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Atlantis: The Underwater City

Atlantis: The Underwater City

During a trip to Stonehenge, two youngsters are kidnapped by a mysterious light ray coming from space. These children wake up in an odd spacecraft driven by Filnir, an elf with long pointed ears. Their destination is the mythical underwater city of Atlantis where Princess Lutienne is waiting for the spacecraft. Once she sees them she gets rather annoyed as she was longing to see Zoltan, the Legendary magician. He would have helped her to rescue the town from the unwelcome invasion of the terrible aliens called Egrims. The situation is desperate: how can two young human beings face such powerful and big enemies? The answer is in this entertaining cartoon! Don't miss it!.

The Faithful City

The Faithful City

The Israeli-made Faithful City stars Jamie Smith as an American in Tel Aviv just after World War II. Smith makes the acquaintance of a group of orphans, Jewish refugees of the concentration camps. It takes some doing, but Smith wins the love and trust of these displaced youngsters. Like most government-funded Israeli productions of the early 1950s, Faithful City is designed more to instruct and inform than entertain. That it happens to be entertaining in the bargain is all the more reason to seek out this extremely rare film..

The City of No

The City of No

Two men's friendship has been weakened by their contrasting approaches to life. Bob (Jeremy Stephens) has left his wife to paint pictures of a lover (Shirley Gruar) who is much younger than him. Lawyer Graham (Bill Johnson, who later played Mr Wilberforce in Under the Mountain) is the voice of reason, trying to convince Bob to quit his bohemian lifestyle. But is Graham really acting in his mate's best interests?.

Scene City Season 3: The Old Man And The Scene

Scene City Season 3: The Old Man And The Scene

For 70-year-old Kheng, terminal illness is a thundercloud that throws his quiet everyday life into shadow. Fearful of what is to come, the old man fades, withdrawing into himself as the threat of death looms. His daughter, Lin, does her best to care for him but struggles with also being a newly single-parent to 19-year-old Ben, who is reeling from his parents’ divorce as well. One night, Kheng encounters Ben’s EDM (Electronic Dance Music) playlist and is inexplicably hooked. To everyone’s surprise, the music brings Kheng to life and introduces a world where death sentences are drowned out by deafening beats. The music gradually brings the family together, revealing unlikely lessons about how to love, live, and be happy, in the strange and wonderful rave that is life..

The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny

The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny

A hard-hitting new production of Kurt Weill’s Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny by the Catalan collective La Fura dels Baus at the Teatro Real de Madrid. Composed in the 1930s by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht, this is a mordant satire on capitalism and the inexorable industrialisation of a society in which the ultimate crime is not having money. In twenty scenes the authors tell the story of a city lost in the middle of a desert and run by three thugs; in Mahagonny food, sex, gambling and violence rule supreme..