

Où voir The Absent Netflix

The Absentee

The Absentee

Dries, a farmer and a widower, lives with his mother-in-law Grietje and his son Peter. He falls in love with Minna, a widow, and marries her despite the opposition of his family and friends. In anger his son Peter leaves home to enlist, while Grietje takes up her residence in another cottage. Six years pass, during which Grietje becomes acquainted with Minna's daughter Dina. Peter falls ill in Sumatra, but after falling in love with Dina, through the medium of photographs, he recovers and is drafted home again to Holland. He meets Dina and the two find that they truly love..

The Perfect Absent

The Perfect Absent

A recently married foreign woman adjusts to her new life in Mexico. When she meets Max, the teenage son of the woman who irons her husband’s clothes, desire overtakes her. Both must confront their attraction in a personal quest that transcends social class..

The Absent Stone

The Absent Stone

In 1964 a colossal pre-Hispanic monolith was taken from the town of San Miguel Coatlinchan in the state of Mexico and brought to the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. Since then, the absence of the monolith has been present in the memories of the inhabitants, as well as in endless reproductions and ripostes..

The Absent Season

The Absent Season

When love has to compete with artistic inspiration and memories from a sheltering past come to take the artist to imaginary worlds that exist deep in his mind. This is the story of young Adrian, pianist and composer, in love with his sister and having a romantic relationship with her until she thinks it's time to stop. Adrian becomes overwhelmed by the memories of his grandfather and mentor now dead. Then he falls in love with a young neighbour but she is more real in her imagination than in ordinary daily life. Adrian discovers that is just having fantasies and wants to put an end to his life. But his talent comes in the figure on an ancestor to help him and move on to a meaningful life..

The Absent Stranger

The Absent Stranger

At the funeral of her husband, grandma Xiu-ying looks not sad and even hangs out with her childhood sweetheart Chi happily like a girl. Astonished by her behavior, her grandson Yu-chen and his pregnant wife Jie-ru worry about her and brings her back to Taipei. After living together, they find Xiu-ying’s memory and behavior even more strange and diagnosed with Dementia. The doctor explains Xiu-ying may fall into memory at any time, so if they want to understand how to comfort Xiu-ying’s fear and aggression, they need to know more about her relationship with her husband or other close males. However, just when Yu-chen and Jie-ru are still busy building their new life and trying to understand more about grandma, Xiu-ying not only attacks her caretaker and insists accompany Chi only..

The Absent Director

The Absent Director

A young theatre company is rehearsing Macbeth in their director's home in Tehran. The director works with them from Paris over Skype. Their rehearsals are disturbed when the director's lifeless body shows up on their doorstep..

La prière de l'absent

La prière de l'absent

Au Maroc, pendant la résistance et la lutte pour l'indépendance dans les années cinquante, Mokhtar, jeune homme cultivé épris de raffinement, issu d'une famille bourgeoise de Fès, est à l'origine, bien involontairement, de la déchéance de Yamna qui devra payer le prix fort pour recouvrer dignité et liberté..

Full Contact

Full Contact

Lion, légionnaire, est stationné dans un poste avancé du désert nord-africain lorsqu'il apprend que son frère, à Los Angeles, est sérieusement blessé. Il déserte pour lui porter secours mais, sans argent, se lance dans les combats de full contact. Lorsqu'il arrive enfin, las, son frère est mort et la veuve refuse sa protection, tandis que deux mercenaires veulent le ramener de force à la Légion..



Martin se blesse lors d’un cours de natation. Après l’avoir emmené à l’hôpital, Sebastian, son professeur, propose à Martin de le raccompagner chez lui. Mais il n’y a personne. Le professeur n’a alors d’autre choix que de lui proposer de passer la nuit chez lui, sans encore se douter des vraies intentions de son jeune hôte….



Mert, a 30-year-old male, is employed at an abandoned-looking amusement park, grappling with an internal duality, while sensing a lurking identity bent on undermining him. Throughout the film, Mert interacts with various people and creatures, struggling to understand what's going wrong with his mental health. Despite his persistent pursuit of answers, Mert confronts a daunting struggle to delve into the depths of his psyche, hindered by a hesitancy to fully confront the mysteries within..

Le Distrait

Le Distrait

Difficile de faire plus maladroit et tête en l'air que Pierre Malaquet. Cependant, sa mère réussit à convaincre son amant de le faire engager dans son agence de publicité. Comme il fallait s'y attendre, Pierre se fait rapidement remarquer, notamment par son humour noir qu'il essaye d'imposer dans les campagnes de pub. Mais c'est lorsqu'il rencontre M. Klerdenne, un client de la société encore plus excentrique que lui, que les choses se gâtent....



Le professeur Brainard, qui enseigne la physique au collège de Medfield, est tellement absorbé par ses recherches qu'il a oublié par deux fois de se rendre à son propre mariage avec la douce Sara Jean Lawrence, proviseur du collège. La jeune femme lui accorde une troisième chance. Mais le jour de la noce, Brainard ne peut pas s'empêcher de tenter une nouvelle expèrience dont le resultat s'avère explosif. Au milieu de son laboratoire en ruine, le professeur vient d'inventer une nouvelle source d'énergie indéstructible qu'il baptise Flubber..

Le cireur distrait

Le cireur distrait

A man stops to have his shoes polished by a young boy. A woman, passing by, has her garter slip to the ground. She replaces it, raising her skirt to do so; the boy is distracted..