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Hostage: The Bachar Tapes (English Version)

Hostage: The Bachar Tapes (English Version)

Hostage: The Bachar Tapes (English Version) is an experimental documentary about "The Western Hostage Crisis." The crisis refers to the abduction and detention of Westerners in Lebanon in the 80s and early 90s by "Islamic militants." This episode directly and indirectly consumed Lebanese, U.S., French, and British political and public life, and precipitated a number of high-profile political scandals like the Iran-Contra affair in the U.S. This period is examined through the testimony of Souheil Bachar, who was the only Arab to have been detained with the American hostages kidnapped in Beirut in the 1980s. In 1999, Bachar collaborated with The Atlas Group to produce 53 videotapes about his captivity. Tapes #17 and #31 are the only two tapes Bachar makes available outside of Lebanon. In the tapes, Bachar addresses the cultural, textual, and sexual aspects of his detention with the Americans..

ROH: Best In The World 2012 - Hostage Crisis

ROH: Best In The World 2012 - Hostage Crisis

Best in the World 2012: Hostage Crisis was a professional wrestling Internet pay-per-view (iPPV) event produced by Ring of Honor (ROH) that took place on June 24, 2012 at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, New York. In the main event Kevin Steen (c) battled Davey Richards in a No Disqualification Match..

The Hostage Situation in the Apple Store

The Hostage Situation in the Apple Store

Victims, police officers and employees of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit speak for the first time about their experiences during one of the biggest hostage situations in our country. The exclusive footage, with unique images and sound recordings of the hostage situation, and the personal interviews provide a compelling portrayal of this gripping event on February 22, 2022..

The Hostage

The Hostage

When Mostafa arrives to Ukraine, he witnesses the kidnapping of an Egyptian scientist. Eventually he gets involved in rescuing him, in a country he knows nothing about..



Une chirurgienne renommée, Yael Danon, est choisie pour une opération bénigne du Premier ministre israélien. La veille de l'intervention, sa famille est prise en otage dans sa propre maison par un groupe de personnes encagoulées. Les kidnappeurs exigent d'elle que le Premier ministre meure durant l'opération en échange de la vie de sa famille..

Preneurs d'otages

Preneurs d'otages

Les Beatles de l'Etat islamique formaient une cellule spécialisée dans la capture, la torture et l'exécution d'otages occidentaux. Ses quatre membres ont brutalisé une vingtaine de prisonniers et tué plusieurs d'entre eux. Sean Langan, journaliste, a retrouvé la trace de deux membres, des anciens ressortissants britanniques capturés en 2018 par les Kurdes, et les a rencontrés à plusieurs reprises. Ils ont été condamnés à la prison à vie par un tribunal à Washington en 2022..

The Hostage

The Hostage

During the late 1980s and early 1990s the Armenian minority in Nagorono-Karabakh attempted to break away from Azerbaijan, one of the former Soviet republics. Overnight these former neighbors became enemies, and simple village folk were suddenly made hostages in a complex power game. One of the Azerbaijani villages right on the border is home to the family of the peasant farmer Kerim, who has just been captured by the Armenians. The village council decides to take an Armenian in order to arrange a hostage exchange. They imprison the wounded man in the barn next to Kerim's house, where his wife and three children desperately await the husband's return. The captive from the other side of the border finds himself in exactly the same situation - he, too, has three children, he finds it hard to scrape a living together, he has never done anything to harm anyone and, like Kerim, he just wants to go back home. But life in Karabakh is far more complex now. Blood calls for blood..

Le gang des otages

Le gang des otages

À peine sorti de prison, Gilbert Nordier retombe dans le cycle infernal des agressions et des cavales. Avec la complicité de sa femme Liliane, une ancienne prostituée, et de Serge, un truand, ils écument les supermarchés, les perceptions et vont jusqu'au meurtre. De nouveau, ils sont arrêtés mais Liliane, en liberté provisoire, organise leur spectaculaire évasion, en plein tribunal, prenant les magistrats en otages..

Nous, otages des SS

Nous, otages des SS

Comment, en 1945, Himmler et d'autres dignitaires nazis ont tenté de monnayer la vie d'éminents prisonniers (hommes d'État, militaires, résistants...) pour sauver leur peau. Le récit haletant d'un fait historique méconnu en France..

The Hostage

The Hostage

The Hijacker lands the plane at the Rīga Airport. 7 year-old Tom, travelling on his own, voluntarily becomes a hostage. Along with the traditional demands, the Hijacker adds the demands of the little hostage – beginning with some local chocolate and a self-instruction tape for learning the native language, and ending with organizing a Song Festival and a special biathletes’ performance – all ideas originating from a CD on Latvia..

The Hostage

The Hostage

20-th years. In the mountainous regions of the Pamirs, a dangerous epidemic is rampant. There was sent a caravan with a vaccine, followed closely by the local bandits as the hostage in the caravan should be, as they learned, their leader. It is not known to them only one thing: the leader is a double ....

L'otage de l'Europe

L'otage de l'Europe

Chronique de la détention de Napoléon sur l'ile de Sainte-Hélène, ses relations avec son entourage et ses affrontements avec Hudson Lowe, le gouverneur britannique..

The Hostage

The Hostage

A young man sentenced to death manages to postpone his execution because of the impending wedding of his poor sister, who is to be married off. His best friend vouches for his return. After taking care of his sister, the young man hurries back, but is delayed by numerous unexpected obstacles. Nevertheless, he continues the journey, determined to join his now-presumably dead friend..

The Hostage

The Hostage

A video that deals with perspectives; that of a hostage, and that of the hostage takers. The video ends with a philosophical analogy of the capabilities of seeing through video through 2 or more sources..

The Hostage

The Hostage

The otherwise peaceful cowboy Bill gets into a duel with a prospector and hits him deadly. The border police arrest him and Bill is sentenced to death. As a last favor, he asks permission to say goodbye to his old mother. His friend Harry offers himself as a hostage to guarantee Bill's return. Harry will be shot in Bill's place if Bill does not return within three days. But on his way back Bill falls from his horse and has to walk. As a result, time passes and Bills absence endangers Harry's life. Eventually Bill is back just in time. The commander of the police is amazed by such a true friendship and gives Bill amnesty..

Fish for the hostage

Fish for the hostage

The sensitive Piet only wants to help his brother Herm with a small break-in, but as Herm takes a hostage, Piet finds himself involved in a kidnapping that Herm mercilessly dominates. Piet has to play along the perfidious plan, if he does not want to endanger the hostage's life..