

Où voir Puppy Love Netflix

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Story is about a couple of girls named Ching (Lam San San) and An An (Pak Wan Yin) who have been rivals ever since they were little kids. The main gist of the story, besides trying to go one up on each other, deals with the girls’ hot pursuit of super jock, Paul (Chan Chun Kwok). Ching is the first one to gain Paul’s attention while An An is busy toying with geeky looking Michael’s (Dicky Cheung) love for her. Eventually, Paul gets tired of Ching and Michael wakes up and realizes that An An is playing him and to rub salt in their wounds, Paul decides that An An is the one for him! Next thing you, kiddy hijinks ensue as Michael and Ching feign suicide to make Paul and An An feel guilty, but when the latter believes that the suicide is for real, they too (half heartedly) decide to take their own lives. Michael and Ching must rush to save them from death, but during the whole near explosive melee, they come to the conclusion that they were made for each other..

Ice Kacang Puppy Love

Ice Kacang Puppy Love

Botak, the son of a coffee shop owner, is secretly in love with tomboy Fighting Fish, who has grown up with him since she and her mother came to live with them a decade or so ago. Angry at her mother for deserting her no-good father when she was still young, Fighting Fish sets out one day to find him, with Botak in tow..

Plagues And Puppy Love

Plagues And Puppy Love

Larry Semon produces his take on a typical Keystone farce, the flirting-in-the-park routine, where pretty Florence Curtis is pursued by four typical Keystone types: the wealthy geezer, the moustachioed Italian, the derby-wearing tough and, of course, the big-footed cop… and here comes Larry, if not to save the day, at least to make us laugh..

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

The story of a young man who has a dream to be like Steve Jobs and another young man who is wayward and addicted to a game. But then both of their destinies have changed! They turned back to being children again. How will they handle this kind of situation?.



Min-soo is about to get married when his fiancée suddenly admits that she is allergic to dogs. Now the guy's best friend, the golden retriever Rooney, needs a new family. With the help of his cousin and social media, Min-soo starts looking for a new home for Rooney..

Avec toi pour Noël

Avec toi pour Noël

Annie revient passer Noël avec sa famille après trois ans d'absence. Depuis la mort de sa mère, elle profite de son travail dans une O.N.G. pour sillonner le monde et s'investir corps et âme dans son travail. N'arrêtant jamais de faire du bénévolat ou de s'investir pour une cause caritative, elle profite de son séjour à North Haven pour accueillir des chiens et leur trouver de nouveaux maîtres. Elle découvre que le vétérinaire de la ville n'est autre que Dylan, son ancien adversaire du Club de débat du lycée. Ils font finalement équipe pour sauver le refuge de la petite ville qui menace de fermer définitivement. Grâce à l'organisation d'un bal pour lever des fonds, non seulement Annie et Dylan sauvent le refuge, mais ils se rendent aussi compte de leurs sentiments réciproques..

July Days

July Days

The gang is trying just about anything to pass the time during their summer vacation. As usual, Mickey and Jack are trying to win the affections of Mary. In the interim, the village blacksmith, "Dad" Anderson, receives a lucrative contract to produce a creation of his: a sail-propelled scooter. The gang is lucky enough to get a hold of a few of these scooters, and happily sail down the city streets..

Love Dog Doc

Love Dog Doc

This is a story about family and love. Xue (Huang Cuiru) and her lover Wei (Wang Kai) bought a cute puppy, Snowy. Taking care of the puppy makes their relationship stronger. Unexpectedly, Wei is transferred to Beijing because his performed well at work. Only after three years he can return to Hong Kong. But Xue has the opportunity to sing at Tokyo, and is not ready to give it up, refusing to go to Beijing with Wei. Xue and Snowy live together, depending each other and learning new life experiences..

Un amour au poil

Un amour au poil

Hailey Goode est une jeune femme qui s’investi dans la protection et l’adoption des chiens. Son souhait le plus cher serait de créer un grand parc pour chiens. Pour ce faire, elle doit convaincre la mairie de sa ville de l’aider dans sa démarche. Sa rencontre avec un séduisant jeune homme travaillant à l’hôtel de ville pourrait permettre à Hailey de trouver une solution et peut-être de trouver l’amour....

Första, största kärleken

Första, största kärleken

A film about Coco and Lollo, two 16-year-old girls and their feelings for their first big love. Lollo is sad after her ex dumped her, and Coco isn't really sure where she is with her boyfriend..