

voir film Anaconda streaming vf

National Geographic : Anacondas, les géants du Vénézuela

National Geographic : Anacondas, les géants du Vénézuela

La savane marécageuse vénézuélienne abrite un des plus gros serpents du monde : l'anaconda. A l'âge adulte ce superbe prédateur qui tue ses victimes et ses proies en les étranglant n'a pratiquement plus d'ennemis. Mais il doit partager son territoire avec d'autres chasseurs redoutables comme les caïmans, piranhas, jaguars et autres pumas qui n'hésitent pas à s'attaquer aux petits, abandonnés par la femelle très rapidement après leur naissance..

Anaconda Targets

Anaconda Targets

"Anaconda Targets , a documentation tape of aerial bombings by the American military in Afghanistan, depicts the devastating effect of smart bombs. Not often featured in media reports, the soldiers' voices form the soundtrack that accompanies these chilling images. The document has been appropriated by filmmaker Dominic Angerame as a critique of his government's military aggression." - Susan Oxtoby.

Anacondas: Silent Scream

Anacondas: Silent Scream

A village in the amazon is attacked by anacondas, the village chief knows that the best way to deal with this situation is to call: The Venom Order. Once they arrive there, they will have to face not only the terrible threat but, something that even they don't expect to find..

Deep Sea Mutant Snake

Deep Sea Mutant Snake

After his fiancé sudden death, Qin Yu is convinced Cass Corporation is somehow involved and is determined to find the truth. Booking passage on the same cruise ship as former Cass employee, Jason, Qin Yu follows him. Qin Yu hopes to secure the information he needs on Cass to be able to testify against them in court. But Qin Yu isn’t the only person on board hoping to gain intel on Cass. Desperate for a story, reporter Feng Li tails both Qin Yu and Jason, booking passage on the same cruise. Unfortunately, no one has much of a chance to gain information as the ship is suddenly attacked by giant mutant snakes. Escaping the attack, the survivors find themselves on the very island Cass Corporation has been conducting their illegal experiments. Hunted by monsters of all sorts, will any of the survivors find a way to bring Cass down and make it off the island alive?.

The Trek

The Trek

Reports of a sighting of an extraordinary elephant lead the members of the Asian Elephant Conservation group aided by foreign researchers on a dangerous journey deep in the jungle. It takes them on a dangerous route used for smuggling amphetamine. Heading into the jungle, the team starts encountering tragedy after tragedy. Will they find this extraordinary elephant?.