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Family Album Number One

Family Album Number One

A layered narrative exploring memory and family history is constructed using a collage of family photos, photocopies and personal audio recordings. The film explores the fragility of personal memory, and photos as physical tokens of that memory. This film was made as part of the 5th edition of the NFB's Hothouse apprenticeship..

Snapshots from a Family Album

Snapshots from a Family Album

An intimate look at parents, family and relationships from the point of view of a filmmaker son. After graduating from film school, the director captured his parents on film over a period of five years. Quiet moments at home, random conversations, festival prayers; all the myriad events that comprise family life were lovingly and unflinchingly recorded. The film chronicles the challenges of having parents living and working in different cities – Delhi and Bombay – just as the filmmaker faces his own challenges, settling into his career as a cinematographer of documentaries and ‘arty’ films, as perceived by his family..

The Holy Family Album

The Holy Family Album

The Holy Family Album is a television documentary written and narrated by Angela Carter. It was directed by JoAnn Kaplan and produced by John Ellis at Large Door Productions, London, UK. It was broadcast on the UK's Channel 4 on December 3, 1991 as part of the Without Walls series, commissioned by Waldemar Janusczcak. The documentary treats representations of Christ in Western art as if they are photographs in God's photo album. According to John Ellis, the programme "caused considerable controversy", and was criticised in an editorial in The Times even before it was transmitted. The programme was featured in Channel 4's review programme Right to Reply and a complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Council was not upheld. It has not been retransmitted or published since Angela Carter's death in 1992..

Us: A Family Album

Us: A Family Album

Since their invention, amateur cameras have been used to document family life. In the shaky footage of candle-blowing, lawn-watering, a new car, or a family vacation we rediscover our lives, reach new conclusions about the way we live, and glimpse what is most intangible: time. In "Us: A Family Album", we reexamine those familiar images to tell a story that proves that all family and all love is equal..

Family Album

Family Album

Mircea Moraru, the owner of a Romanian media giant, gets involved into politics, in order to lower the financial deficit of his company. As the elections draw closer, attention is focused on the suspicions which arose shortly after Moraru stepped into the life of politics, regarding some financial misconducts. Moraru has to resist the siege, lead by two of his former friends and associates, who are trying to take advantage of the situation and remove him from his leading position in the company. This is yet another battle for Moraru, who sticks to his principles, even though they had cost him his family..

Family Album

Family Album

Follows the decadence of an incestuous oligarch family in a rural Brazilian household through the years during the early 20th century..

François Mitterrand, albums de familles

François Mitterrand, albums de familles

Vingt ans après sa disparition, François Mitterrand reste une énigme. Jamais un homme politique français n’a suscité autant de commentaires contradictoires, de son vivant comme après sa mort. Au-delà de sa carrière politique, sa personnalité complexe et mystérieuse ne cesse de fasciner. Pour lever un coin du voile, Jean-Christophe et Gilbert Mitterrand ainsi que Mazarine Pingeot ont accepté de partager quelques souvenirs privés de leur père. En feuilletant les albums photographiques constitués par François Mitterrand, il est possible de reconstituer son cheminement personnel, depuis ses années d’enfance jusqu’à sa vie avec Anne Pingeot et sa fille Mazarine..

Charlie's Mother-in-Law

Charlie's Mother-in-Law

Charlie Beary is trying to depart for a fishing trip with pal Pete. Unfortunately, just then wife Bessie's mother comes to his home to help with spring cleaning, and won't stop barking orders at him..