


Bienvenue dans le nanomonde

Bienvenue dans le nanomonde

Un nouveau monde est en train de naître… Une révolution scientifique est en marche… Cette grande révolution, il faut aller la chercher très profondément, c’est celle de l’infiniment petit, celle de l’avènement du nanomonde : celui des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies..



Scientists using nano technology to shrink objects to microscopic size use their science on a deadly shark, which is injected into a person's bloodstream in an attempt to cure a rare blood disorder. When the shark begins to do more harm than good, a team of adventurers enter the bloodstream in a shrunken submarine in an attempt to kill or be killed by the smallest great white of them all!.

Nanohana no Oki

Nanohana no Oki

A romance of a man who risked his life at sea on a Kitamae ship during the Edo period. Based on the famous book "Offshore of Rape Blossoms" by Ryotaro Shiba, the movie tells the story of Kahei Takadaya, a great merchant who lived a turbulent life and single-handedly conducted diplomacy with the great Russian power..