

Où voir Outrage Netflix

Outrageous Homes

Outrageous Homes

Interior design expert Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen celebrates great British visionaries, cherished eccentrics and proud-to-be-different homeowners..

Les voyous

Les voyous

Marcos tient la rubrique culturelle d'un grand quotidien de Madrid. Pour réaliser un reportage, il visite un cirque installé à la périphérie de la ville et assiste, médusé, à l'extraordinaire numéro d'adresse d'une écuyère, Ana, aussi belle qu'habile lorsque, juchée sur un cheval lancé au galop, elle tire sur des cibles mouvantes. Marcos et Ana passent la nuit ensemble. Appelé à Barcelone, le jeune homme se sépare de l'écuyère le soir même où celle-ci est attaquée et violée par trois petits voyous qu'elle venait d'éconduire. A son retour, Marcos s'étonne de ne plus trouver trace de celle qu'il aime et dont il ignore qu'elle erre dans la ville, une arme en main, prête à tout pour se venger....

Scandale à Valdez

Scandale à Valdez

On March 24, 1989, the supertanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in the pristine waters of Alaska's Prince William Sound, spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil. Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of Jacques Cousteau, takes us on a voyage to investigate first-hand the devastating impact of the U.S.'s largest oil spill. Amid the majestic mountains and ice floes of this serene setting, the leaking oil spreads like a virus staining and often killing everything it encounters. Harbor seals, sea otters, and bald eagles fall victim to the tragic accident..

Most Outrageous Moments

Most Outrageous Moments

Most Outrageous Moments is an NBC clip show showcasing video bloopers and mishaps, and commonly used as a backup program by NBC to fill any timeslots where regular programming did not get any traction in the ratings, or to fill in timeslots between seasons of reality programming. In its first season, premiered on February 8, 2005, it aired a limited number of specials focusing on live television and game shows. The series itself was a spin-off of Most Outrageous Game Show Moments, a series of specials showcasing outtakes and funny moments from television game shows, Hosted by Bob Eubanks, Jim Lange, Wink Martindale, Peter Marshall & Ben Stein and later Eubanks' co-host was Chuck Woolery. Since this particular series depended exclusively on stock footage, Outrageous Moments used laugh tracks and applause carts to provide audience responses, and, obviously, was not presented before a live studio audience. It aired its second season on NBC as a regular series showing video footages of humorous events from various functions, but the show was not renewed after the 2005-2006 season. However, it continued to air in repeats and returned with all new episodes on April 22, 2008. Scott Satin was the executive producer. John Cramer was the narrator. Bob Eubanks hosted the Most Outrageous Game Show Moments series, but the regular Most Outrageous Moments series had no regular host..

Peut-on outrager Dieu ?

Peut-on outrager Dieu ?

Alors que la religion ne cesse de gagner en importance, le blasphème est devenu au cours des dernières années un sujet brûlant. Défenseurs de la liberté d'expression et partisans du respect des religions s'affrontent au sein d'un débat passionné. Ce phénomène n'a rien de nouveau, car les artistes et caricaturistes détournant des symboles confessionnels ou s'en prenant volontairement à des institutions religieuses ont toujours été confrontés à ce type d'accusations. Cependant, de la fatwa à l'encontre de l'écrivain Salman Rushdie à l'attentat qui a endeuillé Charlie Hebdo, en passant par les critiques suscitées par l'artiste autrichien Hermann Nitsch, les dernières décennies l'ont réactivé de façon inédite. Retraçant l'histoire du blasphème dans l'art et donnant la parole aux deux "camps", ce documentaire évoque d'autres œuvres considérées comme blasphématoires, ainsi que leurs conséquences pour leurs auteurs….

Outrageous Acts of Psych

Outrageous Acts of Psych

Outrageous Acts of Psych takes the hidden-camera phenomenon to the next level. Stemming from the hit Science Channel series, Outrageous Acts of Science, OAP uses hidden cameras to show whether people will pay for a VIP experience at a bus stop or a laundromat, or whether men or women are more likely to take a food sample from a person wearing a hazmat suit. Throughout the show, psychologists and human behavior experts offer insights into why we do the things we do..

Day of Outrage

Day of Outrage

Unbridled violence across the nation, a disputed election, distrust of the mainstream media, and the hypocrisy of elected officials all set in motion the tragic events of January 6, 2021. In the aftermath of that day -- when laws were clearly broken and behavior was at best uncivil and at worst violent -- the media and Democratic politicians push a false narrative of "insurrection.".

