

The Predator voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Predator on the Reservation

Predator on the Reservation

FRONTLINE and The Wall Street Journal investigate the decades-long failure to stop a government doctor accused of sexually abusing Native American boys for years, and examine how he moved from reservation to reservation despite warnings..

Horreur à Séoul : La traque d'un prédateur

Horreur à Séoul : La traque d'un prédateur

Entre 2003 et 2004, le tueur en série Yoo Young-chul a tué au moins 20 personnes à travers toute la capitale de la Corée du Sud, Séoul. Ses cibles ? Des prostituées et des personnes âgées fortunées. Les enquêteurs et profileurs criminels impliqués dans l'affaire révèlent comment ils ont travaillé sur les homicides pour réussir à livrer Yoo Young-chul à la justice..

The Tiktok Man Catching A Predator

The Tiktok Man Catching A Predator

For over a decade, a predator in Denmark has used social media as his hunting ground, leading to over 400 reports of online sexual harassment, violence and rape; victims share their stories as one mother works to build what could be a landmark case..

Predators of the Animal World

Predators of the Animal World

A real and detailed insight into the cruel and vicious world that is the natural way of survival of the fittest. This program follows predators from all areas of food chains of a varying list of geographical ecosystems. Footage from around the world shows a face of nature that in rarely seen and even less rarely caught on tape..

Predator: The Secret Scandal of J-Pop

Predator: The Secret Scandal of J-Pop

Johnny Kitagawa’s legendary male-only talent agency trained young boys to become superstars. But for over 50 years, Japan has kept Kitagawa’s dark secret – a long history of allegations of sexual abuse, made by boys in his agency. Even after the music mogul’s death in 2019, the Japanese media remained largely silent. Why? Journalist Mobeen Azhar explores the suffocating reality of being a J-pop idol and the influence that Kitagawa had on the media, and exposes the brutal consequences of turning a blind eye..

Super Predator: Preludes of the Black Fish

Super Predator: Preludes of the Black Fish

Contemporary blaxploitation film about the parallels between the predator-prey relationship of a black man facing the prejudicial bounds of society. The embodiment of the black fish takes the shape of the black man who is vulnerable to being fed on by society. He reflects the underlying qualities, while showing that the integrity of his dispositions reveals much more..

Predators of the Wild: Bats

Predators of the Wild: Bats

Fascinating footage of swooping bats, their remarkable habits and habitats, and close-up looks at their interesting yet eerie faces are featured in this documentary, volume seven of the Predators of the Wild series. Most bats eat insects, which may not always come to mind when one thinks of predators and prey -- although the fact that a swarm of bats can eat 30,000 pounds of insects in one night is staggering. Bats make up almost one-fourth of all of the mammals in the world, but only three species of bats are "true vampires" who rely on the blood of other animals for sustenance..

Predators of the Wild: Shark

Predators of the Wild: Shark

From the Discovery Channel comes the animal series Predators of the Wild. Shot on location, footage provides viewers an up-close look at some of the planet's most notorious beasts. The episode Sharks transports viewers to the undersea domain of these fearsome carnivorous creatures. See great whites, makos, and hammerheads and learn why they do what they do. Informative as well as entertaining, this video also addresses serious conservation and animal preservation issues..

Predators of the Wild: Snake

Predators of the Wild: Snake

A variety of unusual and frightening snakes are featured in this program. These unpredictable reptiles have appeared in both nature and recorded history for thousands of years. The huge appetite of the monstrous python and the toxicity of the Gaboon Viper are examined. Experts also comment on the spitting cobra's ability to hit its distant targets. The eating and mating habits of tropical sea snakes are compared to other snakes that exist exclusively on land. There's additional information about how snakes birth their young and how likely a particular snake is to attack when provoked..

Predators of the Wild: Lion

Predators of the Wild: Lion

Shot on location in the famed Etosha Basin of Namibia in southern Africa, this video examines the habitat and habits of the lion, a regal-looking big cat that lives in groups called "prides." The program is part of a multi-volume Time Warner series that markets the ferocious, killing aspects of various wild animals. As a predator, the lion has a broad range of prey to choose from. The Etosha Basin is home to elephant, zebras, giraffe, wildebeests, eland, kudu, springbok, and black-faced impala..

Predators of the Wild: Wolf

Predators of the Wild: Wolf

Wolf... archetypal symbol of untamed ferocity and elemental, almost supernatural cunning. Drawn to the chase by the eerie howls of their killing song, the pack forms a single, bloodthirsty entity, bent on relentless pursuit, inevitable capture and swift, certain death. Journey to the spectacular, isolated mountain realms of northern Spain, where the last remaining Iberian wolf pack wages a mortal battle for survival. The wolves' legendary intelligence, their lethally effective social hunting skills and awesome powers of endurance are all put to the ultimate test in a life and death struggle against man's most modern weapons... and most primitive fears..