

Underwater streaming vf complet gratuit

Fascination Coral Reef Mondes Mystérieux Sous-Marin

Fascination Coral Reef Mondes Mystérieux Sous-Marin

Souvent surnommés "les Perles de l'Océan Indien", les Maldives cachent leurs plus précieux trésors sous la surface des vagues les récifs coralliens. Découvrez des forêts de coraux colorés à couper le souffle. Observez des tortues nageant à la recherche de nourriture. Esquivez les énormes nuées de poissons colorés qui trouvent refuge dans les nombreuses failles et crevasses. Laissez-vous surprendre par la diversité de la vie qui fourmille sur les barrières de corail le tout dans une magnifique 3D..

Le Bateau : l'histoire d'une superproduction sous-marine

Le Bateau : l'histoire d'une superproduction sous-marine

Un film sur le destin de l'équipage d'un sous-marin allemand en 1941 devient un succès mondial 36 ans après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en 1981. Des millions de spectateurs dans le monde entier font de « Le Bateau » le film allemand qui a connu le plus grand succès international de tous les temps. Litiges sur le scénario, accidents sur le plateau, voire accusations de glorification de la guerre ; à maintes reprises, le projet est sur le point d'être annulé..

Underwater Thailand: Swimming with Sharks

Underwater Thailand: Swimming with Sharks

The dive sites around Phuket are among the most fascinating in the world. Colourful coral reefs, puffer fish and turtles are among the extraordinary sea dwellers living in an 85 meter-long sunken ferry. These 3D dives in paradise make a spectacular highlight. Experience a unique underwater tank dive with sharks at Siam aquatic World in Bangkok. For anyone who meets the three half-meter-long sand tiger sharks in this way, their experience is never to be forgotten..

Underwater Warrior

Underwater Warrior

Based upon the life of Commander Francic D. Fane (USNR), UnderWater Warrior follows the evolution of the US Navy's Underwater Demolition Unit from its inception near the end of World War II through its acceptance and finally successful utilization in Korea. Landmark underwater camera work makes Underwater Warrior a milestone in cinematic history..

The Underwater Realm - Part V - 149 BC

The Underwater Realm - Part V - 149 BC

The height of Roman power. The greatest army the world has ever known – or, at least, that it remembers. Far down in the depths of the ocean, the remains of another power still survive, desperately eking out an existence. History has many secrets, and none more so than the mission of a certain Roman fleet, long lost in the murk of time..

The Underwater Realm - Part II - 1942

The Underwater Realm - Part II - 1942

World War II. British Spitfires and German Messerschmitts swarm in a furious dogfight.. A Spitfire is hit. The plane plummets helplessly into the water, gliding down through the sea. As his cabin fills with water, the desperate pilot tries to escape….

The Underwater Realm - Part IV - 1208

The Underwater Realm - Part IV - 1208

A medieval girl stands at the edge of a clifftop. Behind her, a gaunt castle, the Lord who has claimed her for his wife, and the cruel execution of her lover. Before her, cold dark waves. She leaps. As she falls through the waters, her long dress blooms out around her. She lets out her last breath. Even as her vision blurs, she catches a glimpse of his face….

Underwater Iceland

Underwater Iceland

Marko Röhr's film crew takes the viewer to Europe's last unexplored area: Iceland's unique underwater world. We explore the geysers of boiling waters and the crystal clear lakes off the coast of Iceland. We dive under the icebergs, into the tears between the continental plates and into the deep caves..

Underwater Upside Down

Underwater Upside Down

Underwater Upside Down is an oddball comedy about two Malibu brothers whose parents tragic death 20 years ago left them with a whole lot of money, a ton of ambition and a toolbox devoid of tools. With a squandered inheritance and one week to salvage their future, they have to navigate their way through a world of Russian contractors, tween actresses, aging hippies and golf-club billionaires. Last thing they want is a naked amnesiac showing up at their door... But maybe she's exactly what they need..

The Underwater Melon Man

The Underwater Melon Man

Unreasonable rhymes, preposterous characters and enchanting music come together in this remarkable animated short film of twenty-five delightful, surreal songs. Featuring music by Bend with a star line-up of New Zealand artists: Neil Finn, Tim Finn, Don McGlashan, Bic Runga, Boh Runga, The Topp Twins, Dave Dobbyn, Jenny Morris, Renée Geyer, John Clarke, Ché Fu, King Kapisi and Chris Knox..

Amphitrite - Underwater Goddess

Amphitrite - Underwater Goddess

Director Damien Krisl had the creative vision to visualize a deity. Beauty, weightlessness, mystery and art were key aspects of the concept. The objective was to mix the elements of fire and water. It was intended to create strong contrasts. On one side the deity had to have the beauty, femininity and delicacy of a seahorse and on the other side the strength and evilness of a dragon. In ancient Greek mythology, Amphitrite was a sea-goddess and wife of Poseidon. Under the influence of the Olympian pantheon, she became merely the consort of Poseidon, and was further diminished by poets to a symbolic representation of the sea. The clip shows the invocation of the goddess..

Escape to Nature: Vol. 2: Underwater Peace

Escape to Nature: Vol. 2: Underwater Peace

This second soothing volume in the Escape to Nature series takes you below the ocean's surface to bask in a series of calming waters amid thriving wildlife of the marine world. Designed to help the viewer reach a peaceful state of mind and prepare the body and soul for relaxation, the program blends a soothing soundtrack of ambient music with a rotating display of breathtaking aquatic imagery..

Underwater Flights

Underwater Flights

Underwater Flights is comprised of ten film short stories that depict events occurring between 1820 and 1940. This was a time when clever men invented flying machines, submarines started traveling underwater, warships were built in Tallinn, bombs were thrown from zeppelins and planes started to fly across oceans. These stories about wild times and creative people are told by film newsreels, private letters, intelligence reports and bedtime stories....

Octonauts - 15 Underwater Adventures

Octonauts - 15 Underwater Adventures

Beluga Whales, Lost Sea Star, Dolphin Reef Rescue, Seahorse Tale, Crafty Cuttlefish, Baby Dolphin, Manta Rays, Damselfish, Lionfish, Cone Snail, Hammerhead Sharks, Albino Humpback Whale, Enormous Elephant, Sardine School, Mixed Up Whales.