

The Game

The Game

The Game

Trois millionnaires proposent à des gens de passer une nuit dans une maison et de gagner une forte somme d'argent s'ils y surmontent leurs peurs les plus enfouies..

Indie Game : The Movie

Indie Game : The Movie

Documentaire dédié aux jeux vidéo "indépendants". Autrement dit, des jeux vidéo réalisés par des créateurs, solitaires ou en petit groupe, qui jouissent d'une liberté de création totale car ils ne sont pas soumis à des contraintes de rentabilité économique. Le film suit le quotidien des artistes à l'origine de ces jeux..

The Ivory Game

The Ivory Game

Deux documentaristes infiltrent le réseau mondial et corrompu du trafic d'ivoire, exposant braconniers et vendeurs qui menacent d'extinction les éléphants d'Afrique..

Imitation Game

Imitation Game

1940 : Alan Turing, mathématicien, cryptologue, est chargé par le gouvernement Britannique de percer le secret de la célèbre machine de cryptage allemande Enigma, réputée inviolable. À la tête d'une équipe improbable de savants, linguistes, champions d'échecs et agents du renseignement, Turing s'attaque au chef-d'œuvre de complexité dont la clef peut conduire à la victoire. IMITATION GAME relate la façon dont Alan Turing, soumis à une intense pression, contribua à changer le cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de l'Histoire. C'est aussi le portrait d'un homme qui se retrouva condamné par la société de l'époque en raison de son homosexualité et en mourut..

The Lying Game

The Lying Game

Emma, a kind-hearted foster kid who can't catch a break, finds out she has an identical twin sister, Sutton, who - unlike Emma - was adopted by wealthy parents and is seemingly living an ideal life. After their initial meeting, Sutton talks Emma into stepping into her life for a few days while she pursues a lead on their birth mother. Initially excited to do this favor for her sister, Emma soon learns that Sutton has gone missing and could be in trouble. Now, Emma must decide whether to come clean to Sutton's family and risk her own safety in the hope of uncovering her twin sister's true whereabouts, along with the truth about why they were separated in the first place..

The Boston Red Sox: Essential Games of Fenway Park

The Boston Red Sox: Essential Games of Fenway Park

Since its opening on April 20, 1912, generations upon generations of fans have flocked to this baseball sanctuary to experience the magic of Fenway Park, and the essence of baseball. From its renowned Green Monster, single-level seating, and hand-operated scoreboard, to its neighborhood setting, and timeline of history-making moments, Fenway Park is unique, beloved and bedazzling. Fenway Park speaks Boston. Fenway Park glows with baseball. Essential Games of Fenway Park spans five decades of promise, heart-ache, jubilation, and Boston baseball, and salutes the legends that defined these moments which are etched in Red Sox history. Each game of this treasured set was selected by the Red Sox Nation® itself, and the six remarkable games in this set are nothing short of spectacular..

Squid Game : Le défi

Squid Game : Le défi

Dans cette compétition de téléréalité inspirée de "Squid Game", 456 joueurs mettent leurs aptitudes à l'épreuve pour remporter 4,56 millions de dollars qui pourraient changer leur vie..

Liar Game : The Final Stage

Liar Game : The Final Stage

Ce film est la suite des deux séries (drama). Kanzaki Nao se retrouve une fois de plus mêlée au jeu diabolique du Liar Game pour la dernière épreuve. Au Jardin d'Eden, elle retrouve d'anciens joueurs, notamment Akiyama et Fukunaga, mais également de nouveaux participants, tous déterminés à gagner 50 millions de yens. Dans cette nouvelle épreuve, la confiance est la clé de la réussite, pour le plus grand bonheur de Nao, mais un certain joueur X ne le voit pas du même œil... Nao réussira-t-elle à convaincre les autres que la confiance est plus importante que l'argent ? Akiyama saura-t-il enfin qui se cache derrière le bureau de la LGT ?.

Colour of the Game

Colour of the Game

Da Hua, Ah Chun et quelques autres se retrouvent impliqués dans des aventures sauvages et dangereuses quand ils sont pris dans une épreuve de force entre la police de Chine continentale et les bandits de Hong Kong..

Before the Game

Before the Game

Before The Game is an Australian rules football comedy panel television show airing on Network Ten since 1 March 2003. The show is hosted by Andrew Maher with regular panelists Mick Molloy, Dave Hughes, Anthony Lehmann and Neroli Meadows. The format of the show is light-hearted discussion and analysis of Australian Football League news and views and includes appearances by current players..

The Prince of Tennis : Two Samurais, The First Game

The Prince of Tennis : Two Samurais, The First Game

L'équipe de Seigaku est invitée sur un navire par Sakurafubuki Hikomaro un milliardaire, pour un tournoi d'exhibition contre son équipe de tennis. Tout semble allez bien jusqu'à qu'un dénommé Ryoga... Echizen se présentant comme le grand frère de Ryoma. Un autre défi se présente, l'équipe fait en réalité partie d'un tournoi truqué....

