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8 Ball Clown

8 Ball Clown

Addicted to Heroin and tormented by children, 8 Ball the clown tries to end his life and the torment, but he's just not able to, so he tracks down the kids who have been calling and calling and starts to play a game. Oh, I'll find you, I'll find you and then we're going to play all day. 8 Ball's mind is twisted from the Heroin and he brings a whole new meaning to playing. 8 Ball is so twisted that he will simply torment you..

Apocalypse Clown (Janaina Reis)

Apocalypse Clown (Janaina Reis)

2020, the year that should have ended in 2018, drove humanity to despair and opened a rift in time that repeated 2020 in updated versions, true upgrades of misfortune. To save what's left of the world and restore order we need someone who will fearlessly and boldly rush into danger. Who can defend us? Sérgio Malandro? Do I live? Rambo? Chapolin Colorado?.

Tickles the Clown

Tickles the Clown

The year is 4044. As the battle between the blood-thirsty Illuminati forces and the human resistance rages on, Tickles The Clown - a.k.a. the Mauler Of Innocents - escapes the Gag and Tag prison camp and joins the Illuminati forces. Hold your screams. In space no one can hear you laugh..

Once a Clown

Once a Clown

In a universe where Clowns are an ethnic minority, recently divorced father-of-one Richard Plews battles against inequality and alcoholism..

Son of Clowns

Son of Clowns

Minor TV star Hudson Cash loses his show, and his family's backyard circus is floundering. After returning home to live with his parents, he finds adjusting to life back in North Carolina his most challenging role yet..

Coluche : Un Clown ennemi d'État

Coluche : Un Clown ennemi d'État

En octobre 1980, Coluche annonce qu'il est candidat à l'élection présidentielle. Il forme une équipe de campagne constituée de gauchistes et de militants. Ce qui a commencé comme une farce prend un tour plus sérieux quand est publié un sondage le créditant de 16% d'intentions de vote. Pourtant, cinq mois plus tard, Coluche annonce qu'il abandonne la course à la présidence. L'humoriste avait subi les pressions du pouvoir, Giscard d'Estaing étant l'une de ses cibles favorites. Mais François Mitterrand, le candidat du Parti socialiste, avait aussi approché Coluche pour le convaincre d'abandonner et de se rallier à lui..



Clowns are more than jesters; they hold a mirror up to society. They move between the worlds and like to break rules, albeit with a wink. At the same time, clowns are contradiction experts by nature, because they know on the one hand that life is far too short to be sad, and on the other hand use their art not only to entertain us but to make oppression and violence visible and attackable..

Tears of the Clown

Tears of the Clown

A Serial killer clown living a double life of murder and working an office job has to come to terms with who he really is while a subversive cop tracks him down..

Clown Motel Massacre

Clown Motel Massacre

A group of ghost hunters, The Paranormal Searchers Squad, travel to the Clown Motel to see for themselves if the legend of William McReady, a murderous motel owner with a clown fetish, is true. While they're investigating the motel and cemetery for paranormal activity they start to lose track of one another. One by one the group becomes smaller and more fearful for their lives. Is the ghost of William McReady abroad? Will they live to tell their story?.

Death of a Clown

Death of a Clown

Criminal commissioner Hagen Walsken investigates the missing Anna Padberg, who fell into the hands of an insane clown. Only one woman survived this clown several years ago and has been silent in an institution since then. Hagen tries to question her anyway. But the chaos breaks out when the clown finds out where his former victim is now. Now he's more deadly than ever. But Anna remains missing..

Joker Rising 2: The Clown Prince

Joker Rising 2: The Clown Prince

The Joker rises to fame while Batman's popularity with the people of Gotham fades. The Clown Prince has them fooled - The fear and savagery that he is about to bring upon then will shock even the most hardened of criminals..