

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones film en francais

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Oganga, The Giver and Taker of Life

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Oganga, The Giver and Taker of Life

En Afrique, Décembre 1916. Malgré désobéissant aux ordres, Indy est promu au grade de Capitaine après la capture d'une mitrailleuse allemande. Il est alors ordonné de traverser la jungle avec Remy et le Capitaine Boucher pour ramasser une cargaison d'armes. Le long de la façon dont son Ubangan Sgt, Barthelemy ramasse le seul enfant survivant d'une maladie monté village en dépit de Boucher les ordres du contre elle. Sur le chemin du retour, Indy et de la société de succomber à la maladie eux-mêmes, et sont captés par Albert Schweitzer et les préposés de sa jungle de l'hôpital. Au premier résistant pour être traités par un allemand, Indy bientôt commence à réaliser que Schweitzer n'est pas intéressé à la guerre, seulement de tenter de guérir les personnes contre toute attente..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Tales of Innocence

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Tales of Innocence

In the sixteenth film in the series, in 1917, Indiana Jones is working to get Austrian deserters safely to the allies side in the Italian Alps. In his spare time, he is wooing an Italian beauty named Guiletta. When he finds out another man is vying for her attention, Indy and his new pal, ambulance driver Ernest Hemingway, make plans to crush Indiana's competitor by smothering Guiletta with presents and compliments. Afterwards, Indiana is begrudgingly ordered to Casablanca to find a traitor who is selling arms to the Berber rebels. Traveling incognito, he is joined by American novelist Edith Wharton and journalist Lowell Thomas. Indy and Edith soon find themselves attracted to each other despite their age difference..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Journey of Radiance

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Journey of Radiance

In the fifth film in the series, in 1910, the Jones family attends a meeting of the Theosophy movement in Benares, India. There young Indy befriends a young boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti who is presented by the society to be the next world teacher and possible messiah. Traveling on to China, mother Jones takes Miss Seymour and Indy on a sightseeing trip while father meets with Chinese translator Yen Fu. Indy becomes ill during a rain storm and the travelers seek shelter with a poor Chinese family. Despite the misgivings of his mother, a local doctor is allowed to treat the boy with acupuncture..