

The Box voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Box

The Box

Annie and Harry get stuck in an elevator, what seems like a simple accident starts turning into something else, the flirting turns into suspicion as the hours go by..

Le coffret magique

Le coffret magique

Kay Harker revient du pensionnat pour Noël 1934 quand il se retrouve mêlé à une bataille pour posséder une boîte magique. Le propriétaire actuel de la boîte est un vieil homme appelé Cole Hawlings que Kay rencontre à la gare. Ils développent une amitié instantanée. La boîte permet au propriétaire de réduire sa taille, de changer de forme, de voler, de voyager dans le passé et de découvrir diverses merveilles et créatures magiques. Cole confie la boîte à Kay. L'écolier va vivre de nombreuses aventures au fil du temps alors qu'il protège la boîte..

The Box

The Box

An old bearded man wearing a raincoat walks into a bar and sits down, placing a mysterious box next to him. The other patrons try, with varying success, to find out what's inside. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2003..

The Box

The Box

A young boy playing in a large cardboard box imagines himself to be in a stagecoach, an old steam locomotive, a stunt plane, and a space capsule on the way to the moon. Designed to stimulate imagination and creative expression. For elementary grades..

Les Boxtrolls

Les Boxtrolls

Les Boxtrolls est une fable qui se déroule à Cheesebridge, une ville huppée de l'époque victorienne, dont la principale préoccupation est le luxe, la distinction et la crème des fromages les plus puants. Sous le charme de ses rues pavées, se cachent les Boxtrolls, d’horribles monstres qui rampent hors des égouts la nuit pour dérober ce que les habitants ont de plus cher : leurs enfants et leurs fromages. C'est du moins la légende à laquelle les gens de Cheesebridge ont toujours cru..

The Box

The Box

The Box is a hybrid documentary that explores the effects of solitary confinement through three people’s harrowing true stories – they’ve spent a combined nine years in isolation, and one of them co-directed this film..

The Box

The Box

The Box is an Irish quiz show presented by Keith Duffy. It was first broadcast on TV3 on 9 October 2006 and aired for one series until 27 October 2006. The Box was described as a reality quiz show where the contestants had to live in an isolated glass box in the middle of Dublin. During the day the two contestants worked together to build up a pot of money and every night they battled against each other to see who got to keep the money..

The Box

The Box

The Box was an Australian soap opera that ran on ATV-0 from 11 February 1974 until 11 October 1977 and on Network Ten affiliates around Australia. The Box was produced by Crawford Productions who at the time was having great success producing police procedural television series in Australia. The Box was Crawford's first soap opera, and was launched as a reaction to the enormous success of adult soap opera Number 96. The Box was a drama set in fictional television station UCV-12. It featured elements that satirised the Australian television industry. Characters in the series were said to be modelled on Australian television figures of the day, and many self-referential elements featured. Like Number 96 the series was famous for its adult storylines, frequent nude glimpses, and sexual content..

Quan Dao : The Journey of a Boxer

Quan Dao : The Journey of a Boxer

Ah Ni (CHAN Kwok Kwan), un garçon de 12 ans, doit s'occuper de son père aveugle (Dominic LAM). Il est toujours malmené par la brigade lorsqu'il vend des bâtons fluorescents souvenirs dans la rue pour gagner sa vie. C'est par tragédie que le père d'Ah Ni est devenu aveugle à cause d'un ami, l'oncle Hing. Depuis, il tente de se cacher et de mener une vie paisible avec Ah Ni. Des années plus tard, les deux frères se retrouvent. L'oncle Hing est maintenant professeur dans un studio de boxe et il a promis de bien enseigner à Ah Ni. Ah Ni est une personne serviable. Il aide et se défend chaque fois que quelqu'un est victime de brimades. Sous l'entraînement de l'oncle Hing, son poing devient plus rapide, plus ambigu et plus précis. En effet, le studio de boxe ne fonctionne plus aussi bien qu'avant, faute d'argent pour l'entretenir. Ah Ni et son ami Piggy (avec NGO Ka Nin) souhaitent trouver un moyen de faire gagner de l'argent aux combats clandestins..

The Box

The Box

Every year, thousands of teens are placed in solitary confinement cells in juvenile halls, jails and prisons nationwide. This animation tells the story of Ismael 'Izzy' Nazario and the time he spent in solitary confinement in New York City's Rikers Island jail. This story is based on an investigation by The Center for Investigative Reporting and was created using real audio from an interview with Nazario. Featuring music from Mos Def..

The Box

The Box

The happy life of a Syrian kid alters instantly with the sudden war and he finds himself in a state of struggle. The war changes not only lives, but also the role of his box; first as a carefully built toy house, then as a place to take shelter in a refugee camp with full of dangers and finally as a boat that sails for a journey towards hope..

The Box

The Box

A Latin American fighting for representation of her community in the UK ends up trapped in a bureaucratic nightmare..

The Box

The Box

One day, a young boy wakes up to discover he’s trapped in a box. He then experiences different people as they pass by him, putting together all of the pieces at the what’s going on..

The Box

The Box

Story examines television station UCV-12 attempting to produce a feature-film version of its television series "Manhunt", while an officious efficiency expert investigates the running of the station causing the staff to fear for their jobs..

The Box

The Box

A short film which follows the process of a package delivery, from drop-off at the post office to its arrival at a doorstep..

The Box

The Box

A man received an unexpected package at his house and it's only after opening this box that he will know his faith..