Les premiers outrages

Les premiers outrages

Christian est en vacances. Il a raté son bachot et ses parents, aubergistes et campagnards, lui trouvent un répétiteur. Mais plus que par les leçons, Christian est captivé par une séduisante dame, parente de son professeur. Bichette, la petite amie de Christian, ulcérée, s'arrange pour que le père et le prof sachent tout. On éloigne Christian qui retrouve avec plaisir Françoise, jolie servante qu'on avait renvoyée. Bichette en est pour ses frais..

The Outrageous Sophie Tucker

The Outrageous Sophie Tucker

The rags to riches story of Sophie Tucker, an iconic superstar who ruled the worlds of vaudeville, Broadway, radio, television, and Hollywood throughout the 20th century. Before Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Bette Midler, Marilyn Monroe, and Mae West, Sophie Tucker was the first woman to infatuate her audiences with a bold, bawdy and brassy style unlike any other. Using all of "The Last of the Red Hot Mamas" 400-plus recently rediscovered personal scrapbooks, authors Susan and Lloyd Ecker take you on their seven-year journey retracing Tucker's sixty-year career in show business.`.

Passe-temps interdits

Passe-temps interdits

Glen Ridge, petite ville du New Jersey, en 1989. Les athlètes de l'université locale sont accusés d'avoir violé collectivement une adolescente mentalement attardée, Leslie Farber. La détective Kelly Brooks et le procureur Robert Laurino tentent d'éclaircir l'affaire, mais se heurtent à un véritable mur de silence. Les habitants de Glen Ridge soutiennent leurs champions envers et contre tout. Même la police locale prend parti pour les sportifs. Personne ne semble prêt à témoigner en faveur de la victime. Mais Kelly et Paul en ont vu d'autres et traquent patiemment les coupables présumés....



Gay hair stylist Robin Turner does a lot of work for drag queens, all the while dreaming that he'll someday find the courage to perform in drag himself. When his schizophrenic friend, Liza, turns up looking for a place to stay, the two form an increasingly tight bond, Robin helping Liza through an unplanned pregnancy and Liza pushing Robin to develop a successful nightclub act..

The Three Amigos - Outrageous!

The Three Amigos - Outrageous!

The Three Amigos brings you all the hilarious and outrageous comedy from a red-hot trio of Latino headliners on their sold-out national tour! With the biting social commentary of Carlos Mencia, the off-the-wall sound effects of Pablo Francisco, and the hysterical family humor of Freddy Soto, it's all-out stand-up hilarity like you've never seen before!.

Katy Perry: The Outrageous World of Katy Perry

Katy Perry: The Outrageous World of Katy Perry

This fascinating DVD tells the definitive story of Katy Perry through interviews and onstage performances of some of her greatest hits, including California Gurls, Firework, Ur So Gay and Hot N Cold. From struggling gospel artist to one of the worlds biggest pop sensations, Katy Perry continues to rock the world both on and off stage! Take an inside look at the multi-award nominated singer song writer behind such hits as I Kissed a Girl and California Gurls..



Outrageous is a docu-series that tells real stories of people in LBGTQ community and their allies. Created, directed and produced by award winning filmmaker, Pony Gayle. Each episode has different guest stars and subjects. There are so many shades to the queer community and we want to give as many a voice as possible..

Outrages aux mœurs

Outrages aux mœurs

Grendy, une jeune fille d'une vingtaine d'années, joue un rôle dans le film de Claude, un producteur. Assez vite, celui-ci tombe sous le charme de ses appâts rafraîchissants de jeunesse. Claude et Grendy partent ensemble en Guadeloupe, où ils se livrent à de sensuels ébats. De retour à Paris, ils vivent heureux ensemble. Un soir, le producteur trouve la jeune fille dans les bras d'un autre et, de rage, il tue son rival d'un coup de revolver. Affolé, Claude s'enfuit dans la nuit, à la fois effrayé et plein de remords. Il longe la Seine, décidé à y sauter pour mettre fin à son angoisse, lorsqu'il aperçoit une péniche illuminée, amarrée le long du quai. Las, il monte à bord et demande l'hospitalité aux deux ravissantes demoiselles qui y habitent..

Jaco Pastorius - Live and Outrageous

Jaco Pastorius - Live and Outrageous

The reputation of the late Jaco Pastorius is legendary, based as much on his mercurial personality as his groundbreaking bass playing and small but significant repertoire of original music. His declining mental health became increasingly evident following his departure from fusion super group Weather Report, ultimately leading to his tragic demise in 1987. Still, while the bassist was already beginning to show some signs of decline when Jaco Pastorius: Live and Outrageous was filmed at the Montreal Jazz Festival in 1982, he was still capable of putting on an exciting show..