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The Heaven None Missed 3

The Heaven None Missed 3

Meirose strives to create heaven in her family, with her husband and their two children. One day, Ray, a man from her past, returns and wants to build his lost paradise with Meirose and Akbar..

This One or None

This One or None

The title of this heavily plotted German melodrama translates as "This One or None". Gitta Alpar stars as Eve, whose emotions are torn between two European princes, lifelong rivals who happen to be brothers. Eve prefers the nicer of the two princes, but this doesn't stop the other from aggressively stepping up his courtship. When the less agreeable of the two monarches takes control of the throne, he orders Eve to make an immediate choice between himself and his brother. Though old-fashioned in concept and execution, "Die - oder keine" benefitted from the charming presence of Gitta Alper..

Distinguishing marks: none

Distinguishing marks: none

Post-war Germany: Like so many other women, Gerda Krause has lost her husband during the war and has to fend for herself and her two children. She finds work as a seamstress but refuses the offering of her department chief Zimmermann to upgrade her qualifications. One day she meets Uschi, an old friend of hers, whom she has helped with schoolwork before the war and subsequently lost track of. The reunion reminds Gerda of her childhood dream: to become a teacher. Thus, she decides to enroll at university to make her dream come true..

None Shall Sleep

None Shall Sleep

Maria is escaping an assault with her boyfriend, Jonas. At a diner, by the road, they meet a young man, who invites them to a community, where he lives. The community is led by the charismatic leader, Eliot. They live by self-sufficiency, isolated from society. Maria is charmed by Eliot and distances herself from Jonas. As secrets are revealed, Maria has to make hard decisions of moral in order to survive..

None of Your Business

None of Your Business

A mixture of fiction and documentary depicts the life of Iranian musician Ibrahim Monsefi, who died in 1997, with a voice-over carrying the spectator as the camera drifts through the city of Bandar Abbas..

At All Hours and None

At All Hours and None

“Words are the only instruments I have”, says Aslı Erdoğan in this powerful audiovisual collage. The writer, physicist and human rights activist who lives in exile in Berlin writes against the disappearance and loss of her own language. As a former political prisoner in Turkey, she knows only too well what autocratic violence and oppression intend: to silence people..

Untitled #5: A Tune of Nones at Noon

Untitled #5: A Tune of Nones at Noon

A double love tribute: to the final film by Yasujiro Ozu (1903-1963) ‘An Autumn Afternoon’ or ‘Sanma no Aji’ (1962) and ‘A Rising Sun That Painted My Horizon' (2018). An archival re-appropriation cine-poem. A found footage haiku..

None of Your Business

None of Your Business

The reserved seat carriages of the train, trees flicker outside the window, they are replaced by waves and the sea, the roar of the engine, the serpentine. He and she. Kobuleti, Georgia, hospitable people and difficult relationships against the backdrop of measured local life..

There were none left from the Tata sisters

There were none left from the Tata sisters

One winter afternoon, two siblings visit the grave of their beloved grandmother for the first time. In front of the view of the tomb and the abrupt contact with the loss, the siblings discover, in a snowy landscape, the paradoxical ways in which mourning can be expressed..