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The Kung Fu Master

The Kung Fu Master

About the late Ming and early Qing Wu Xuezong division DongHaiChuan martial arts for the country, as well as his junior sister apprentices poignant love story..

Kung Fu Master Su

Kung Fu Master Su

À l'époque républicaine, la Chine était dévastée par des troubles internes et externes. Lorsque la Chine a été pillée par les puissances étrangères, le héros révolutionnaire Liu Yunfei a rassemblé des personnes talentueuses pour protéger les trésors contre le pillage et s'est embarqué dans un voyage aventureux avec diverses forces..

Kung Fu Master Named Drunk Cat

Kung Fu Master Named Drunk Cat

Given a jar of sweets by a beautiful air-hostess, Chan finds that each one contains a diamond (diamonds belonging to a ruthless smuggling gang). Chan finds out the hard way that when there’s no place to hide and nowhere left to run, a fight to the finish is the only way out!.

Flying Masters of Kung Fu

Flying Masters of Kung Fu

In order to avenge her father's murder, Hsiang Ying trains herself in the deadliest form of swordplay. Her only goal - to kill all of her father's vicious killers. From hand-to-hand combat to uniquely choreographed weapon fights, Revengeful Swordswoman will have kung fu fans wanting more..

Shaolin Kung Fu Master

Shaolin Kung Fu Master

A Manchu prince places a cache of treasure in the care of his five most trusted guards who divide it amongst themselves. One by one the guards are murdered. Who are the secret assassins?.

Grand Master Of Kung Fu

Grand Master Of Kung Fu

A man named Dhama created the Shaolin temple, where Chinese Kung-Fu originated. Here is the inside story of his struggles, the secret style he invented, and how he became the "Grand Master of Shaolin Kung-Fu"..

Kung Fu Master Is My Grandma!

Kung Fu Master Is My Grandma!

A juvenile delinquent is sent to live with her grandmother after being paroled from the Girls' Penitentiary, only to find that the frail old woman could be her only hope for survival after getting mixed up in some seriously shady business. When Gucci (Isabel Chan) was tossed into lock-up, her father had already been dead for years. Gucci always thought that her mother would live forever, but upon getting out of prison she discovers that her mother, too, has passed away. Now Gucci's sole guardian is Wong Fei Hung (Helena Law), an old fashioned woman who isn't accustomed to change. At first aghast at the prospect of living with the crusty old woman, Gucci soon finds her life changed for the better thanks to grandma's wisdom and compassion. Later, when Gucci lands in trouble once again, grandma Wong Fei Hung leaps into action..

Bruce Lee : Le Dragon immortel

Bruce Lee : Le Dragon immortel

Cette biographie officielle de Bruce Lee est la plus complète et la plus riche à ce jour. À partir de vidéos « amateur » rares, d’extraits de films, de bouts d’essais et de photos provenant des archives de la famille Lee, ce film raconte la remarquable histoire de Bruce Lee et son immense succès..

Fighting Ace

Fighting Ace

20 ans après la mort de ses parents, un artiste martial entreprend de les venger en prétendant qu'il ne connaît pas le kung-fu. Mais lorsqu'il s'avère qu'il connaît le kung-fu, le tueur s'apprête à le tuer, lui et ses amis..

La Rage du vainqueur

La Rage du vainqueur

Un jeune enfant, dont le père refuse strictement qu'il apprenne le kung-fu, est secrètement formé auprès d'un vieux mendiant qui se révèle être un maître en arts martiaux. Devenu adolescent et travaillant comme serveur, il est confronté malgré lui à une organisation secrète qui n'accepte pas qu'il ait battu certains de ses membres qui saccageaient le restaurant où il travaillait..

The Divine Martial Arts Of Dharma

The Divine Martial Arts Of Dharma

A rumor surfaces that the fighting scriptures, 'Dharma's Secret Technique,' written by the Buddhist priest, Dharma, is secretly hidden in a Buddhist temple in China. The masters who love justice and the warriors of the Biryong Fighting Hall search high and low for the scriptures. Seo Chun-wi has come from Koryo to avenge himself against his parents' enemies. Chun-wi becomes the disciple of the greatest fighting master Tae-baek. He receives 'Dharma's Secret Technique' and begins his training. However, Ma Chun-pyo and his gang have been eyeing the scriptures. They put drugs in Chun-wi's tea and defeat him. They seize 'Dharma's Secret Technique' and even kill Ah-min, Chun-wi's girlfriend. However, through incredible efforts, Chun-wi regains his strength and makes a clean sweep of Chun-pyo and his gang. Chun-wi punishes Suk-in, the enemy of his parents, and returns to his home country..

The Ring of Death

The Ring of Death

This story tells a story of an underdog mistreated by his family, given kung fu instruction from an unlikely source, and reddeemed when he comes back to take on foreign champions in a tournament staged before an imperial audience..