

voir film Dead Girls streaming vf

Music to Watch Dead Girls By

Music to Watch Dead Girls By

The camera moves across three domestic interiors in Music to Watch Dead Girls By. Shot as a seamless tracking shot, it reconstructs reenactment scenes from reality crime television programs. Departing from the story itself, it concentrates on the space that is constructed by the traces left by inhabitants and events..

The Dead Girl's Feast

The Dead Girl's Feast

"The Dead Girl's Feast" narrates the story of Santinho, a young man who has been exalted to the position of a saint in a remote riverine community of the upper Amazonas state, after performing a “miracle” upon the suicide of his own mother. The film seeks to be an intimate picture of the ones who are involved in this sect and of the infinite human capacity of “fabricating” faith and seeking for some sense in the horrifying experience of death..

La revanche des mortes vivantes

La revanche des mortes vivantes

Un motard déverse un produit douteux dans la citerne remplie de lait d'un camion. Par la suite, trois jeunes filles trouvent la mort en absorbant le blanc breuvage. La police pointe du doigt l'usine chimique de la région mais pour le directeur, il ne peut s'agir d'un produit de son usine. Un directeur pas très honnête, qui, pour gagner de l'argent, soudoie un homme afin qu'il s'occupe de se débarasser des déchêts chimiques de son usine. L'homme ne trouve rien de mieux que de déverser les déchets dans le cimetière. Ce qui va provoquer la résurrection des trois jeunes filles, qui vont ensemble accomplir une effroyable vengeance....

La morte vivante

La morte vivante

Un accident impliquant des produits toxiques réveille une belle héritière décédée quelques années auparavant. Avec l'aide de l'un de ses amis d'enfance, elle va combler son insatiable soif de sang..

Dead Girl Walking

Dead Girl Walking

Sayuru is an ordinary teenage girl. But one day everything changes when she learns that she apparently died. Even though she is dead, she is still in the mind and wandering around at home on days like a ghost. But her family is ready to do anything to get rid of the ghost..

Ectasy Psychic Girl MIKO -Love of the Dead-

Ectasy Psychic Girl MIKO -Love of the Dead-

R-15 Cut of Lesbian Ghost Yoko, a female novelist, is frightened by the shadows of ghosts that appear nightly. Through an introduction by an editor she knows, Yoko requests a medium, Miko. When Miko is shown around the house, she senses the presence of a strong 'feeling' that stays in this place. According to Yoko, it is probably her former lover, Luna.

Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay

Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay

A meteor lands in Japan and the fallout creates a “shield” around Tokyo, encasing the city in a foggy darkness. A state of martial law is declared. People are in a panic as violent crime and corruption spreads throughout the region and punk gangs are ruling the streets. As if things weren’t bad enough, a chemical reaction from the meteor unleashes a deadly virus and now the dead are coming back to life as flesh-eating zombies!.

Harlots of the Caribbean

Harlots of the Caribbean

While scuba diving, Jill's boyfriend Dustin finds a doubloon necklace and the diary of Morganna, a pirate who sailed the coast 200 years ago. With the diary is a treasure map that takes them and their friends Susan and Joe to a mountain cabin. Before setting out in search of the treasure, the four hold a séance using instructions they find in the diary. It brings Morganna and her mate, Captain Tygus, back to life. It's a race for the treasure. Morganna and Tygus will stop at nothing. What about the necklace?.

The Beautiful Dead Face of a Pretty Girl: sign

The Beautiful Dead Face of a Pretty Girl: sign

The third in the series about a high school girl who gets caught up in a series of disappearances. Mayuka, a member of the drama club, happens to come across a script with eerie contents. Immediately after that, she begins receiving a constant stream of silent phone calls....

La peur au ventre

La peur au ventre

Alors qu’il n’aspire manifestement qu’à roupiller derrière son bureau, l’inspecteur Capuana se voit confier une affaire criminelle des plus délicates. Le cadavre d’une jeune femme adultère vient en effet d’être retrouvé égorgé et lacéré, couvert de clichés sexuellement explicites. Le crime passionnel pourrait être une piste si les morts n’en venaient pas à se succéder à un rythme de plus en plus soutenu. Pressé par ses supérieurs, Capuana cumule les fausses pistes avant d’être lui-même contacté par le tueur....