

Où voir The Last Word Netflix

The Last Word with Terence McKenna

The Last Word with Terence McKenna

This film is dedicated to the work and play of Terrence McKenna, on the fractal edge of time, 1946-2000. Terence Kemp McKenna was an American author, public speaker, metaphysician, psychonaut, philosopher, ethnobotanist, art historian, and self-described anarchist, anti-materialist, environmentalist, feminist, Platonist and skeptic. During his lifetime he was noted for his knowledge of psychedelics, metaphysics, plant-based entheogens, shamanism, mysticism, Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, biology, geology, physics, phenomenology, and his concept of novelty theory..

The last word

The last word

Program in which Jeroen Pauw talks to famous Dutch people who tell candidly about their lives. By agreement, the broadcasts take place after their death..

The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ

The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ

The two sides of the end of culture–in all the aspects of knowledge as well as in all the aspects of perceptible representations exist in a unified manner in what used to be art in the most general sense. In the case of knowledge, the accumulation of branches of fragmentary knowledge, which become unusable because the approval of existing conditions must finally renounce knowledge of itself, confronts the theory of praxis which alone holds the truth of them all since it alone holds the secret of their use. In the case of representations, the critical self-destruction of society’s former common language confronts its artificial recomposition in the commodity spectacle, the illusory representation of the non-lived..

Haydn, The seven last words of Christ - Jordi Savall

Haydn, The seven last words of Christ - Jordi Savall

The Seven Last Words of Christ was commissioned so the piece could be performed in the church of Cadiz for Good Friday. The priest quoted the words of the Christ, followed by a musical accompaniment. Haydn completes these seven movements with a final Earthquake. Jordi Savall invites us to listen to the original score in the very place where it was premiered, the church of Santa Cueva in Cadiz..

Leur dernière parole

Leur dernière parole

En Bulgarie, six femmes sont faites prisonnières à cause de leur engagement contre le fascisme. Elles supportent sans broncher les humiliations qu'on leur inflige en attendant leur exécution..

Romanovs. The Last Word

Romanovs. The Last Word

The reconstruction of the stories of witnesses and participants in the execution of the royal family, the investigation of which has not yet been completed. Many of the evidence and investigation materials have been made public for the first time. It is based on the story of the people who shot the royal family, which was recorded in 1964 on the instructions of Nikita Khrushchev. These audio recordings have been kept classified for many years..

The Last Word

The Last Word

The Last Word (Persian: حرف آخر‎‎) is a 2009 social drama Iranian film Written And Directed By Hossein Shahabi. This is a film about Iranian champion athletes..

The Last Word

The Last Word

A judge is a court that has issued a death sentence to a defendant, but after issuing the sentence, he doubts his decision, and this issue causes new events..

The Last Word

The Last Word

Francesco makes an impression of a man who is in unity with himself and nature. His way of living seems unshakable. But all this can be destroyed after he discovers some girl who hanged herself on the territory of his farm..

Les sept dernières paroles

Les sept dernières paroles

The Seven Last Words sounds out the experiential states and rituals particular to humanity, based on seven themes expressed in an oratorio: forgiveness, hope, relation, abandonment, distress, triumph, and life after the death..

Nikos Mamangakis: The Last Word

Nikos Mamangakis: The Last Word

Nikos Mamangakis speaks from his heart for the last time. Familiar and unknown, international and local, elitist and popular, this composer served many musical genres and left an emblematic legacy. Important audiovisual material comprising unique salvaged clips from his last concert and rehearsals frame 84 years of a life in music: a passionate heritage for humanity, for art and life..

Last Words

Last Words

Nagisa est une lycéenne de 17 ans qui a perdu sa mère, décédée d'un cancer l'année précédente. Lors d'une visite à l'hôpital, elle apprend qu'elle aussi est malade et qu'il ne lui reste plus qu'environ trois mois à vivre. Elle décide alors de partir en voyage sans rien en dire à son père. Ses pas l'amènent tout naturellement vers son village natal au bord de la mer où elle espère revoir son premier amour, le jeune Satoshi, de presque dix ans son aîné. Tandis que les souvenirs d'enfance remontent petit à petit, Nagisa ne parvient pas à s'ouvrir à Satoshi, que ce soit à propos de sa maladie ou de ses sentiments. Et lorsqu'elle se rend en plus compte que Satoshi entretient une liaison adultère avec une femme mariée et mère d'une petite fille, Nagisa est au bord du gouffre..