

Signals voirfilms

The Signal

The Signal

Un matin, le GPS de Jay se détraque, pointant sans relâche vers un mystérieux lac perdu au milieu du désert. Sur un coup de tête, il décide de suivre les indications. A destination, il réalise qu’il n’est pas le seul à avoir été guidé de la sorte : 5 autres personnes ont convergé vers ce lieu au même moment. Pur hasard ou signe du destin ?.

Latamia Hôtel

Latamia Hôtel

Mandatée par sa sœur, Tante Maya amène avec elle de Sumba ses employés loyaux mais rustres, Yos et Melki, pour gérer un hôtel à Anyer. Elle doit également choisir le nouveau directeur parmi les trois principaux employés de l'hôtel : Oci, Sudung et Randi. L'hôtel, qui était auparavant bien géré, cumule les problèmes lorsque les employés se disputent l'attention et l'approbation de Tante Maya..

Intercept: A Century of Signals Intelligence

Intercept: A Century of Signals Intelligence

A thought provoking documentary feature film providing a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of signals intelligence over the past century. Whether you're intrigued by the secretive world of intelligence agencies or concerned about the implications of digital surveillance, this film will leave you with a deeper understanding of the role signals intelligence plays in society..

Mixed Signals

Mixed Signals

Three once-inseparable friends, struggling to come to terms with their changing relationship, inexplicably swap places with characters from their favorite television shows. Hijinks ensue..

Thomas & Friends: Signals Crossed

Thomas & Friends: Signals Crossed

Des rails qui grondent ! Thomas et ses amis s'amusent et font des bêtises en croisant des signaux sur l'île de Sodor. Thomas sort Marion d'un trou profond, tandis que Timothy aide Bill et Ben à résoudre un problème de charbon. Toby confond ses signaux à Knapford Junction, tandis que Duncan fait monter la vapeur en s'occupant d'un passager grincheux. Thomas, Annie et Clarabel freinent des quatre fers lorsqu'un passager provoque une situation confuse et entraîne des retards. Rejoignez Thomas et ses amis dans l'envoi de signaux pour du plaisir et de l'aventure !.

Red Signals

Red Signals

Sabotage on the railroad with trains being derailed and looted. Good coverage of the Santa Fe La Grande Station that was demolished in 1939 due to earthquake damage..

Signals From the Island

Signals From the Island

“Signals from an Island” provides an intimate glimpse into the life of a young Bulgarian astrophysicist. As he explores distant corners of the universe, he faces the challenge of finding meaningful connections..

Crossed Signals

Crossed Signals

A federal agent is sent to a small town to bust up a counterfeiting ring, which is apparently headquartered in the local railway station. The counterfeiters have framed the station's manager for the crime, and she must work with the agent to clear her name and get the goods on the real counterfeiters..

Mixed Signals

Mixed Signals

Judy, Alex and Nick are three friends in their early twenties who haven't quite figured things out. Judy is stuck at a dead-end job and is about to make a big move in her life when her boyfriend unexpectedly proposes to her via voicemail. The engagement ring is coming via express mail and she goes to her best friends to help her decide what to do. Alex is a spendthrift who lives way above his means. Nick, secretly in love with Judy, is a writer who can never quite finish his novel. MIXED SIGNALS is a story about love, friendship, loyalty and the choices we all face..

Distress Signals

Distress Signals

When a fall down a steep rock face separates her from her friends, Caroline finds herself stranded. Now, alone and with a dislocated shoulder, she must make her way out of the woods — and contend with how she got there..

Calming Signals: What Your Dog Tells You

Calming Signals: What Your Dog Tells You

Norwegian dog trainer Turid Rugaas is a noted expert on canine body language, notably calming signals which are signals dogs give other dogs and humans that denote stress. These are dogs attempt to defuse situations that otherwise might result in fights or aggression. The DVD shows footage of many calming signals, how dogs use them, and how you can use them to calm your dog. This is the DVD format and companion to the popular book, On Talking Terms with Dogs. Note - this is not a professionally filmed DVD rather one done by dedicated amateur dog people; however, it does a good job of illustrating the canine body language subjects it addresses. Become a keen observer of canine behavior at home, in the community and among dogs to get better behavior and build a solid relationship. Learn to identify situations that are stressful to your dog so that you can resolve or avoid them. Filmed by the author in lovely outdoor settings, see the signals in action while Turid narrates..

Telemancy Series - signals 01

Telemancy Series - signals 01

Tuning through the television spectrum post-analogue, Richard Nixon (d. 1994), 37th President of the United States, appears to be caught in an endless apologist recital. Recorded in September 2013 on the cusp of the post-analogue era, where the television signals become a conduit and a space for the disembodied and the dead..

Mixed Signals

Mixed Signals

Stricken with an undisclosed illness, the narrator of this reflexive work draws evocative parallels between the darkened hulls of an industrial ocean liner and an increasingly disorienting mental state. Courtney Stephens was inspired by the nautical imagery and turbulent inner monologue of Hannah Weiner’s maritime code poems..