

Toxicity voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Princess and Toxicant

The Princess and Toxicant

A Chinese village run by beautiful women turns out to be more than the local men bargained for--especially if they have any idea of seducing the local beauties, then running out on them..

Hazaribagh: Toxic Leather

Hazaribagh: Toxic Leather

On the outskirts of Dhaka lies a giant slum of tanneries and over 500,000 people who work in them. Every year this living hell floods the European market with cheap leather. The workers here slave away at archaic machinery in absolute squalor, turning 14 million skins into leather. Toxic products used on the leather burn their skin, cause cancer and kill most before fifty. This film delivers a devastating insight into one of the most terrible places on Earth..

Toxic Playground

Toxic Playground

Lars, 23, is studying film in Chile. Twelve year old Yoselin is a belly dancer and wants to become a doctor. But her hips are beginning to crumble. Lars finds out that hundreds of kids have fallen badly ill because of toxic waste at his home town, Boliden, in Sweden. Lars tries to find out whether the mining company is accountable for what has happened to Yoselin and the other inhabitants of Cerro Chuño. Boliden, one of the biggest mining companies in the world, refuses to take any responsibility for what happened. But Lars finds Rolf, the former head of environment of Boliden. Rolf admits that his advice to the company was necessary for the decision to send the waste to Chile and surprisingly decides to follow Lars back to Chile to find out what really happened..

Toxic Apocalypse

Toxic Apocalypse

Danny's father, a pioneering research scientist, has disappeared. Suspecting foul-play, Danny goes undercover at the research centre where he worked. He soon discovers that there is something sinister at work. It becomes a race against time to save himself, his father and the entire planet! What stands in his way? Gangsters, toxic hobos, shady agents, clown killers, badly dressed desperado chavs, a renegade swat team, street thugs, mad scientists, a news reporter out for blood, a town full of hatred and monster with a taste for dismemberment. Welcome to Haven Port City - It's wrong on so many levels..

Ce qui rime avec toxique

Ce qui rime avec toxique

There’s been another toxic spill. For the city councillor responsible, it’s just a big nuisance, having to endure media scrutiny until the crisis has passed. For the creatures in the lake, however, it’s a catastrophe. One turtle, in her desperate hour, summons up the courage to leave her home and speak truth to power. Turns out there’s more at stake than just the lake. Animated directly under the camera by Lynn Smith using paint and collage, What Rhymes with Toxic is both funny and deadly serious, and a sharp reminder that we are all interconnected..



Acting : Toxic
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