

Où voir The After Life Netflix

Troubles: The Life After

Troubles: The Life After

A poetic, intimate account of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, told through the stories of a handful of people who lost loved ones during the conflict. It’s not the story of the politicians or the terrorists. It’s the story of the mothers, sisters and daughters who kept life going when everything around them was crumbling..

After Life

After Life

Parmi tous vos souvenirs accumulés au cours de votre vie, vous devez choisir celui qui vous a le plus marqué. Après ces trois jours, quand votre choix sera arrêté, nous tous ici ferons de notre mieux pour recréer votre souvenir en le filmant. Et samedi, vous verrez ces films dans la salle de projection. Au moment où chacun revivra clairement l'instant choisi, il s'en ira dans l'au-delà, en n'emportant que ce seul souvenir..

The Life After

The Life After

Two brothers, Samuel and Rodrigo, live with their mother in a suburban town. One day the mother, who has mental health problems, disappears leaving nothing behind but a note. David Pablos is a young Mexican filmmaker, born in 1982. His first short film, El mundo al atardecer, was made in 2007. La canción de los niños muertos (2008) was his second short film; he presented his first feature-length film Una frontera, todas las fronteras (2010) at the Berlinale Talent Campus before coming to Venice with his second film, La vida despues, for the 70th Venice International Film Festival..

My Life After Her Death

My Life After Her Death

A free-spirited young woman, Yukari, touches those around her with a zest for life, full of passion. Following her unexplained suicide, her envious younger sister, Reiko, and naive fiancé, Yoshio, form an unlikely alliance with the last person to see her alive, playboy- entertainer Hajime. The 3 unlikely comrades must join forces to discover the circumstances surrounding Yukari's sudden death. As Yukari's hidden past is revealed, her secret life promises to shock and surprise those who thought they knew her best..

Arekara - The Life After

Arekara - The Life After

In February 2012, I went to Ishinomaki, a town North of Tokyo that was half destroyed by the tsunami of March 11th, 2011, to meet the disaster victims who now live in temporary housing. I spent several days in the North, under the snow, listening to these people talk candidly about what they had lived through, telling their own stories without the media as an intermediary. Their testimonies were terrifying, harsh and sad, but at the same time touching, sincere and human. From the pictures and interviews that I collected, I decided to make a film, not to reflect how awful the events were, but to communicate the singular and even surreal nature of each person’s experience. My intention wasn’t so much to focus on this particular event in Japan, but rather to make these stories more universal as a way of paying tribute to all the victims of natural disasters throughout the world..

La vie d'après

La vie d'après

La vie d'après relate l'histoire de Hadjer et de son fils qui tentent de se reconstruire une vie et de se reconstruire eux-mêmes après le lâche assassinat de son époux par un groupe terroriste. Elle se retrouve en proie à toutes les difficultés de la vie amplifiées par son nouveau statut social et sa condition modeste dans son village reculé de l'ouest du pays..

The After Life

The After Life

Michalis, unable to accept the loss of his wife, keeps cooking every day for two dishes, in a vain effort to keep her memory alive. Despite the efforts of his brother-in-law, he retreats to himself and his cooking routine. But, suddenly, the "other" dish starts being consumed daily....

Life After The Fall

Life After The Fall

Life After the Fall is a unique insight into modern day Iraq, eloquently portrayed by Iraqi director Kasim Abid, who returned to his native country shortly after the fall of Saddam following an absence of 30 years. Shot over five years, this film shows the director reuniting with his family in 2003. They had survived dictatorship, war and sanctions and were ready for change..

Aleksandr Dovzhenko. The Contemplations After Life

Aleksandr Dovzhenko. The Contemplations After Life

We hear readings from Dovzhenko's diary and hear how the great suffering of the Ukrainian people caused him to move away from beauty for it's own sake to the search for truth, expressed in his two harrowing wartime documentaries. Stalin's 1944 banning of Dovzhenko's Ukraine in Flames screenplay and his subsequent exile to Moscow affected him greatly..

Dmitry Romanov: Life After the Pandemic

Dmitry Romanov: Life After the Pandemic

Hello everyone, this is Dmitry Romanov! I present to you the stand-up concert "Life after the pandemic" 2021! I always communicate with the audience at my concerts, this time was no exception! And then you will find a portion of jokes about various restrictions and prohibitions due to the pandemic and how our lives have changed..

Passer By in a Memory

Passer By in a Memory

Meng You, a young spirit officer with the natural ability to cry, accidentally sets free Li Bu Gui, who didn’t drink the Soup of Forgiveness causing a problem for her and her grandmother. To make up for her mistake and save her grandmother’s life, Meng You volunteers to go to Qingchuan to find Li Bu Gui. However, when she arrives, she finds out that he is a top killer with great martial arts skills. To get close to Li Bu Gui and complete the task successfully, Meng You starts a wild journey..

The Fallout

The Fallout

À la suite d'un événement tragique au sein de son lycée, Vada voit ses relations familiales et amicales modifiées à jamais..

Après la vie

Après la vie

Pascal Manise est un policier sans états d'âme, dont la femme, Agnès, est morphinomane. Celle-ci se droguait déjà quand ils se sont connus. Tout ce que Pascal a pu faire, c'est lui éviter la déchéance. Il traite avec Jaquillat, un dealer grenoblois qui le fournit en morphine, en échange de quoi Pascal ferme les yeux sur son commerce illégal. Son épouse et lui ne sortent jamais ensemble et ne côtoient pas les mêmes amis. Jusqu'au jour où elle lui présente Cécile qui a un problème avec Alain, son mari. En enquêtant sur ce dernier, Pascal se rapproche de plus en plus de Cécile jusqu'à en tomber amoureux..

Life After Life

Life After Life

When a man is hired to enhance a fashion show, he decides to go to a puppeteer and use Chinese puppets as accents to the models and the clothes. His interest in the show becomes a personal one when he meets one of the models and romance blossoms. An old woman loans him her antique puppets on the condition that he not keep them in the house with him, or grave misfortunes will result. As one might expect, he ignores the warning and then starts to experience a few accidents and unusual occurrences - including being knocked out by what he thought was a puppet, and seeing flashes of a murder while he was unconscious..