

The Seducer voirfilms

Dark Seduction

Dark Seduction

Laura is a successful plastic surgeon who feels her life is somewhat empty. She meets a young nurse and falls in love and experiences sexuality to a extent not known to her. However, this spiral of desire and seduction is a dangerous game where no one is who they appear to be..

The Art of Seduction

The Art of Seduction

A man and woman have great success in all of their dating pursuits. The woman uses her dating rules and fakes a car accident to capture the guy's attention, but she can't get him to succumb to her charm..

Mimi, metallo blessé dans son honneur

Mimi, metallo blessé dans son honneur

Carmelo Mardocheo, un brave ouvrier sicilien surnommé Mimi, poursuivi par la mafia à cause de ses sympathies pour le parti communiste, assiste en outre au naufrage de son mariage. Pour avoir voté contre le candidat soutenu par l'Organisation, il est contraint de quitter sa ville. Mimi se retrouve à Turin où il fait la connaissance de Fiore, une jeune femme engagée. Il entame une liaison avec celle-ci et ne tarde pas à fonder un foyer à l'insu de sa femme restée en Sicile....

La lycéenne séduit ses professeurs

La lycéenne séduit ses professeurs

Pour la tenir à l'écart des distractions juvéniles de la ville, la belle Angela Mancinelli est envoyée par son père dans une petite ville des Pouilles chez son oncle, directeur de lycée et victime du goliardia de ses élèves. Bientôt, la fille conquiert le cœur de la gérante, de ses compagnes et de sa cousine, qui joue secrètement dans un complexe et est aimée par la plantureuse Irma. Angela vise haut, entrant dans les grâces d'un jeune professeur grincheux. Étant donné le bénéfice limité, les garçons aimeraient profiter des situations à leur avantage, de l'intrusion d'Irma dans la maison du directeur - la scène de la chambre avec l'aide du merle bavard est mémorable - pour faire chanter le professeur via Angela, mais les plans échouent lamentablement avec le rejet général. La protagoniste, qui aurait le même sort, adoucit le maigre avec l'annonce de sa prochaine maternité..

Séduite et abandonnée

Séduite et abandonnée

Peppino habite une petite ville de Sicile. Fiancé à Mathilde Ascalone, il abuse de Agnese, la soeur de Mathilde. Lorsque le père, Vincenzo Ascalone, apprend le déshonneur de sa fille qui maintenant attend un enfant de Peppino, il enferme la fautive et espère convaincre le coupable de réparer son erreur..

The Great Seduction

The Great Seduction

Lorsque l'industrialisation s'abat sur la petite communauté insulaire de Santa Maria del Mar, ses habitants comprennent avec tristesse que c'en est fini de leur mode de vie. Le sort pourrait leur sourire à nouveau avec l'installation d'une conserverie dans le village, mais pour que le projet se concrétise, il leur faut attirer un médecin sur l'île. Leur chef, German, s'emploie alors à convaincre les habitants de "séduire" Mateo, un médecin de ville qui pourrait être agréablement surpris de découvrir que le sport local est le football et que son plat indien préféré est justement un classique de la gastronomie du coin ! Pour German et les résidents de l'île, tout est permis pour persuader Mateo et redonner vie à Santa Maria del Mar..

To Seduce an Enemy

To Seduce an Enemy

Yuki is a celebrity photographer who stumbles upon some unsettling information in this erotic suspense mystery. Two people wind up dead, and Yuki is convinced that a hypnotist is to blame. Now, it's up to Yuki to make the police believe that the improbable suspect really is the murderer before the ruthless killing continues..

La Grande Séduction

La Grande Séduction

À Sainte-Marie-La-Mauderne, un petit village portuaire, les habitants, autrefois de fiers pêcheurs, sont maintenant contraints de vivre des allocations gouvernementales. Au fil des chèques de prestations sociales, la fierté des villageois s'effrite et laisse place à la morosité, la torpeur et le désespoir. Après le départ du maire vers la grande ville, Germain, un des habitants, décide de prendre les choses en main. Afin de répondre aux exigences d'une entreprise qui cherche à y implanter une petite usine, il doit attirer un médecin dans le minuscule patelin. Or qui oserait venir se perdre dans une bourgade aussi reculée ?.

Erotic Twin Killers - The Seduction of the Sisters

Erotic Twin Killers - The Seduction of the Sisters

Face the complicated relationship! Tae-kyeong's first love Chae-bin promises to marry wealthy Seok-dae but Seok-dae is actually in a relationship with his assistant... Then one day, Seok-dae's assistant Eun-soo comes around to Tae-kyeong who is in despair! However, Eun-soo looks so much like Hee-soo who Tae-kyeong thought she'd killed..

