

Comment trouver 1984 gratuit

American Horror Story

American Horror Story

À chaque saison, son histoire. American Horror Story nous embarque dans des récits à la fois poignants et cauchemardesques, mêlant la peur, le gore et le politiquement correct. De quoi vous confronter à vos plus grandes frayeurs !.

Barbra Streisand, naissance d'une diva 1942–1984

Barbra Streisand, naissance d'une diva 1942–1984

Moquée par ses camarades pour sa «laideur» quand elle était enfant, Barbra Streisand apprend vite les vertus de l'autodérision. Orpheline de père, mal aimée par une mère désargentée, la jeune fille, qui rêvait de devenir une star, fait preuve d'une détermination à toute épreuve. Recalée à toutes ses auditions de théâtre, elle révèle bientôt un talent caché pour le chant. L'artiste s'impose dans les cabarets, à la télévision ou au hit-parade..

Punjab 1984

Punjab 1984

This is the story of a mother and her missing son set in the backdrop of 1984 Punjab, when the state was going through a terrible time of terrorism. The film depicts the longing of a mother for her son and her search for her son, who is labelled a terrorist because of the bad times in Punjab..

Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years 1984-1992

Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years 1984-1992

Audre Lorde, the highly influential, award-winning African-American lesbian poet came to live in West-Berlin in the 80s and early '90s. She was the mentor and catalyst who helped ignite the Afro-German movement while she challenged white women to acknowledge and constructively use their privileges. With her active support a whole generation of writers and poets for the first time gave voice to their unique experience as people of color in Germany. This documentary contains previously unreleased audiovisual material from director Dagmar Schultz's archives including stunning images of Audre Lorde off stage. With testimony from Lorde's colleagues and friends the film documents Lorde's lasting legacy in Germany and the impact of her work and personality..

The House, 1984

The House, 1984

Thomas Heise's documentary portrays the meeting of officials and citizens in the district office of Berlin-Mitte in 1984. The movie uniquely displays how socialist officals and citizens interact..

24 Hours of Le Mans Review 1984

24 Hours of Le Mans Review 1984

The greatest endurance race in the world is the ultimate mix of high-speed action, drama and skill and the 1984 running of the Le Mans 24 hours race was no exception. With the factory Porches withdrawn the scene was set for one of the most unpredictable events for many years, with the works Lancias, privately-entered Porsche machinery and, unexpectedly, the Peugeots, battling for victory. They would be pursued by the determined Aston Martins and the Jaguars, returning to Le Mans for the first time in more than 25 years. As evening fell Le Mans was hit by an horrific accident which shocked drivers and fans, the aftermath and Lloyd's emotional reaction caught on this review. The race continued through the night, but as day broke so did many of the cars, turning the running order on its head and setting up a real fight to the finish..

Piramides 1972-1984

Piramides 1972-1984

Ivan Ladislav hides a true chamber of wonders behind the clear, mathematically abstract structure of his films and videos, meticulously compiled rhythmically frame for frame, each work likewise presenting an analysis of the film medium. Concealed therein, culled from deep in the medium’s prehistory, are hermetic parallel universes in whose number ranges and symbolic spaces, Galeta’s precisely constructed film compositions find a formalist anchor..



A dog travels a world where the only objective is to consume. After a tragic event, he discovers the cannibal mechanism of the system that will force him to fight or escape to survive..

La Fabuleuse Histoire des Groupes B 1984

La Fabuleuse Histoire des Groupes B 1984

From the publisher of “The Group B Years”, this film offers you even more action with Group B. APV has in fact produced a series of four films, including one per year on this fantastic era. This section looks back at 1984, the year of Audi's last World Rally Championship title..

S.O.S. Fantômes

S.O.S. Fantômes

La soudaine recrudescence de phénomènes paranormaux inquiète les habitants de New York. Des revenants sèment la pagaille dans les rues de la ville ! Peter, Raymond et Egon, trois jeunes chercheurs en parapsychologie, décident de monter leur propre entreprise : SOS Fantômes. Les ectoplasmes n'ont qu'à bien se tenir car nos trois joyeux lurons se feront un plaisir de les capturer à l'aide de leur équipement électronique dernier cri..

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1984 – As Told By Roddy Piper

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1984 – As Told By Roddy Piper

The closing month of 1983 in WWE saw the arrival of an individual that would go on to set the entire pro wrestling landscape on its head. Roddy Piper’s effect on the largest federation in the world would set up Hogan for his massive championship run, introduce the concept of Wrestlemania, and push TV ratings to the stratosphere. Simply put…Piper helped make it all happen for WWE in the 80s. Join Roddy for a three and a half hour journey back in time and see how each piece of the puzzle was laid. Roddy, Vince, Hogan, Dave Wolf and others had a vision of what was to come. Now head back to the birth of the boom and hear about it all in the first-person, from one of the all-time greats. Here comes the ‘Pit, MTV, the coconut, and the HOT SCOT himself! All in this edition of the open-ended historical telling of the WWE’s history..