

The Sinner film en francais

The Singapore Grip

The Singapore Grip

Le marchand de caoutchouc Walter Blackett, sa femme Sylvia, sa fille, Joan et son fils, Monty, vivent dans le luxe, loin des problèmes de l'Europe. Mais le fils de son associé M. Webb se rapproche de Joan avant de tomber sous le charme de la mystérieuse réfugiée chinoise Vera Chiang..

The Garden of Sinners: Remix, Gate of Seventh Heaven

The Garden of Sinners: Remix, Gate of Seventh Heaven

Gate of Seventh Heaven nous permet de replonger dans l'univers des six premiers films de la saga The Garden of Sinners. Ce film retrace les moments-clés de l'intrigue de façon chronologique, parfois sous un autre angle plus rythmé, et est agrémenté des principaux thèmes musicaux entendus jusque-là..

The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins

Quand son royaume est renversé par des tyrans, une princesse écartée du trône cherche à se rapprocher d'une bande de chevaliers surpuissants pour récupérer son fief..

The Sinners

The Sinners

Seven girls start a cult where each of them must embody one of the seven deadly sins. They realize there's more to their religious town after they go missing, one by one..

Passion fatale

Passion fatale

Fédor, jeune écrivain russe, tombe amoureux d'une jeune fille, Pauline, qu'il rencontre dans un train et décide de la suivre à Wiesbaden, ville d'eau à la mode où elle va rejoindre son père. Fédor découvre que le général Ostrovski, joueur invétéré, presque ruiné, a promis sa fille Pauline en mariage au directeur du casino pour couvrir ses dettes. Fédor gagne au jeu de quoi racheter les dettes et libérer Pauline mais succombe à son tour cette passion..

Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner

Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner

The murderer Wang Xiang was released on parole after he was released from prison, but an accident caused his past to be exposed. The rebellious young girl was missing. The police, the mother of the girl, and the family of the victim of the year believed that Wang Xiang had committed another crime. How can he break through social discrimination and the forgiveness of the victim’s family to win a new life? (Source: BestMovieCast).

The Sinner

The Sinner

When Vlad was five his mother was killed. And the only person whom Vlad blames for her death is his father . On the 20th anniversary of the tragedy the young man decides to gather all his relatives together to dot all the i's and cross all the t's. But at some point Vlad finds out many facts which totally change his life..

Frank Sinatra, the Main Event

Frank Sinatra, the Main Event

À l’automne 1974, Frank Sinatra, alors au sommet de sa carrière, entame une série de six concerts, tous donnés au Madison Square Garden, en plein cœur de New York. Le dernier, chargé de l'électricité d'un combat de poids lourds, rebaptisé " The Main Event " a été filmé et télédifusé en direct le 13 octobre 1974. Une salle habituellement réservée aux événements sportifs et aux concerts de rock 'n' roll. Sinatra éblouit la foule avec des titres contemporains tels que " You are the Sunshine of My Life " et " Let Me Try Again ", et assène le coup de grâce avec les morceaux phares " My Kind of Town " et " My Way ". Sinatra accueille Robert Redford et Rex Harrison..

The Singer

The Singer

A l'ère de la corruption, Hak-gyu chante des chansons et raconte des histoires dans la rue avec son groupe. Un jour, la femme de Hak-gyu, Gan-nan, est kidnappée par des gangsters et sa fille Cheong perd la vue après l'incident. Il décide de voyager à la recherche de sa femme disparue et découvre la corruption de certains nobles..

The Exquisite Sinner

The Exquisite Sinner

Adapted by Alice Duer Miller from a novel by Alden Brooks, the film concerns a young man who forsakes the humdrum business world for the bohemian life of an artist. Josef von Sternberg had been the original director of Exquisite Sinner, but MGM was dissatisfied with the picture and refused to release it. When the film finally surfaced in 1926 (a full year after its completion), it had been radically altered by staff director Phil Rosen..

The World's Greatest Sinner

The World's Greatest Sinner

A bored insurance salesman quits his job to go into politics. He first starts preaching about how man is greater than he thinks and that man can live forever. He ends up forming his own political party, "The Eternal Man" party. He begins to be referred to as "God". Then he starts having doubts about the eternalness of man..

Zeppo: Sinners from Beyond the Moon!

Zeppo: Sinners from Beyond the Moon!

Empress Molly and planet Zeppo has declared war on planet Earth! She sends out her best troops to raise the dead against Earth! Only the brave researcher Adam Jacobs holds the key to winning the fight against Planet Zeppo! Can he succeed? Can he be inspired by the lusty and wanton president Lloyd Kaufman to get the weapon finished in time? Will he find his true love, Benito Spangler's featured stripper Sage? The world is going down in flames....might as well have a beer! Crazy surreal non PC humor that is equal parts Star Wars and Benny Hill!.