

Curiosity voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Curiosity Quest

Curiosity Quest

Curiosity Quest is an upbeat, family, educational program that explores what viewers are curiosity about. In each show, host Joel Greene ventures on a quest to answer viewer's letters of curiosity..

Curiosity Kills

Curiosity Kills

An apartment block janitor stumbles upon a deadly secret after one of the residents seemingly commits suicide and a mysterious new tenant arrives..

The Old Curiosity Shop

The Old Curiosity Shop

1839. The young Nell Trent is leading a happy life with her grandfather in his curiosity shop. Wharf owner Daniel Quilp has given large amounts of money to Nell's grandfather as an investment, expecting a large profit. But when Quilp finds out the old man has lost all the money with playing cards, he is determined to get the man in a madhouse as revenge. Nell and her grandfather are forced to leave their house and to start traveling across the country. But Quilp isn't sitting still, his spies are everywhere. Meanwhile a stranger is also looking for Nell's grandfather..

The Age of Curiosity

The Age of Curiosity

Promotional film for Seventeen intended to show how well the magazine knows and serves its teenage audience. The film observes teenage girls at home, in school, at work and play, and alone and with friends, zeroing in on teen concerns about dating, marriage, and adulthood..

The Old Curiosity Shop

The Old Curiosity Shop

An elderly shop-keeper and his grand-daughter are threatened by the rich, mean-spirited dwarf Quilp, and decide to flee across England to escape him. They are pursued both by Quilp and by the shop-keeper's long-lost brother, who wants to find them for a different reason..

The Old Curiosity Shop

The Old Curiosity Shop

A kindly shop owner whose overwhelming gambling debts allow a greedy landlord to seize his shop of dusty treasures. Evicted and with no way to pay his debts, he and his granddaughter flee..

Le magasin d'antiquités

Le magasin d'antiquités

Cette histoire, tragique, est celle de Nellie Trent (Nell Trent en VO), une jeune fille de 14 ans au cœur pur, qui vit avec son grand-père depuis la mort de ses parents. Elle veille sur lui avec amour et ferme les yeux sur le terrible mal dont il souffre : la passion du jeu. Ainsi, il perd d’énormes sommes d’argent et en emprunte toujours davantage à un usurier bossu et sadique, Quilp. Mais le grand-père de Nellie ne peut s’arrêter et bientôt tous ses biens vont être saisis. Sur l’idée de Nellie, tous deux partent sur les chemins pour échapper au cruel Quilp, et vivent de petits travaux qu’ils exercent chez diverses personnes. Hélas, le grand-père ne peut s’empêcher de jouer et chaque fois qu’ils gagnent un peu d’argent, c’est pour mieux le reperdre... De plus, Quilp n’est pas décidé à les laisser en paix et se met en tête de les suivre....

Curiosity killed the Cat

Curiosity killed the Cat

Together with his girlfriend and his friends, André is trying to survive in his wasteland of monotony. Drinking alcohol and smoking weed won't serve the purpose André is looking for. As he is introduced to MDMA things start to change..

The Old Curiosity Shop

The Old Curiosity Shop

A kindly shop owner whose overwhelming gambling debts allow a greedy landlord to seize his shop of dusty treasures. Evicted and with no way to pay his debts, he and his granddaughter flee..

Curiosity, Adventure and Love

Curiosity, Adventure and Love

One woman’s journey through a century of love, war and discovery. Curiosity, Adventure & Love is a the story of a woman raised by fate to go boldly where few young women of her time and upbringing would go, into the arms of chance and life. A young American woman leaves her country and all security behind, to begin an adventure in the Philippines that would witness the birth of a nation, a cruel war and Occupation and reconstruction. Jessie is a striking personality, somewhere between Scarlett O’Hara and Amelia Earhart, who knew no boundaries and flew far ahead of her times, without regard to sex or society. Her story of a century well-lived is both rich and one that should restore our faith in our own humanity..

Curiosity: Searching For Carbon

Curiosity: Searching For Carbon

The Curiosity rover is seeking environments on Mars that could support life—or could have in the past. Earlier Mars missions found signs of water, but not organic carbon—life’s essential building block. Watch the Curiosity team prepare to hunt for carbon at Mount Sharp, which holds a geologic record hundreds of millions of years old..

The Voyage of Curiosity

The Voyage of Curiosity

The goal of NASA's Curiosity Rover is to find out whether life could ever have existed on Mars and whether the planet is safe for humans. This film tracks the robotic explorer's perilous journey, from its risky landing to its momentous climb up the slopes of Mt. Sharp. It will rank as one of the great space missions, from Cassini at Saturn to Apollo on the Moon and Voyager beyond the solar system..

NASA's Mars Rovers: Spirit, Opportunity, & Curiosity

NASA's Mars Rovers: Spirit, Opportunity, & Curiosity

NASA's Rover program has brought together some of the greatest engineers and innovators to realize the goal of designing, building, launching and landing a research vehicle on Mars. Witness the incredible obstacles that needed to be overcome and the amazing technological achievements realized. Viewers will learn about the three Rovers to date: Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity, detailing the important missions of each and the exciting discoveries that bring us a deeper understanding of the red planet..

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Curiosity Killed the Cat

The last time Helen entered The Cup Coffeehouse, she broke up with her bi-sexual boyfriend whose gay side was suddenly overshadowing his straight side as he flirted with Jamie, the flamboyant male waiter, right in front of her. She is now entering the Cup enticed by her own sexual curiosity..

The Penultimate Curiosity

The Penultimate Curiosity

Religion and science are commonly portrayed as mortal enemies. Artist Roger Wagner and English scientist Andrew Briggs embark on a tour of the greatest ever centers of learning and thought to answer one of the most important, vexed, and profound questions about the development knowledge..