

Comment trouver Hackers gratuit

Hackers 1-O

Hackers 1-O

With the closing of the first web of the referendum of the Generalitat, on 13 September, legal persecution began that broke the following weeks with successive legal orders aimed at blocking more than one hundred web pages, most of them private. Among the most controversial commands there is, which obliges the Fundació.cat to act as a censor by reviewing and blocking the contents referring to the referendum, among the one hundred thousand web pages of that are registered. The counterpoint to this attack is the spontaneous appearance of an unorganized "hacktivism" that responds by copying and multiplying the official pages and disseminating tools so that users can skip the blocks. The digital community rebels against what they see as an alarming attack on the neutrality of the network and authentic myths such as Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Peter Sunde and groups like Anonymous add up to the cause..

The Hackers

The Hackers

The documentary film depicts one aspect of the hacking scene and its evolution in the last 20 years. Who are hackers and what drives them? The film was produced for the 20-year anniversary of SI-CERT (Slovenian Computer Emergency Response Team) in cooperation with Sever & Sever Production and Slovenian National TV..

Hackers for Freedom

Hackers for Freedom

A fascinating investigation to meet activists and industrials who struggle to defend the free code, not only in the computer business, but every industry such as automobiles or agriculture. The film is like the logbook of an immersion trip to meet anonymous or public figures from the still marginal world of free software and its ever dominant "proprietary" counter-shoot..

.hack//G.U. Trilogy

.hack//G.U. Trilogy

2017. Amour, affection et aliénation s'entrelacent dans le jeu en ligne The World. La vengeance est devenue une obsession pour le jeune Haseo qui ne vit plus que pour abattre Tri-Edge. Pour la jeune Atoli, maintes fois trahie dans le monde réél, c'est la consolation qu'elle recherche dans The World. Vient l'énigmatique Ovan qui, de retour après six mois d'absence, compte bien accomplir son objectif. De ces trois individus naîtra une tragédie dont la gravité pourrait s'étendre à l'intégralité du réseau....

Hackers Wanted

Hackers Wanted

Hackers Wanted is an unreleased American documentary film. Directed and written by Sam Bozzo, the film explores the origins and nature of hackers and hacking by following the adventures of Adrian Lamo, and contrasting his story with that of controversial figures throughout history. The film is narrated by Kevin Spacey..

Steve Hackett Genesis Revisited Live - Seconds Out & More

Steve Hackett Genesis Revisited Live - Seconds Out & More

Enregistré et filmé à Manchester le 24 septembre 2021, cet concert a vu le groupe dans une forme incroyable alors qu'il parcourait des titres tels que Squonk, Suppers Ready et The Lamb Lies Down à Broadway, ainsi que des coupes solo telles que Every Day et The Devils Cathedral. Genesis Revisited Live : Seconds Out & More est un brillant document du retour triomphal du groupe sur scène...

In the Realm of the Hackers

In the Realm of the Hackers

In The Realm of the Hackers is a documentary about the prominent hacker community, centered in Melbourne, Australia in the late 80's to early 1990. The storyline is centered around the Australian teenagers going by the hacker names "Electron" and "Phoenix", who were members of an elite computer hacking group called The Realm and hacked into some of the most secure computer networks in the world, including those of the US Naval Research Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a government lab charged with the security of the US nuclear stockpile, and NASA..

Putin's Bears - The Most Dangerous Hackers in the World

Putin's Bears - The Most Dangerous Hackers in the World

They call themselves Fancy Bear, Cozy Bear or Voodoo Bear. Elite units of the Russian secret services are hidden behind these code names. They are among the most dangerous hackers in the world. The bears were already in the computer of then-Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2015, interfered in the US election campaign in 2016 and are currently influencing the war in Ukraine. The makers of the successful YouTube channel “Simplicissimus” in co-production with funk and SWR are back and show the destructive potential of state hacking with this documentary. With the help of leading German hackers, cyberspace experts and a lot of humor, they delicately demystify the Russian bears: Who are the people behind them? How do they operate? And what makes them so incredibly dangerous?.

