

Où voir Paddington Netflix

Paddington Collaboration

Paddington Collaboration

‘ Paddington Collaboration ’ was shot on 16mm film one morning in and around a flat in Paddington , London. Inspired by a history of formal film experiments the artists imposed a structure with each controlling roughly half of the content. Fowler drew from classic ‘room films’ to document a journey from the interior of the upstairs flat to the front door of the building. McLauchlan then explored the surrounding area, following this exploration with shots of Fowler in front of the places he had previously captured. Fowler asked McLauchlan to draw over the first half of the film, instead she wrote about the events of that morning, a text that then forms the sound track. The narrative reveals the physical and temporal structures that guide this collaboration , together with those that shape expectations of what it means to contribute to this type of film..

Paddington Green

Paddington Green

Paddington Green is a British television series, which explores the lives of the residents of Paddington, London. It is created by Lion Television and was first shown on the BBC in late 1998/early 1999. It is an example of the fly on the wall and docusoap television format, with narration by Ross Kemp in the first three series, followed by Todd Carty in the latter three..

4.50 from Paddington

4.50 from Paddington

Toko Amano worked as a detective, but to take care of her sick husband she quit her job. After her husband passed away, Toko Amano now works as a crisis management expert. 3 days ago, Toko Amano's former mother-in-law rode on an express train with beds. She witnessed a man strangling a woman and told the train conductor, but he thought she imagined it. The police later searched for the woman's body, but could not find her. Toko Amano boards the same express train that her former mother-in-law rode. She looks for the dead body..

Le train de 16h50

Le train de 16h50

Miss Marple a pris le train de 16h50 pour rentrer chez elle, à Brackhampton. Confortablement installée dans un compartiment, elle s'adonne à sa lecture préférée, les romans policiers, puis somnole. Elle s'éveille tout à coup lorsque son train en croise un autre. Par la fenêtre, elle aperçoit une jeune femme qui se débat, étranglée par deux mains gantées de noir. Elle va aussitôt raconter l'histoire à la police. Confrontée à l'indifférence des forces de l'ordre, qui n'ont retrouvé aucun corps, elle décide de mener son enquête. Elle parvient à se faire embaucher comme domestique à Ackenthorpe Hall, seule maison longeant cette portion de voie ferrée. Miss Marple pense en effet que le meurtrier pourrait bien s'y cacher....

Camilo's Adventures

Camilo's Adventures

Two twins live together and lead a slightly surreal life, annoying their snobby next-door neighbor and getting into frequent trouble with the local constable..