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Scaramouche, alias Robert Lafleur, a installé les tréteaux de son théâtre à Paris, dont les représentations sont un franc succès. Défrayant la chronique de l'époque par le talent de l'acteur et le charme de l'impénitent séducteur, son succès lui attire une haine incommensurable de la part du marquis de la Tour auquel il a ravit sa maîtresse, la belle Madame de Popignan. Au théâtre, il y rencontre Le duc de Souchil, qui enquête sur ses mystérieuses origines. Souchil découvre que Lafleur est l'héritier du Duc de Froissart, mais il est assassiné. Scaramouche jure de le venger..



On their way to Cabo San Lucas, the cast and crew of a low-budget film get lost and come upon "La Sangre De Dios", a ghost town with a spine-tingling legend about an insane Mexican wrestler. One by one, the cast and crew are snatched, beaten and dragged to a bloody death. The few left alive must figure out how to beat the wrestler at his own deadly game, or die trying..

Texas Chainsaw Mascara

Texas Chainsaw Mascara

A group of New Yorkers take a road trip to Texas, to visit the locations from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Their car is disabled. As they wait in a desolate part of the state, a hiker discovers the travelers and offers refuge at her home, which happens to be five hours away by foot. When the gang arrives at what looks like a hovel, their northern attitudes and prejudices clash with the southerners, and a sadistic game ensues. All will learn what it means when someone says, "Don't mess with Texas.".