

You Are Not Alone voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

House Trap

House Trap

Un jeune couple californien emménage dans un manoir en Angleterre. Très vite, ils découvrent que la demeure est également occupée par un homme à l'esprit dérangé. Commence alors un jeu du chat et de la souris....

You'll Never Walk Alone

You'll Never Walk Alone

Xia Yuan, an executive of a travel company, got engaged to her boyfriend Song Hangyu on her 30th birthday. It was a great harvest in both career and love. But at the engagement party, Song Hangyu disappeared. Xia Yuan found out that Song Hangyu had gone abroad, so he dropped everything and gave himself a year to look for Song Hangyu. On the other hand, Hao Weiwei, who had a relationship with Xia Yuan in Shanghai, was arranged by his father to go abroad to work and train due to the bankruptcy of his father's company. Ye Siqi, a girl born in 1995, and Qiao Bin, who grew up in Shanghai, got married and divorced. Ye Siqi, who was hot-headed and wanted to pursue a new life, also embarked on a journey. Qiao Bin, who regretted the divorce, followed Ye Siqi's footsteps and went abroad. They met by chance and went on the road together..

Alone With You

Alone With You

Maria, a 45-year-old alcoholic woman who lives in Spain, has lost custody of her daughters. That's the reason why she has traveled to Argentina, the country in which her daughters are living with her ​​ex-husband, whom she divorced after a tempestuous marriage..

Only You Alone

Only You Alone

Since her grandfather died, Chi Li has lived alone in the house of an aunt who is abroad. She has no contact with her parents. It is a lonely life, but Chi Li is doing fine. She has a job at a cinema and no need for a relationship. She protects herself this way because who would want her as a girlfriend? Chi Li has epilepsy. In north-eastern China where she lives, this means she simply isn't marriage material. When a boy nevertheless shows interest, some warmth seems to penetrate her armoured existence. However, a romantic trip to a dance performance painfully reminds her of her past as a dancer. Only You Alone is a powerful portrait of a courageous young woman, made all the more so by the great acting of Chi Yun, who co-wrote the script with director Zhou Zhou..

You're Not Alone

You're Not Alone

Aspirant à une seconde chance, cinq Berlinois en panne d'inspiration, dont un physicien et une ex-actrice, cherchent une lueur d'espoir qui leur redonnera goût à la vie..

Alone With You

Alone With You

Another day in the life of Julio, after the death of his wife, Camélia. Since that day his life has changed. He is an old man with a lot of life experience, with many memories and experiences. Today, Júlio decides to leave his wife's ashes in their little corner, the place where they were happiest..

You Alone

You Alone

In their spare time, after their studies or their work, children and adolescents between the ages of eight and sixteen meet at the School of Bullfighting in Madrid to learn the Art of Cúchares: Torear. In their stomachs there is no hunger as in the past, their dreams do not lie in having a farmhouse and being famous. Their only dreams are to be in front of a bull, animal with which death goes, fact of which they are fully aware, as their teachers continually remind them. These, retired bullfighters, some by age, others by force and all with their bodies full of scars produced by the horns of a bull..

Plus jamais seul

Plus jamais seul

Santiago du Chili. Pablo, un jeune lycéen se découvre une passion pour le cabaret. Mais un jour il est victime d'une violente agression homophobe qui le laisse dans le coma. Désespéré Juan, son père, met tout en oeuvre pour trouver les coupables….

I Sing for You Alone

I Sing for You Alone

Un bon ténor terrifié par le public est exploité par deux « camarades » Gilberto et Andrea. À défaut de se produire, caché derrière la scène, il « prête » sa voix à Gilberto de sorte que celui-ci devient célèbre à sa place, mais lorsque le succès arrive, le chanteur surmonte sa peur et reprend possession de sa voix..

You Will Never Walk Alone

You Will Never Walk Alone

A Liverpool FC fan accidentally hits a rival female fan during a match against Manchester United. Instead of going to jail, the assailant agrees to act as a caretaker for a grumpy old man for a month. As the young hooligan tries to quell the old man's temper, he inadvertently discovers that there are more important things to life than soccer and money..

You All and I Alone

You All and I Alone

Deniz is a lecturer loved by his surroundings. There is electricity in Deniz's flat while there is a power outage covering the whole of Istanbul. Feeling lucky at first, Deniz starts to get lonely as the interruption continues..

Eric – You Will Never Walk Alone

Eric – You Will Never Walk Alone

Eric is a young blindman who as always tried to fight for an independent life and better conditions. When the imagination is used as a wonderful tool to create images, we can discover more about us. "How you imagine the world determines how you live in it.”.

You're not alone

You're not alone

Ayano has returned to her parents' house. My parents' house is a house in a shopping district. However, the town was lonely due to the epidemic, and his parents' home was gone. Many stores were closed. A postcard arrived from a flower shop run by a childhood friend. The florist changed its shape and continued to operate..

You'll Never Walk Alone: 30 Years After the Hillsborough Stadium Disaster

You'll Never Walk Alone: 30 Years After the Hillsborough Stadium Disaster

It is April 15th, 1989. Thousands of fans are rushing into Hillsborough stadium in Sheffield to watch the FA-Cup semi-final between Liverpool FC and Nottingham Forrest. The day ends with one of the greatest tragedies in football: 96 people do not survive the catastrophe of Hillsborough. 766 get injured. The 30-minute-long documentary especially gives a voice to the survivors..