he gets a big panic..

Le Septième Juré

Le Septième Juré

Par un chaud dimanche de septembre, Duval, un brave pharmacien sans histoire de Pontarlier, cédant à une soudaine pulsion, se jette sur une jeune femme qui prenait un bain de soleil sur les berges d'un lac. Celle-ci hurle et il l'étrangle. L'amant de la jeune femme, Sylvain Sautral, est accusé du meurtre. Mais voilà que Duval est nommé juré aux assises qui doivent juger le jeune homme. Duval interviendra de nombreuses fois durant le procès afin d'éclaircir les circonstances de l'assassinat, et permettra l'acquittement de Sautral.Mais les notables de la ville ne considèrent pas que l'acquittement est une raison suffisante de ne plus soupçonner Sautral. Duval est contraint de se livrer pour lever les soupçons. Pourtant, personne ne voudra le condamner : tous savaient, mais refusent de juger l'un des leurs. Même Sautral refusera de voir la vérité en face ; en tentant de l'empêcher de se suicider, Duval le tue..