

Où voir The Troublemaker Netflix

La Belle Noiseuse

La Belle Noiseuse

Un peintre vieillissant est rongé par un secret qui l'obsède : l'abandon, il y a dix ans, d'un grand tableau qui devait être son chef-d’œuvre et dont sa femme était le modèle. L'arrivée d'un jeune couple dans sa propriété du Midi va lui permettre de reprendre cette œuvre et c'est la jeune femme, qui cette fois, lui sert de modèle. Pendant les cinq journées de pose, la tension va monter entre les différents protagonistes..

Magic !

Magic !

Non seulement Violetta a échoué à l’examen de la fée des dents mais elle s’est perdue dans le monde des humains où elle doit sauver une oasis verte et trouver un portail secret pour retourner dans son univers. La petite Maxie va l’aider dans sa quête..



Azza escapes from her family’s home after being incessantly harassed by her stepfather. On her journey, she meets Medhat and agrees to live in his house, where she meets Magda and they become friends. Things get complicated when Magda dies and Azza pretends to be her..



Face à des éducateurs obtus, un étudiant d'un collège classique veut transformer son milieu. Il affronte directement les autorités et organise des activités qui doivent changer les choses. «Trouble-fête est un film charnière entre la production commerciale des années 1943-1955, dont il reprend la facture hollywoodienne, les ressorts (mélo) dramatiques, le culte des héros humiliés, défaits, et les réalisations à venir où l'attention portée aux convulsions qui agitent la société québécoise s'alliera à un esprit contestataire, voire provocateur..



A graduate of the village school Pyotr Gorokhov from the village of Dyadkovo comes to Moscow to enter a prestigious economic university; he succeeds, albeit literally by a miracle. However, Petya was always helped out by chance and mysticism. Compared to other students (mostly Muscovites and residents of other big cities), this guy from the province stands out sharply — both in manners, in reprimand, and in behavior. Accustomed to defend their principles to the end of Gorokhov was called Balamut (Troublemaker). Nevertheless, in the student community, he quickly mastered and became a leader. Everything would be fine, but he has two problems — unrequited love for the dark-skinned beauty from Cuba and English....

A Special Gift - A Troublemakers Story

A Special Gift - A Troublemakers Story

Lili, Stretch and ZéGordo, AKA, the Troublemakers, decide to surprise their friend Rosita by decorating her school for the neighborhood's annual Christmas dinner, however, they didn't expect to deal with Stinky who is a jealous kid and is willing to spoil the decorations and the event altogether..

Namrud: Troublemaker

Namrud: Troublemaker

Jowan Safadi, born as Palestinian in the State of Israel, is a famous musician and a true free spirit. With his band Fish Samak he delivers songs ranging from the political and social to the emotional and philosophical and gathered a huge fan-community in the Arabic world. Jowan is unafraid to speak his mind or tackle taboo subjects, and his lyrics, at once penetrating and witty, have also courted controversy on several occasions: Previously investigated by Israeli police for "inciting terrorism", his last tour to Jordan ended with his arrest and an overnight stay in a Jordanian prison cell. But this is just the beginning: standing for co-resistance instead of co-existence and criticizing the stare society he lives in, Jowan struggles for his ideals - at any price..

Troublemaker Tommy

Troublemaker Tommy

There are too many people and animals at the zoo. Everybody is very pleased with the situation, especially the animals. The woods are forbidden. None of the adults dare go into the woods. The children, however, find themselves there. When it turns out no one is going to rescue them from the woods, the children won't give up, but start building a machine that would help them..



Chytilová ran for Senate in 2006 as a Rovnost Šancí (The Equal Chance Party) candidate. The film is a collection of monologues by female party members from across the nation..

El ashkiaa el talata

El ashkiaa el talata

Ahmed attends college while his friend Ramzi inherits a great legacy after the death of his father and sows his money because of his mother's pampering, while the third friend Fathi lives with his mother after her divorce from his father, the great lawyer, and the three friends spend all their time in fun and fun. Ramzi hits a man with his car while he and his friends are drunk. Ahmed takes advantage of this incident by extorting money from Ramzi. Ahmed and Fathi get to know this girl who is overburdened by her demands, events escalate and the three friends decide to go their extravagant distance..



Alexander Zinoviev gained worldwide fame primarily as a logician, sociologist, writer, author of the genre of sociological novel created by him, who marked new milestones in each of these areas of human culture with his work. Poetry and visual creativity of the thinker complement the image of what is called the Zinoviev phenomenon..