

In the Fade voirfilms

Fading Gigolo

Fading Gigolo

When his father Giacomo comes back into his life after a heart attack, Alfonso has to cope with a life-changing truth: his father is a gigolo. After a series of unfortunate events, Alfonso is forced to follow in his father's footsteps..

Quand la lumière décline

Quand la lumière décline

Automne 1989, à Berlin-Est. On fête les 90 ans de Wilhelm, staliniste incorrigible désormais sénile. Si son fils Kurt, passé par le goulag, mais lui aussi dans le déni de l’étiolement des idéaux communistes, est bien présent, son petit-fils Sascha brille par son absence. En passant à l’Ouest, le jeune homme trouvera peut-être le recul nécessaire pour comprendre l’engagement initial de ses aînés….

Fading Light

Fading Light

Twelve year old Christos Myrisiotis lives with his mother Eleni on a remote picturesque Aegean island. The boy has been doubly singled out by fate. He has a remarkable musical talent but at the same time is condemned to going blind as a result of a rare disease. Now an eccentric loner, Christos finds an outlet in nature and the dream world of a cave where his heightened hearing enables him to collect natural sounds which he then turns to musical compositions for his violin. His only friends are his classmate Angeliki and the old lighthouse keeper Soursoumis who teaches him not only the violin but also about life in general. Everything changes when the new schoolteacher Maria arrives on the island. She develops a great interest in Christos’ exceptional abilities even though he keeps on being indifferent to school. On her own initiative Maria ensures his participation in a music contest. Christos’ traumatic family and personal experiences cause him to mature as an artist..



Acting : FADEL
popularity : 0.687
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" FADEL en streaming gratuit.

Fade Out

Fade Out

Suyeon comes back to her hometown to find the sound that disappeared. She meets Kyungmin, whom she has not seen in a long time, and they realize that their memories are different when they share their stories..