

Tár voirfilms

Les enquêtes d'Erica: La mer donne, la mer reprend

Les enquêtes d'Erica: La mer donne, la mer reprend

A Fjällbacka, petite ville balnéaire suédoise, le photographe local, Stigge, est retrouvé mort dans son atelier, le crâne défoncé par un trépied. Erica, romancière et amie de Stigge, décide d’aider son mari policier dans son enquête. Elle découvre bientôt que, sous ses airs de doux septuagénaire, l’homme était en réalité un maître-chanteur, craint et détesté par une bonne partie des habitants de la localité.

Tar Pit

Tar Pit

Underneath the surface of a sleepy country town a brutal drug war rages as rival crime syndicates battle to control the heroin supply thats fueling a rural epidemic. When Sandra, a young documentary filmmaker, arrives in town committed to exposing the town's dark secrets, an unstable situation turns explosive. For Sandra is the long lost daughter of Devon Green, a savage enforcer for a drug kingpin as powerful as he is cruel. As she delves deeper into the desperate underworld of addiction, greed, and power, Sandra becomes a pawn in a violent drug war. Will Devon stay loyal to his bosses or defend the daughter he never knew? Are blood ties stronger than the lust for money and power?.

To the Tar Sands

To the Tar Sands

To The Tar Sands follows a group of nineteen young environmentalists as they cycle over 1,300 kilometres northbound across Alberta to witness the impacts of Alberta’s tar sands boom firsthand. They talk to farmers, moms and dads, an urban planner, oil industry workers, the chief of a First Nations community and others along the way asking “How has the tar sands boom affected you?” As the kilometres click away, they excavate into their own complicity with Alberta’s rush to develop the tar sands..

Something Begins, Something Ends

Something Begins, Something Ends

A group of guys in suburbia the first summer after graduation. Everything is in a flux and the future is uncertain. A film about the total panic of growing up, about needing a plan for the first time and the reluctance to follow it through..

Vår herre tar semester

Vår herre tar semester

"Our Lord goes on vacation" - Mr. Schwartz and Mr. White looks like ordinary people but are actually supernaturals. Schwartz is emitted by the Devil to spread evil among the people and the White of God to spread goodness..