Mother's Seduction

Mother's Seduction

Jung-sik helps out a friend and finds himself attracted to his friend's mother. After being caught steeling the mother's underwear, he becomes the victim of the mother's seduction..

Führer and Seducer

Führer and Seducer

In 1938, Joseph Goebbels is at the height of his power for the time being, while Hitler is celebrated by the people. The dictator now marches resolutely towards war. However, the propaganda has put a lot of strain on the subject of peace, so that a sudden change of direction is not possible so quickly. Goebbels' work comes under heavy criticism from his Führer and he does everything he can to regain his reputation and fuel the population's enthusiasm for the war. He triggers the pogrom of 9 November 1938 and plans anti-Semitic films, in the realization of which Hitler intervenes in every detail. An almost perfect and controlled staging succeeds, especially in connection with large mass events. The highlight was the victory parade after the capitulation of France, which was planned down to the last detail. In 1941, Goebbels is back on top with Hitler. With the "Russian campaign", the war really begins for Hitler and the mass murders reach their climax..

Mother's Seduction 2

Mother's Seduction 2

Jeong-hee goes to her parents' home to take care of her sick mother. And then, a young lady, Se-hee, came to Jeong-hee's house to work as a household helper for a while. Yoon-soo, Jeong-hee's son, fell in love at first sight, and her husband, Seok-jin fell asleep from Se-hee's massage. Meanwhile, Jeong-hee who came to her parents' house, met Hyeok-jin who used to like her, and says she will be leaving her home for a while….

Cruel Seduction

Cruel Seduction

"I will come back and get vengeance. You guys will not die pretty." Were the words of Jia Ing, who was filled with vengeance and anger, as fire consumed her soul. Jia Ing was forced out of the house with her mother and another mistress of Jao Sua Sian, when they did nothing wrong. Jia Ing would later return as Ping the eldest daughter of Jao Sua and the main wife. She has returned to get her vengeance as she once uttered..

Seduce Me

Seduce Me

Luka (19) is leaving a youth care centre, his only sanctuary for the past nine years, after his mother and relatives abandoned him. His wish is to find out where his father is buried. At his work, he falls in love with a lively girl named Ajda (19), and they begin a relationship together. While searching for answers from his past, Luka finds out a shocking family secret. He finds his only solace in the love he has for Ajda. He wants to move in with her, but Ajda hides her true feelings from him. Luka soon finds out that Ajda holds a family secret, too..

Tasty Seduction

Tasty Seduction

Yoo-kyung and Min-young are best friends and rivals. Min-young has a boyfriend and is too busy to hang out with Yoo-kyung. Lonely, Yoo-kyung comforts herself with a banana that surprises her when a handsome man pops out of it. Yoo-kyung has a fun time hanging out with the man who is cursed and trapped in the banana. Meanwhile, Min-young's boyfriend confesses to Yoo-kyung that he actually has had a crush on her. However, Min-young finds out what happened and steals the 'special banana'....

Beautiful Sisters: Seduced

Beautiful Sisters: Seduced

A part time student, who works at a book store, is offered a room at his boss’s house to use for his studies. But he takes advantage of the offer to sexually assault the boss’s two daughters..



Seul-gi has a satisfactory life with her rich and caring husband. However, she feels she's lacking something and meets Seung-hwan to whom she is very much attracted to. Seung-hwan is a free spirited man and seduces Seul-gi. The two of them experience an exciting but dangerous relationship. However, her husband Jeong-ho finds out but he's willing to let it go as he knows he loves her but he hasn't been able to care for her much as he's been so busy. He gives her the chance to make a choice and the moment comes where she has to make the right decision....

Lâche-moi les jarretelles

Lâche-moi les jarretelles

Gianni est un homme comblé, à qui tout réussit : brillant architecte, as du tennis, une femme superbe, Gioia. Mais il ne peut s'empêcher de la tromper avec toutes les jolies femmes de son entourage. Lassée des infidélités de son mari, Gioia quitte Rome et le foyer conjugal pour l'île paradisiaque d'Ischia. Elle décide de se venger et monte un scénario à la mesure de sa déception et envoie un message disant qu'elle va prendre une quarantaine d'amants. Descendue dans un hôtel de luxe, elle est bien entendu la cible de tous les mâles de l'Hôtel, notamment du Baron "Brise-Fer". A Rome, Gianni devient fou de jalousie et multiplie les bourdes..