

voir film Focus streaming vf

Zero Focus

Zero Focus

La vie semble être rose pour Sadako alors qu'elle a hâte de commencer une nouvelle vie avec son nouveau mari Kenichi. Juste après leur lune de miel, Kenichi part à Kanezawa pour ce qu'il promet d'être un bref voyage d'affaires. Cependant, il finit par disparaître sans un mot. Inquiète, Sadako se rend à Kanazawa pour enquêter sur la disparition de son mari, rencontrant la riche mondaine Sachiko et la réceptionniste Hisako en cours de route. Bientôt, Sadako se rend compte à quel point elle sait peu de choses sur son mari et ce que ces deux femmes ont à voir avec sa disparition..

Kinematics Theory - Prequel The Ambiguous Focus

Kinematics Theory - Prequel The Ambiguous Focus

Zhang Zhe, étudiant en mathématiques quitte sa ville natal pour la grande ville. Zhang Nan, lui aussi quitte sa ville natal pour rejoindre une école prestigieuse et entrer dans l'équipe de natation. Tous deux se connaissent depuis l'enfance mais n'ont jamais pu se comprendre. Pensant ne plus se voir, ils se retrouvent tout deux dans la même université, ayant certains cours en commun et camarade de chambre. Tous deux décident que tout va changer. Zhang Zhe est un génie en mathématiques mais il est atteint de phobie sociale. Zhang Nan est un grand athlète en natation mais il ne supporte plus les ambitions de son père qui l'utilise comme une machine à compétition. Après les rancœurs passées, ensemble ils vont s'aider mutuellement, Nan en tant que coach de vie et Zhe va redonner un sens au sport..

Auto Focus

Auto Focus

Dans les années soixante, Bob Crane est l'animateur vedette d'une émission de radio à succès. C'est aussi un père de famille comblé. Lorsqu'il se voit proposer le rôle principal d'une série humoristique, c'est le début d'une gloire aussi grande que destructrice. Sa célébrité et la rencontre de John Carpenter, un technicien vidéo qui le pousse à développer son obsession de l'image et des femmes. Au cours de sa quête effrénée de plaisir et de sexe, Bob Crane va peu à peu perdre sa famille, ruiner sa carrière et se perdre lui-même....



Chiang Chih-heng, a former mercenary now known as “The Bodyguard,” is the owner of Krisis, a security consultancy company that protects public figures who are chased by the paparazzi. Ting Ruo-chin is nicknamed the “Variety Queen” for her dogged ability to chase down celebrity gossip exclusives as a tabloid journalist for “V-Focus.” On their way to a news event, they become stranded on a desert island together. There they'll need to work together to survive and to make all the efforts to escape..



A short, direct and to-the-point media-commentary thriller. A sleazy TV producer trying to exploit a quiet otaku (an obsessive hobbyist) whose hobby is electronic eavesdropping ends up getting a lot more than he bargained for when they eavesdrop on the wrong conversation and he prods said otaku into helping him "investigate" the lead, only to find out that some things (and people) are not always as they seem, when a minor altercation causes things to take a rather nasty turn.....

Out of Focus

Out of Focus

A magazine publisher called Out Of Focus hires a new female camerawoman. This company is located in Tokyo. The new photographer moves from outside the city to Tokyo and upon arrival and on her first day is tasked with immediately snapping pictures. Her boss sends her on a mission with a senior colleague. The senior cameraman uses rogue ways surprising his new colleague. A new assignment related to a former Japanese Prime Minister falls on her lap. The court does not look fondly at photography of this kind..

Girls Under Glass - Focus

Girls Under Glass - Focus

At this year's M'era Luna Festival, Girls Under Glass will celebrate their 20th anniversary on the main stage with a number of 'special guests' and other surprises. This festival appearance will be followed with the release of the DVD retrospective 'Focus - 20 Years Of Girls Under Glass'. To prepare this video project the band sifted through over 100 hours of footage, portions of which appear in a documentary feature which includes concert clips, band interviews, and behind-the-scenes clips. In addition, the DVD includes the complete concert at last year's Wave Gothik Treffen in Leipzig plus additional promo clips..

The Focusing Effect

The Focusing Effect

For his final project for film class in college, Kevin Morris, with the help of his girlfriend Julie and his roommate Jay, is making a documentary in which ex-couple share their breakup stories individually. When he comes across a disturbing secret involving one of his subjects (Ashley), he goes against his better judgment and shares it with Ashley's ex-boyfriend, James. But when the results are anything but satisfying, things start to get dangerous as James acts more ominous and it seems the lives of Kevin, Julie, Jay, and Ashley are soon in question..