

Comment trouver Quake gratuit

China Quake

China Quake

In 2008, China's monster quake claimed 80,000 lives and destroyed five million buildings. In town after town, poorly constructed school buildings crumbled, wiping out classrooms filled with students. A year later an international team began searching the rubble for vital clues to how the earthquake caused so much damage. Their startling findings may help save lives in future natural disasters..

Quake De Love

Quake De Love

The story happened in the quaint peninsula, Macao. Given the incident of Sichuan Earthquake, a long hidden love story has now been revealed. This has become the source of inner conflicts between grandpa and grandma. Shocks come in no time. Will the situation be resolved as warm and pacifying as the setting sun?.

San Francisco's Great Quake

San Francisco's Great Quake

As only National Geographic can, The Great Quake tells the terrifying and inspiring tale of a pitched battle between man and nature told by the stories of people who lived through it. On April 18, 1906 the greatest natural disaster in American history strikes without warning. Concrete buildings explode into clouds of dust and rubble and fires break out by the thousands. For the next three days, San Francisco's corrupt and charismatic Mayor takes the helm of this city under siege, making decisions that are swift and radical. This is the terrifying and inspiring tale of a pitched battle between man and nature told by the stories of people who lived through it..

The Quakeress

The Quakeress

The setting is an early American village, where a young Quaker woman, Priscilla, is in love with the schoolmaster, John Hart. The local minister, Rev. Cole, who calls on her at her cabin with flowers, is an unwelcome suitor. In revenge, he has "blue laws" passed, among them is one requiring attendance at church on Sunday. Priscilla refuses to comply with the law and is arrested. After being plunged in and out of water and pilloried, she is banished from the colony. John goes with her. They are attacked by Indians and John is badly wounded. Priscilla manages to get back to the village in time to warn the Puritans of an impending attack. They defeat the Indians after a desperate battle. The Rev. Cole, who has been mortally wounded, begs Priscilla's forgiveness and the Puritans make amends for their harsh treatment of her..

Berth Quakes

Berth Quakes

Noted child psychologist Errol marries a widow with a nasty brat, and finds none of his theories seem to work when trapped in a pullman car on the way to his honeymoon at Niagara Falls..

A Quaker Mother

A Quaker Mother

Mrs. Pearson is a little different from most mothers, at least in her general appearance, for she has that sweetness and calmness of disposition, which is characteristic of the Quakeress. Lois, her only child, does not inherit her mother's sedate and quiet temperament, apparently she is no different from other girls, quite natural, and does not object to the attentions paid her by John Harmon, who is very much in love with her..

The Christ Quake

The Christ Quake

The Bible records unexpected, unlikely physical events as bookends of the earthly life of Jesus--a mysterious star, an overwhelming earthquake. If these were actual historical events, would there be evidence? Evidence we can examine today! YES. THERE WOULD. You are holding a major piece of that evidence in your hands. Geological evidence is usually stated in terms f thousands of years or more. But our planet maintains a most peculiar and unique landform near Jerusalem—The Dead Sea, the lowest place on Planet Earth. That strange Landform performs a remarkable Service for Scientists and historians. It acts as an enormous seismograph quietly maintaining records of earth movements in Jerusalem by individual year. This ancient database enables us to bring you the adventure of this film—seeking for ourselves the earthquake Matthew records—the Christ Quake. But more, it raises the deep mystery of that Quake’s fuller meaning..

Different Quake

Different Quake

During an intense earthquake, a love triangle erupts between two church missionaries Mark and Luke, and their potential convert Vanessa. But that different quake saves and transforms them..

Chasing Quakes

Chasing Quakes

Europe has experienced catastrophic earthquakes – even though the 'old continent' is not the most notorious region on Earth for strong quakes, the danger from below is very real..

Quakers: That of God in Everyone

Quakers: That of God in Everyone

Though many are familiar with the Quaker names such as William Penn, Susan B. Anthony, Daniel Boone and Johns Hopkins, lesser-known Quakers also impacted society in significant ways. These are untold stories Friends who profoundly influenced the course of American history by seeing that of God in everyone..

Nova: Killer Quake!

Nova: Killer Quake!

Metropolitan Los Angeles is sitting on ground zero. Slicing under the highrises of downtown is a network of potentially deadly faults that could trigger the nations's most devastating natural disaster. On January 17, 1994, a previously unknown fault convulsed beneath Northridge. It wa sthe most destructive earthquake in modern Los Angeles history. NOVA takes viewers from urban trench sites to the top of the Santa Susanna Mountains, in search of clues to where nature will strike next..

The Great Quake

The Great Quake

Soon after it struck on April 18, 1906, the infamous San Francisco earthquake would prove to be one of the greatest natural disasters of all time, leveling a once-glorious cityscape and claiming thousands of lives. This fascinating National Geographic documentary chronicles the lead-up to the quake and the drive to survive and rebuild in its aftermath, as told from the perspectives of the people who lived through the terrifying temblor..

Quakers: The Quiet Revolutionaries

Quakers: The Quiet Revolutionaries

Following seven iconic Quakers, the film takes us from England in 1652, where Quakers were persecuted, tortured and even killed, to their arrival in the New World. They founded a state run on Godly principles – the Holy Experiment, envisioned by young William Penn. He welcomed everyone to Pennsylvania, where they could worship freely. Their testimonies of equality, integrity, community and peace are fundamental to Quakers today..

Nepal Quake: Terror on Everest

Nepal Quake: Terror on Everest

Un violent tremblement de terre secoue le Népal le 25 avril 2015. À Katmandou, des siècles de culture sont détruits. À Langtang, un village entier est anéanti. Sur le mont Everest, les camps de base et les alpinistes sont ensevelis sous un tsunami de glace. Des milliers de personnes meurent, un nombre incalculable sont blessées et un demi-million de maisons détruites. Soyez les témoins directs de cet événement, à travers des images personnelles et les récits des survivants. Découvrez ensuite la science qui se cache derrière cette force meurtrière et ce que l'on peut faire, le cas échéant pour éviter qu'une telle catastrophe se reproduise..