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Summer Time Rendering

Summer Time Rendering

Lorsqu'il apprend que Ushio, son amie d'enfance, est décédée, Shimpei décide de retourner sur son île natale, Hitogashima. Là-bas, il se rend vite compte que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond... S'il s'agissait d'une mort accidentelle, pourquoi une autopsie a-t-elle été réalisée ? Qu'a bien pu voir Mio, la petite sœur d'Ushio ? Mais avant de pouvoir répondre à ses questions, Shimpei et Mio sont assassinés par un double de cette dernière... Et voilà que Shimpei se réveille à nouveau sur le bateau qui le conduit à Hitogashima pour assister à l'enterrement d'Ushio....

La mafia tue seulement l'été

La mafia tue seulement l'été

Inspirée du film éponyme, la série relate la vie d'un jeune garçon dans la ville de Palerme au cours des années soixante-dix, alors que la mafia n'était pas là, ou plutôt pas officiellement..

Un été comme ça

Un été comme ça

Invitées en maison de repos pour explorer leurs troubles sexuels, trois jeunes femmes occupent les jours et les nuits à apprivoiser leurs démons intimes. Sous la supervision tranquille d’une thérapeute allemande et d’un travailleur social bienveillant, le groupe tente de garder un équilibre fragile. Pour la jeune Geisha, la sombre Léonie et l’imprévisible Eugénie, il s’agit, pour 26 jours, d’éviter les cris, d’apprivoiser les chuchotements du temps présent et de considérer l’avenir..

Home for Summer

Home for Summer

The world is changing and living as a big family is a culture that withered down. These days, it’s even hard to see a nuclear family with so many single people living alone. Living with family brings endless conflicts as much as it brings comfort and a solid shoulder to cry on. Through a young lady named Geum Hui, Home for Summer is a drama about not giving up hope on finding the true meaning of family..

Le Dernier été

Le Dernier été

Selim Kara, procureur du gouvernement fédéral, reçoit une offre totalement inattendue du chef de gang Selçuk Taşkın qu’il a poursuivi huit ans plus tôt. En effet, ce dernier lui propose d’être témoin à charge dans un procès visant à démanteler toute l’organisation criminelle, mais à une condition : Selim doit personnellement assurer la protection de son fils, Akgün Gökalp Taşkın..

After An Autumn Day That Felt Like Summer

After An Autumn Day That Felt Like Summer

September 11th has left Ellsworth a shell-shocked mess. Not only is he struggling to process his feelings about the event, but he is unable to return to a normal life and his relationship with his live-in girlfriend Eleanor is suffering. After returning to the Manhattan street corner where he witnessed the horrific attack, Ellsworth visits Anne, the woman with whom he is having an affair. His questioning of everything that Americans cherish is met with disinterest by Anne, who leaves to rehearse a fan dance with her burlesque company. Returning home, Anne and Ellsworth are confronted by Eleanor. Unwilling to converse or compromise, Eleanor demands that he instantly choose between them..

Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation

When two friends lose their jobs and find gigs as children's entertainers at a luxury hotel, they sneak in their kids to give them a summer vacation..

Summer's Desire

Summer's Desire

When Luo Xi steps in to save the talented Xia Mo from a performance-threatening mishap at a major singing contest, he reverses a longstanding distrust they've shared since meeting in the same foster home as teen orphans. Luo Xi falls in love with Xia Mo and prompts Ou Chen, Xia Mo's suitor to dispatch her abroad on studies. Five years later, the now famous Luo Xi meets Xia Mo again, just at the moment an accident causes Ou Chen to lose his memory. As love and hate entangle with confusion, how will this love triangle unfold?.

Suddenly This Summer

Suddenly This Summer

He Luo is a quiet and smart model student who excels in English and dreams of becoming a diplomat. Besides, she has a special hobby: She loves to fantasize and integrates the people and situations around her into manhua plots. This summer, when He Luo goes to a tennis competition and sees the team leader Zhang Yuan, she falls head over heels for this beautiful and proud guy. Fate is on HeLuo’s side as they happen to meet again in English evening classes and confront each other during the school’s debating competition. The two become friends, but in He Luo’s imagination, he’s the main lead in her manhua. When He Luo’s friends find their own love, He Luo and Zhang Yuan finally open up about their true feelings. They agree to apply for the same university, however, Zhang Yuan fails to get in. From being in two different classes in the same school, they end up going to different universities in two different cities, and later even different countries, each making their own experiences while growing up. What will become of these two in the end?.

Entre saisonniers

Entre saisonniers

Un groupe de jeunes souhaitant repartir à zéro vit un été inoubliable tout en travaillant dans une station balnéaire insulaire où règnent surf, soleil... et secrets !.

That Summer′s Lie

That Summer′s Lie

Da-young, a first-year high school student, writes about her love affair and conflict with her boyfriend Byeong-hoon in the same grade as her vacation homework, which requires her to write down her memories during summer vacation. The homeroom teacher continues to question the shocking contents, and Da-young writes a reflection..

L'été des roses blanches

L'été des roses blanches

Yougoslavie, le dernier été de la guerre. Andrija, maître-nageur sauveteur, n'a encore jamais sorti quelqu'un des profondeurs de la "Fairy Waters". Il ne va pas tarder à découvrir à sa première intervention qu'il a sauvé un commandant allemand. Comment un innocent comme lui pourra-t-il prouver ce hasard, et surtout qu'il n'est pas un traître ?.

Oops! The Summer

Oops! The Summer

Wu De High School was once famous for its baseball team. However, as the trump card coach Xu Lei left 20 years ago, the glory and honor of this school were gone. The baseball team and its students lost their hope and good tradition, now going down day by day. The headmaster of the school wants to find the old coach who now lives in a slum to save the baseball team and the school. To trick Xu Lei back, the master even told a story of his lover. Finally, Xu Lei decided to accept the invitation and join the team again. However, things seem not so simple like that..