

Où voir The Long Nights Netflix

The Long Night

The Long Night

The Long Night (Al Layl Al Taweel) is amongst the boldest and most unique feature length dramas in the conditional oeuvre of Syrian cinema. Four prisoners are about to be released after serving 20 years as political detainees. About to return to society, they grapple with complications that have developed in their absence: new towns, new ideologies but most of all, new family dynamics. Questions arise as to what extent their political dissidence was worth their separations from families and the losses their loved ones have endured. While some stand fast to their choices, others look to turn a new page... Made in 2009, the film is yet to be released in Syria, despite being a production ostensibly supported by the regime. The film, while reflecting a short era of reconciliation and reduced censorship attempted by Bashar Al Assad, remains highly relevant today for its treatments of forced loyalty signatures, arbitrary judgements, and systematic torture..

All Night Long: Anyone Would Have Done

All Night Long: Anyone Would Have Done

A knife-wielding sexual deviant targets two beautiful sisters.He begins frantic night of abuse and humiliation with the older one after she getting back home.The innocent older sister doesn't know that he had broken into their apartment and had confined the younger one..

Long Sleepless Nights

Long Sleepless Nights

Bruno, a young prostitute on the streets of Mexico city, spends his free time yearning for his straight friend Umberto. When Umberto rejects him, Bruno reacts with his own violent and misguided actions....

Those Long Haired Nights

Those Long Haired Nights

Trois amies transgenres travaillent comme masseuses dans un quartier chaud de Manille. La romantique Tuesday, la très sage Amanda et l’incroyablement ambitieuse Barbie passent une nuit chaotique sur le chemin de leurs rêves..

Dead the Long Night

Dead the Long Night

Composé d'images d'archives narrées par l'écrivain, anthropologue et linguiste Mouloud Mammeri, le film propose une réflexion sur les mouvements de lutte anti-colonialistes et anti-impérialistes des années 1970 à travers le monde..

Night of Long Tri

Night of Long Tri

A thrilling and haunting account of historical events in the Trịnh clan in the late 18th century with the central conflict between lord Trịnh Sâm who was feeble and indecisive, and a cunning and manipulative concubine named Đặng Thị Huệ. Based on the novel of the same name by Nguyễn Huy Tưởng..

Colors Of A Long Night

Colors Of A Long Night

Many are familiar with being afraid of the night. Judith Zdesar confronts her phobia with a month long journey through the darkness of the polar winter. Locals talk about how they deal with the inhospitable conditions, ponder ghosts and wild animals. Ruled by the rhythm of the night, their daily routines seem to be shaped by risks as well as a pleasant calm, perhaps due to the wait for the first redeeming ray of sunlight..

All Night Long

All Night Long

Like so many other actors, Ava Gardner hated to watch her films. She said that the woman on the screen wasn't her. But all films tell two stories: the plot and the tale of the bodies filmed. This film narrates what happened between two images: a first shot of 'Pandora' and a first shot of 'Harem', the first and last movie filmed by the actress in Spain. Ava must certainly have thought that neither of these two women had anything in common with herself..

Night of the Long Knives

Night of the Long Knives

A criminal-political pamphlet deals with a coup d'état. A young man with a rifle equipped with an optical sight is driving around Moscow in a car, and next to him are two call girls..

All Night Long: Initial O

All Night Long: Initial O

When a young woman witnesses a suicide she is so overwhelmed with sexual excitement that she masturbates, unaware that she is being observed by a strange man. Later he invites her home where she is wined and dined. Soon she wakes up to find herself locked in a cage. Of course their twisted and sadomasochistic relationship will end in a sadistically explicit bloodbath... The version of "All Night Long 5" I have is in Japanese, but the above synopsis is general gist. I'm a big fan of Katsuya Matsumura and I absolutely love the first three "All Night Long" movies."All Night Long R" is also pretty good whilst still being deeply disturbing.Unfortunately "Initial O" is too long and sometimes dull, so I was a little bit disappointed.Still there is plenty of sex and some unsettling sexual torture on display. There is not enough gore,but some scenes (for example throat slashing or castration) are particularly nasty..

Land of Fire All Night Long

Land of Fire All Night Long

In Bern, a confluence of events forces Max, a radio commentator, to face the personal sense of frustration he feels in politics, his job and his relationship. A veteran of the ’68 generation, he confronts the demise of that utopian dream, breaking the bonds of his dreary existence during one night..

Whited Nighttime (Bai Ye Ling Long)

Whited Nighttime (Bai Ye Ling Long)

Ling Long est une élève étourdie qui se fait souvent réprimander par ses profs et le délégué de classe. Sa famille étant toujours absente et n'ayant aucun ami en dehors de celui qu'elle a rencontré sur le net, Ling Long se sent très seule. Un jour, elle reçoit un colis contenant une mystérieuse relique. Durant son sommeil, la relique s'unit à elle, lui donnant ainsi la capacité de voir les fantômes et de parler aux animaux..

Hong Kong Connection: 721 Yuen Long Nightmare

Hong Kong Connection: 721 Yuen Long Nightmare

The Hong Kong police have been accused of mishandling Yuen Long's attack on 21 July. Stephen Lo Wai-Chung, the Commissioner of Police, explained that the "delay" was due to insufficient manpower as the force was busy dealing with a protest in Hong Kong Island, as well as 3 cases of fight and 1 case of fire in the Yuen Long district. Hong Kong Connection's reporters have collected CCTV footage dated 21 July form different cameras along Fung Yau Street North, Yuen Long, and interviewed relevant persons, to reconstruct the attack's timeline and take a closer look at the police's arrangement during Yuen Long's "nightmare"..

All Night Long I Watched The Fire Grow

All Night Long I Watched The Fire Grow

In 1943 the world watched in amazement at the birth of a volcano in the lands of Michoacán. Dr. Atl, a lover of volcanoes, witnessed that extraordinary event and for several years dedicated himself to recording the origin and evolution of Paricutín..