

Comment trouver Gladiator gratuit

Triumph of the Ten Gladiators

Triumph of the Ten Gladiators

The ten gladiators are hired to travel to Arbela, a small country on the outskirts of the Roman Empire to learn if Parthia is planning to war with Rome. Upon arriving, the heroes decide to kidnap the beautiful Parthian queen and spirit her to Syria to serve as a hostage..

The Invincible Gladiator

The Invincible Gladiator

A Roman warrior leads a revolt against an evil ruler. A young, diminutive ruler makes a big decision to unseat a nobleman whose ego has outgrown him. But can the 10-year-old take on such an impressive nemesis?.

Challenge of the Gladiator

Challenge of the Gladiator

Treacherous Roman senator Lucius Quintilius plans a secret journey into Thrace to recover a legendary treasure. He is accompanied by his daughter Livia posing as a Christian slave girl, his cruel henchman Commodio, and Terenzius, an ex-gladiator and Nero look-alike who fools the local Thracians into believing he is the real Emperor. But Lucius's plans are thwarted by Spartacus and his band of rebels who succeed in capturing the treasure for Thrace. When news arrives from Rome that the real Nero has died, local Roman governor Consul Metellus joins forces with Spartacus to defeat the traitors..

Rise of the Gladiators

Rise of the Gladiators

A Templar Knight is forced to fight as a gladiator where challengers from different worlds duel in a quest for a magical sword. Then the Templar learns he is scheduled to fight his master who has become a man of greed and ambition. Now the Templar teams with his adversaries against the master and his disciples..

The Ten Gladiators

The Ten Gladiators

Roccia and a band of fellow gladiators join forces with a patrician named Glaucus Valerius to replace Nero, (and his evil henchman, Tigelinus), with a new emperor: Servius Galba. During the course of this bloody struggle, the gladiators lose their mentor and trainer - Resius - and then must rescue Lidia, Resius' beautiful niece, from death on the cross..

Les sept gladiateurs

Les sept gladiateurs

A bandit leader endowed with supernatural powers by his sorceress mother makes yearly raids on a peasant village. However, the women of the village come into possession of a magic sword, and go in search of a hero who is able to wield it and save their village from the evil bandit..



Gladiators was an Australian television series which aired on the Seven Network in 2008. It was a revival of the earlier series of the same name, and was based on the American version of the show, which was also revived in 2008. The show was filmed at The Dome at the Sydney Showground, and was hosted by Tom Williams and Zoe Naylor. Well known NRL referee Bill Harrigan was one of the two referees for the show, the other was John Forsythe, who was a referee on the original series. Although not credited, the Sydney Altitude Cheerleaders were present in every episode, doing various routines throughout each episode whether an event was taking place or not. Behind the scenes, highly respected military fitness expert 'Chief' Brabon was responsible for preparing the gladiators for their extremely physical roles. The revival of Gladiators was first announced on 9 September 2007, and premiered on 30 March 2008 at 6:30 pm. The Challengers in this series competed to win A$50,000 and a new Subaru Forester. No official announcement was made by the Seven Network as per the future plans for the series..

Gladiators 7

Gladiators 7

Framed for the escape of five gladiators from the arena, the son of one of Sparta's leading citizens is sentenced to the arena as gladiator himself and forced to fight for his life in the Roman Colosseum. Years later he manages to escape and return to Sparta, only to find out that his father has been murdered--even though it was ruled a "suicide"--and the woman he loves is about to marry the evil king who has usurped the throne. He sets out to find six of his fellow gladiators and return to Sparta to save his woman and place the rightful king on the throne..

Les Gladiateurs

Les Gladiateurs

Après le martyre des chrétiens Diana et Marcellus, la tunique du Christ est confiée à son apôtre Pierre pour qu’il la garde en lieu sûr mais l'empereur Caligula cherche à s’en emparer pour bénéficier de ses pouvoirs. Demetrius, chrétien converti, qui fut autrefois l’esclave de Marcellus, va essayer de l’en empêcher. Ses tentatives lui valent le courroux de Caligula et l’attention de Messaline, l’épouse de Claude, l’oncle de ce dernier. Capturé et enrôlé comme gladiateur, Demetrius va doublement être éprouvé dans sa foi : par les approches séductrices de Messaline et par ses combats cruels dans l’arène....