The Newlywed Game

The Newlywed Game

The Newlywed Game is an American television dating game show that pits newly married couples against each other in a series of revealing question rounds to determine how well the spouses know or do not know each other. The program, originally created by Robert "Nick" Nicholson and E. Roger Muir and produced by Chuck Barris, has appeared in many different versions since its 1966 debut. The show became famous for some of the arguments that couples had over incorrect answers in the form of mistaken predictions, and it even led to some divorces. Many of The Newlywed Game's questions dealt with "making whoopee", the euphemism that producers used for sexual intercourse to circumvent network censorship. However, it became such a catchphrase of the show that its founding host, Bob Eubanks, continued to use the word throughout the show's many runs, even in the 1980s and 1990s episodes and beyond, when he could easily have said "make love" or "have sex" without censorship. GSN's version of The Newlywed Game airs reruns throughout the week. Network Bounce TV has acquired the reruns from GSN. In 2013, TV Guide ranked it #10 in its list of the 60 greatest game shows ever..

Jet Lag: The Game

Jet Lag: The Game

Jet Lag: The Game is a travel competition show where instead of traveling to the competitions, travel is the competition. Each season brings a new game where the world is the board, with players competing against each other, sleep deprivation, flight delays, broken-down cars, and the bizarre challenges they quickly regret having created..

The Circus Games

The Circus Games

Le célèbre Balthazar Kane, maître du cirque éponyme, tombé en disgrâce, invite un groupe de personnes socialement influentes dans sa demeure. Il leur promet 250,000$ s'ils parviennent à y passer la nuit d'Halloween ... qui va s'avérer longue et pleine d'embûches....

The Games

The Games

The Games is a British reality television series that ran on Channel 4 for four series, in which 10 celebrities competed against each other, by doing Olympic-style events, such as weight lifting, gymnastics and diving. At the end of the series, the contestants with the most points from each round were awarded either a gold, silver or bronze medal. The show was mainly filmed in Sheffield, at the Sheffield Arena, Don Valley Stadium and Ponds Forge. In later series, the English Institute of Sport – Sheffield, iceSheffield and in series 4 the National Watersports Centre in Nottingham were used for the first time. The Games was presented by Jamie Theakston for the entirety of its run, with track-side reports from Jayne Middlemiss in series 1–3 and Kirsty Gallacher in series 4. The Games also had an after-show called The Games: Live at Trackside, aired on Channel 4's sister channel E4. The first series was presented by Dougie Anderson, whilst the second was hosted by Gamezville presenters Darren Malcolm and Jamie Atiko. Justin Lee Collins and Caroline Flack took over as presenters for the third and fourth series. For the final series an extra one-hour show was added on E4 in the afternoon called The Games: Live at the Heats, and the evening show changed title to become The Games: Inside Track..

Les Petits Champions : Game Changers

Les Petits Champions : Game Changers

Dans le Minnesota, les Mighty Ducks ont réussi à former une équipe de hockey sur glace aussi prestigieuse que compétitrice. Dans son ambition de ne faire appel qu’aux meilleurs, elle se débarrasse sans ménagement du jeune Evan Morrow, 12 ans, qu’elle ne considère pas digne de ses rangs. Or la passion de ce sport anime réellement l’adolescent. Aussi décide-t-il avec sa mère Alex de former sa propre équipe, quitte à ce qu’elle soit composée de bras-cassés. Avec l’aide de l’entraîneur Gordon Bombay, cette formation nouvelle va remettre en cause la culture de la « victoire à tout prix » qui règne dans le sport de compétition….

Hunger Games : La Révolte - Partie 1

Hunger Games : La Révolte - Partie 1

Katniss Everdeen s’est réfugiée dans le District 13 après avoir détruit à jamais l’arène et les Jeux. Sous le commandement de la Présidente Coin, chef du district, et suivant les conseils de ses amis en qui elle a toute confiance, Katniss déploie ses ailes pour devenir le symbole de la rébellion. Elle va se battre pour sauver Peeta et libérer le pays tout entier, à qui son courage a redonné espoir..

The Generation Game

The Generation Game

The Generation Game was a British game show produced by the BBC in which four teams of two competed to win prizes. The programme was first broadcast in 1971 under the title Bruce Forsyth and the Generation Game and ran until 1982, and again from 1990 until 2002. The show was based on the Dutch TV show Een van de acht, "One of the Eight", the format devised in 1969 by Theo Uittenbogaard for VARA Television. Mrs. Mies Bouwman - a popular Dutch talk show host and presenter of the show - came up with the idea of the conveyor belt. She had seen it on a German programme and wanted to incorporate it into the show. Another antecedent for the gameshow was 'Sunday Night at the London Palladium' on ATV, which had a game called Beat the Clock, taken from an American gameshow. It featured married couples playing silly games within a certain time to win prize money. This was hosted by Bruce Forsyth from 1958, and he took the idea with him when he went over to the BBC. During the 1970s, gameshows became more popular and started to replace expensive variety shows. Creating new studio shows was cheaper than hiring a theatre and paying for long rehearsals and a large orchestra, and could secure a similar number of viewers. With less money for their own productions, a gameshow seemed the obvious idea for ITV. As a result many variety performers were recruited for gameshows. The BBC, suffering poor ratings, decided to make its own gameshow. Bill Cotton, the BBC's Head of Light Entertainment, believed that Bruce Forsyth was best for the job. For years, The Generation Game was one of the strong shows in the BBC's Saturday night line-up, and became the number one gameshow on British television during the 1970s, regularly gaining over 21 million viewers. However, things were about to change. LWT, desperate to end the BBC's long-running ratings success on a Saturday night, offered Forsyth a chance to change channel to host The Big Night..