

Reminiscence voirfilms

Réminiscences d'ancien monde

Réminiscences d'ancien monde

The navigation is stormy on the mossy surfaces of colorful lichens lining ancient temples and forgotten monuments: it is a romantic ballad with the archaeological origins of this terrestrial world, drawing on the resources of fossilized memory, printed by subtle stigmata recounting the lost environment, its aquatic fauna and flora, the time when the oceans covered this part of the world .....

Lucid Reminiscence

Lucid Reminiscence

The film Lucid Reminiscence was made for the Thai Film Archive and explored the good old days of the movie theatre through interviews with three people – critics Kittisak Suwanabhokin and Manotham Theamtheabrat and movie director Somkiet Vithuranich. Their faces are not shown during the film. Indeed the only visual stimulation is two abandoned standalone cinemas mostly used to store the paraphernalia of street vendors and children’s playgrounds..

Reminiscences of the Green Revolution

Reminiscences of the Green Revolution

In this vibrant drama about Filipino activists planning a series of protests in 2001, Dean Colin Marcial crafts an intricately layered portrait of idealism, fraying dynamics, and jealousy — all filtered through the point of view of a surprising narrator..



Maung Okkar grew up in a film studio compound amid a family of filmmakers. Reminiscing on the involvement of his family, grandparents and uncles in the Myanmar film industry of the 1980s, Okkar reflects on both the intense creativity of the period and the political conditions against which artists struggled..

reminiscence on the garden

reminiscence on the garden

A gentle and confused home movie in search of a lost space - my grandmother's garden, where I spent my childhood. There is nothing to testify to that place and my time there. There are memories pollinated by the pollen of garden poppies the warmth of my hands, toiling in the sunshine and the stories of adults about the big world. Summer, reveries, childhood, prejudices, the realities of the noughties, a small town - shimmering images that can never manifest, but endlessly manifest themselves. The intimate experience is torn by externalised reality: the formerly Latin poppy becomes a threat to gardeners and gardeners, bugs represent terror and flowers represent death..



This dance short film brings three sensual and brutal duets to the screen. Three stories overlap to tell the memory; what remains of the nostalgic feelings of their union. The choreographies sublimate the cracks that human experience generates and which settle in us like so many emotional vestiges..

Réminiscences d'un voyage en Palestine

Réminiscences d'un voyage en Palestine

En juillet 2002, le dessinateur Daniel Maja se rend en Palestine à la demande du Consulat à Jérusalem et du ministère palestinien de la Culture, pour relancer un projet d’écoles de dessin à Ramallah et à Gaza. Le cinéaste Dominique Dubosc l’accompagne. Le film qui en résulte est la mémoire de ce voyage, ou plutôt, un voyage dans la mémoire des deux voyageurs. Au-delà des péripéties de la "mission Maja", vite oubliée, ce que la mémoire retient ou ramène à la surface est une vision (de plus) de l’intolérable, et en même temps, "le lien subtil, impossible à rompre" qui relie malgré tout l’homme et le monde..

Phoenix: Reminiscence of Flower

Phoenix: Reminiscence of Flower

From time immemorial to the age of space colonization, there is one legend that has stayed unchanged in every history book—the tale of the immortal bird Phoenix. A being whose blood is said to grant eternal life or wisdom, the radiant figure ensures the continuation of sentient life in the universe as it oversees human civilizations and their development. Yet, mankind remains a slave to its habits; from happiness and sorrow, to wrath and love, a myriad of emotions continue to play an integral part of human life. Simultaneously, time and time again, certain beliefs and agendas persist over the centuries to disturb the fragile equilibrium of the world's preordained nature and principles. It appears that fate and its dynamic variables can manifest itself in many ways—and oftentimes exhibits a bizarre sense of humor....

Reminiscences of Yearning

Reminiscences of Yearning

Reminiscences of Yearning is so many ghosts, searching the landscape for traces. there's no sense of the past- it's in the present, searching the footage for what remains, a summoning of the disappeared. We're invited to patiently wait and see if they appear or not. A ritual.. at least..



Kazuo Miyagawa’s prizewinning black-and-white cinematography draws out the moral shadings of Nobel laureate Yasunari Kawabata’s 1952 novel Thousand Cranes, a quietly devastating story of a young man, orphaned during the war, who stumbles into a passionate yet tragic relationship with his late father’s mistress and her daughter..

Reminiscing TV Days

Reminiscing TV Days

"Reminiscing TV Days" is a six-part series that revisits the development of television in the past 25 years. Topics covered include the rise of TV elites, fierce competition between TV stations, and controversies over spy scandals and court battles. The show features interviews with industry insiders who offer insights into the strategies used to win TV ratings wars and the high stakes involved in recruiting talent from opposing networks. The program also looks at how long-running variety show "Enjoy Yourself Tonight" has managed to stay relevant in changing times, and whether it still has a place in today's television landscape. The number of tokens used this time: 2677.

The Reminiscence of Balbari

The Reminiscence of Balbari

The weak Dal-Ho lives in solitude isolated by the reality. His clinging to women is his struggle to escape from the sense of alienation. However, his simple and openhearted love affair fails all the time. Therefore, his neighbor considers him as a philanderer. The love with Seon-Hee is clumsy. Eun-Kyeong leaves him behind, because she thinks that he has no future. Mi-Na and Kyeong-Ja boycott his estheticism and pursuit of justice. However, Dal-Ho challenges for the pure future and his beloved Eun-Kyeong comes back to him..