Le gladiateur magnifique

Le gladiateur magnifique

Hercule, fils du roi de Dacie, se fiance a Velida, fille de l'empereur Galien Zudo qui veut le trône enlève l'empereur et le remplace par un sosie qui annule le mariage et fiance Velida avec Zudo. Hercule découvre la vérité et délivre l'empereur. Zudo est tue. Hercule peut alors épouser Velida avec la bénédiction de l'empereur..

Hercule contre les mercenaires

Hercule contre les mercenaires

L'ambitieuse Messaline souhaite plus que tout le pouvoir. Pour parvenir à ses fins, elle demande l'aide d'Hercule, un esclave d'une incroyable force. Mais celui-ci refuse. Pour obliger Hercule a accepter son offre, Messaline fait emprisonner Ena, sa fiancée....

Pompei, ieri, oggi, domani (Gladiator of Pompeii)

Pompei, ieri, oggi, domani (Gladiator of Pompeii)

Epic drama of Pompeii at the city’s height of glory, up to the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79, this film is one of titanic proportions, recounting on the grandest scale, its untimely destruction which killed 20,000 people in a matter of hours.Pompeii was a world where men and women had slaves, where gladiators fought to the death to provide entertainment to the bloodthirsty crowds. Helpless against a succession of apocalyptic events (a great earthquake,tidal waves, thunder and lightning), the inferno continued for three days and then all was silent..

Held der Gladiatoren

Held der Gladiatoren

Germanus, a brave gladiator, witnesses the brutal murder of his brother, committed by another fighter. Since then, he will become his worst enemy, with whom he will fight in several fights, each more bitter. One day, Germanus discovers that his sister, also gladiator, maintains a passionate affair with the man who killed the brother of both, without her knowing anything about the crime.

Gladiator Eroticvs: The Lesbian Warriors

Gladiator Eroticvs: The Lesbian Warriors

A parody of the big-budget Ridley Scott-helmed sword-and-sandal epic, Gladiator Eroticvs stars Darian Caine as a fierce Roman soldier who's sold into slavery and forced to fight in the lesbian games (well, maybe "forced" isn't quite the right word). Also starring John Fedele as the Emperor Dickus Minimus and Factory 2000 regular Misty Mundae as his royal sister, Clitorus, Gladiator Eroticvs offers the same thrills, excitement, slapstick comedy, and girl-on-girl action that you've come to expect from a Seduction Cinema production..

Kingdom of Gladiators

Kingdom of Gladiators

Il y a des milliers d’années de cela, grâce à un pacte que le roi Wolfkahn conclut avec Satan, le royaume de Keemok traversa une longue période de paix. S’il imagine avoir payé le prix de la toute puissance et de la gloire en abandonnant au diable la vie de sa fille, Wolfkahn se trompe….

The Gladiator

The Gladiator

Un justicier de guerrier de la route venge la mort de son frère aux mains d'un automobiliste fou en utilisant son pick-up gonflée d'appréhender les conducteurs ivres et d'autres qui abusent de leurs privilèges de conduite..

The Last Gladiators

The Last Gladiators

Chris Nilan a toujours rêvé de jouer dans la Ligue Nationale de hockey. Comme des milliers d'autres gamins passionnés, il était prêt à tout pour se rendre jusqu'au bout. Mais contrairement à plusieurs, l'opportunité de le faire s'est effectivement présentée à lui lorsqu'il a commencé à se faire remarquer grâce à ses talents pugilistiques. Pendant plus de douze ans, il a eu comme mission de protéger ses coéquipiers sur la glace, au péril de sa propre santé. Après une carrière remplie de succès, des moments beaucoup plus difficiles l'attendaient cependant. Encore aujourd'hui, l'ancienne gloire du Canadiens combat une dépendance aux drogues, qui a bien failli le tuer.