

The Door sokroflix gratuit

The Door

The Door

Two Native Americans; one is hunting, another fishing. Together, they shake a tree and a bounty of fruit falls. They gorge on the bounty, growing huge. They are tempted by a lovely woman; she drops the key to a door, which, when opened, reveals a live-action black-and-yellow montage of modern life (airplanes, traffic jams, etc.). A dispute between the two leads to another montage, this time scenes of war..

Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway

Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway

Paige (Ami Dolenz), une belle artiste se déplace dans un nouvel appartement. Elle commence à recevoir des messages à travers une planche Ouija, se réclamant de l'ancien occupant de son appartement, Susan Sydney. L'ancien locataire prétend qu'elle a été assassiné, mais il n'y a aucune trace d'un assassiner ou même sa mort. Paige se propose de résoudre l'assassiner et comme elle se rapproche de la résolution de Susan la mort, le nombre de morts augmente. Paige craint bientôt elle pourrait être le prochain..

The Doorman

The Doorman

Une membre des Marines, après avoir vécu des événements traumatisants, est de retour chez elle. Devenue concierge d'un immeuble new-yorkais, elle va se retrouver confrontée à des mercenaires bien décidés à mettre la main sur une précieuse oeuvre d'art..

Procès d'un bourreau

Procès d'un bourreau

Un grand-père de Cleveland est jugé en Israël pour un crime ignoble : celui d'avoir été Ivan le Terrible, un tristement célèbre garde de camp de concentration nazi..

The Door

The Door

Une famille américaine mène une paisible existence en Inde jusqu'à ce qu'un accident tragique prenne la vie de leur jeune fils. La mère, inconsolable, apprend qu'un rituel antique peut lui permettre de lui faire un dernier adieu. Elle voyage alors jusqu'à un ancien temple, où se trouve une porte qui sépare le monde des vivants et celui des morts. Mais quand elle désobéit à l'avertissement sacré de ne jamais ouvrir cette porte, elle bouleverse alors l'équilibre entre les deux mondes..

The Door

The Door

After the unexpected death of her twin sister, a young woman makes an escape to her family’s cabin to get away from her own feelings of trauma and guilt. However, things go awry when a mysterious tiny door appears in the bedroom..

Foot in the Door

Foot in the Door

Foot in the Door is a short-lived comedy that aired on CBS in 1983. The series stars Kip Gilman as Jim Foot, a man working at an ad agency in New York, Diana Canova as his wife Harriet and Harold Gould as his recently widowed father Jonah who decides to move in with them. .

The Room Next Door

The Room Next Door

L'histoire est celle d'une mère très imparfaite et d'une fille rancunière séparées par un grand malentendu. Entre les deux, une autre femme, Ingrid, l'amie de la mère, est la dépositaire de leur douleur et de leur amertume. Martha, la mère, est reporter de guerre et Ingrid est une romancière autofictionnelle..

The Door

The Door

In the weeks following a family tragedy, brothers Neil and Chris head out on a hunting trip. After some unexplained events, they soon find themselves face to face with a sight that will stick with them for the rest of their lives: a door in the middle of the woods..

The Door

The Door

When stuck in a waiting room between her "Heaven and "Hell", Nezmia must act fast or be trapped behind the Door forever..

The Door

The Door

After a critical zombie attack, the only survived police must face an investigation from his superior that reveals a painful fact..

The Door

The Door

After the breakup of a long relationship, Kent meets three people with the astonishing ability to enter each others' dreams. Though Kent is skeptical at first, he gradually develops sympathy for the group. But, as he tries to help them with some of their personal problems, Kent discovers that delving into the world of dreams involves dangers of its own..

The Door

The Door

A mysterious abandoned factory started shooting the first day. When carrying actress Zhu Sha, deputy director, "the movie forefront" show host, who dream of a bus to reach the factory, the filming was empty, Lu Zhuren so that we stand at the factory, to go out himself during supper we buy, wait, deputy director bizarre but died in the bathroom where ... in order to find out the truth, we propose a dream to go to the bathroom to look, and sound engineer Dubbo, actress Zhu Sha, the driver sweet daughter Sweet remained in the service of the room, he came back from the bathroom after I saw Dubbo, sweet and Zhu Sha has disappeared. Lu guide the delay did not return, dead, sweet, Zhu Sha, deputy director of the mysterious disappearance with a supernatural event three years ago when the factory shooting. A series of bizarre things still continue ..... but the truth allows us unexpectedly..

The Door

The Door

A year after their daughter's disappearance, Kara and Felix struggle to move on in their own ways as their marriage falls apart around them. But when a mysterious door appears in her kitchen, Kara becomes obsessed with uncovering what lies behind it at any cost. Even as it threatens to reopen old wounds..