

Où voir Intruders Netflix

Intruders: Abductees Speak Out!

Intruders: Abductees Speak Out!

Intruders: Abductees Speak Out! presents an intimate portrait of self-proclaimed alien abductees who are coping with the daily turmoil of being regularly taken by entities not from this world. Are they simply mistaken or disturbed? Or are they - as some experts contend - unwitting participants in an ominous alien agenda?.



In the dead of winter, a screenwriter travels to his friend's closed cabin resort in the mountain with the intention of working on his script. Instead of being alone, he finds himself in the company of annoying strangers, from intrusive townsfolk who welcome themselves in to vacationing skiers who won't take no for an answer. On top of that, mysterious sounds at night hint of something sinister in the woods. He realizes that he may have opened the door to a killer when dead bodies begin to turn up. Five years after his acclaimed debut Daytime Drinking, indie director Noh Young Seok returns with his second indie feature Intruders, applying dark comedy and satire to an unsettling cabin-in-the-woods suspense thriller..

The Intruders

The Intruders

Heckel and Jeckel fly over a country estate and decide it would do just fine as a nesting ground for them, especially since it afforded a few luxuries they could take advantage of. But the Bulldog guardian of the grounds thinks otherwise and makes his objections know. They object to his objections by attacking him with the croquet mallets, pushing him into the swimming pool and several other objectionable ways the talking magpies could come up with..

Midnight Intruders

Midnight Intruders

Seemingly contented Wife sees Husband off on an overnight business trip before busying herself in a tryst with Another Man. Husband returns unannounced. Early. Unfortunately. Violence ensues. A breath. More violence, unexpectedly. Mind-boggling. A sunrise pursiut up shadowy Mulholland. A SQUEAL OF TIRES!.



The beautiful and self-confident Mila is trying to find a groom for the quiet and shy Lyuba. One evening they barely get away from the local punks and find themselves in the cozy house of the local guy Slava. Here they are found by the favorite of women Kolya, with whom Mila once had an affair. As a result, the inconspicuous and unlucky Lyuba takes her beloved away from the bright and successful Mila and leaves with him to Moscow. And Mila remains in the house by the sea and marries the humble Slava. Twenty years later, the heroes are waiting for a new meeting and a new turn in fate..

The Intruder

The Intruder

Inés works as a dubbing actress and sings in a choir in Buenos Aires. While on an idyllic trip she suffers a traumatic episode that she can’t recover from. She has trouble sleeping and experiences very vivid nightmares as strange sounds begin to emerge from inside her. Awake, Inés feels suddenly surrounded by people that seem to come from her dreams..



A seven-year-old boy notices a strange activity in his room at night. Sometimes it is better to stay in bed than to try to escape..



The sisters Lise and Synnøve play by the river in their new neighbourhood, but their game is suddenly interrupted when two other girls show up and want to know what the sisters are doing on “their” territory..



Twenty-year-old Thomas Lindgren gets out of a youth rehab clinic, after being falsely accused of raping his ex-girlfriend's younger sister. He is looking forward to a new life and the summer in Oslo with his friends - But soon, he finds himself beaten, tied up and held hostage by the victims father who is desperate to find the truth..



By following the battles of five different people, all battling different invasive species in their own local environments, we get to know them, the unwelcome species, and the landscape that they want to protect from uncontrolled evolution. Nature is an open battlefield, and these people know it. They will do whatever it takes to protect the landscape from the intruders. This film is a documentation of different hunts for different invasive species, a study of what it means to be invasive, and a modern perspective on nature in the Anthropocene era..



A salaryman living alone in a small apartment is visited by complete strangers, a large family with grown-up sons and a daughter, who take over his apartment and his life. They use his money and he has to wait on them as their servant. They even steal his girlfriend. Although they behave very dictatorially, everything is decided "democratically" by the majority..



Dans un Naples cerné par la violence de la Camorra, un drame social à la lisière du documentaire, dans les pas d’une éducatrice confrontée à un dilemme moral... Giovanna, sexagénaire à la sobre ténacité, est admirablement campée par la chorégraphe et danseuse Raffaella Giordano..

The Intruder

The Intruder

They've beaten and tortured him. They've raped and killed his woman. But they've made one big mistake. They didn't kill him. Alex Trambuan, known to his friends as Rambu, is a lone vigilante and former police officer who takes revenge on the entire Columbian drug cartel that killed his wife. There can be only one winner in this game of death, his name is Rambu, this is his private war and this city will never forget his legacy of vengeance..



Louis mène une vie recluse au fin fond du Jura. Il entretient des relations difficiles avec son fils, Sidney, qu'il croise parfois en compagnie de sa conjointe et de leurs deux jeunes enfants. En attente d'une greffe du cœur, il décide un jour d'accélérer les choses, allant jusqu'à s'adresser à d'inquiétants trafiquants russes d'organes….



Une jeune femme, Luisa, a été séduite par un homme dont elle est tombée enceinte. Mais celui-ci l'a abandonnée à son sort. Comble du malheur, la jeune femme perd l'enfant qu'elle porte. En proie au désespoir, Luisa tente alors de mettre fin à ses jours. Le médecin à qui elle est confiée parvient malgré tout à lui sauver la vie. Alors qu'il s'occupe d'elle, il en tombe progressivement amoureux. Le docteur demande finalement à Luisa de l'épouser. Mais ses vélléités sont remises en cause par l'arrivée d'un nouveau venu. En effet, l'ancien amant de la jeune femme, celui-là même qui l'avait abandonnée, reparaît. Il est décidé à récupérer Luisa....

Lifeforce : L'Étoile du mal

Lifeforce : L'Étoile du mal

Une mission spatiale est envoyée explorer un vaisseau extra-terrestre apparemment naufragé dissimulé dans la queue de la comète de Halley. On en ramène trois êtres humains, une femme et deux hommes, apparemment en état d'hibernation. Lorsque ceux-ci se réveillent, on découvre qu'ils « vampirisent » les êtres humains en leur soutirant non leur sang, mais leur « force vitale ». Les victimes de cette ponction, pour survivre, se voient obligés de vampiriser à leur tour, donnant ainsi naissance à une épidémie....

The Intruder

The Intruder

Tom Vansant is an emergency physician from Brussels who is desperately searching for his daughter who ran away from home and is now missing for eighteen months. He meets a girl of whom he thinks that she knows what happened to his daughter but the girl doesn't want to talk about her past. In his search to find out why she doesn't talk about it he ends up in a small village in the Ardennes where no one wants to help him discover what really happened..