Hackers: Outlaws and Angels

Hackers: Outlaws and Angels

This program reveals the daily battle between the Internet’s outlaws and the hackers who oppose them by warding off system attacks, training IT professionals and police officers, and watching cyberspace for signs of imminent infowar. Through interviews with frontline personnel from the Department of Defense, NYPD’s computer crime squad, private detective firm Kroll Associates, X-Force Threat Analysis Service, and several notorious crackers, the program provides penetrating insights into the millions of hack attacks that occur annually in the U.S.—including one that affected the phone bills of millions and another that left confidential details of the B-1 stealth bomber in the hands of teenagers. The liabilities of wireless networks, the Code Red worm, and online movie piracy are also discussed. A Discovery Channel Production. (51 minutes).

ALGORITHM - Of hackers and DRM

ALGORITHM - Of hackers and DRM

In San Francisco, during September, 2012, nine months before Edward Snowden leaked documents that prove the NSA spies on everyone—Will, a freelance computer hacker specializes in breaking into secure systems. Using a security hole he found while on a job, Will breaks into a top-secret government contractor and downloads all their recently developed programs, including the conspicuously named Shepherd. Every time Will attempts to access Shepherd, bad things happen..

Hackers Are People Too

Hackers Are People Too

A portrait of the hacking community. In an effort to challenge preconceived notions and media-driven stereotypes Hackers Are People Too lets hackers speak for themselves and introduce their community to the public..

Memory Hackers

Memory Hackers

Memory is the glue that binds our mental lives. But how does it work? Neuroscientists using cutting-edge techniques are exploring the precise molecular mechanisms of memory. By studying a range of individuals ranging-from an 11-year-old whiz-kid, Jake Hausler, who remembers every detail of his life to a woman who had memories implanted-scientists have uncovered a provocative idea..

Hacking Justice - Julian Assange

Hacking Justice - Julian Assange

Voici l’histoire glorieuse et bouleversante de Julian Assange et de sa traque menée par les États-Unis et leurs vassaux dans une nouvelle version de l’éternel combat de Spartacus contre l’Empire. Suivant pas à pas la défense du fondateur de WikiLeaks, coordonnée par l’avocat espagnol Baltasar Garzón, mondialement connu pour avoir fait interpeller l’ancien dictateur chilien Augusto Pinochet, les réalisateurs ont parcouru le monde pendant neuf ans pour retisser cette histoire aux implications politiques profondes. Dans une démocratie, la liberté d’informer est un minimum vital et ne peut être une option, quelles que soient nos opinions politiques. Cette histoire concerne chacun d’entre nous..

How Hackers Changed the World

How Hackers Changed the World

For some, they're the world's most venal perpetrators of cyber-terrorism. For others, they're the poster group for the latest evolution in political and social activism. They call themselves Anonymous - a collective of hackers whose substantial skills allow them entry into the most secured levels of computerized data. They exist in the shadows, but there are few across the globe who aren't aware of their exploits. The documentary How Hackers Changed the World seeks to unmask these digital outlaws, and explores the ways in which they can serve as both an advocate for the public good and a sinister threat to the world's security structures..

Hackers 95

Hackers 95

Hackers 95 is a 90 minute part documentary, part spoof. Phon-E and R.F. Burns cover the hacker related goings on of 1995. Summer Con 95, DEF CON III, Operation Cyber Snare, Area 51, an interview with Erik Bloodaxe and more are covered. This is what professional video hackers do with their spare time..

The Hackers

The Hackers

Pa Hacker and his two mentally deranged sons travel around a rural lakeshore community doing home repairs and odd jobs. They have a special way of handling dissatisfied customers and don't worry about repeat business. A lovely girl is offered a weeks stay at a country estate while the family is on a trip. When the Hackers arrive on the scene to do some repair work, a terrifying chain of events take place with a shocking ending..

Computer Hackers

Computer Hackers

A group of young hackers realize that their future is being sold to the highest bidder so they fight back against a system that is programmed against them..