

Comment regarder Zip

Body Parts

Body Parts

Si-Kyung, the youngest reporter, infiltrates an unnamed religious group. Invited to a special ceremony, she witnesses strange things happening in the prayer house. Five sacrifices and five stories offered by the church members. When the story is over, she too must make a sacrifice..

Jimmy Zip

Jimmy Zip

An abused runaway with pyromaniac tendencies teams up with a metal sculptor. Together they blow away the art world and a local crime boss..

Cooked: Survival by Zip Code

Cooked: Survival by Zip Code

Filmmaker Judith Helfand's searing investigation into the politics of “disaster” – by way of the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave, in which 739 residents perished (mostly Black and living in the city’s poorest neighborhoods)..

Ico Bit Zip

Ico Bit Zip

In Ico Bit Zip, Ico and his friends live in the Cloud and work as researchers on a search engine, Bit Zip. Competing for the best answer, they perform the most unusual searches: getting no results is unacceptable!.

ZIP Code Matters

ZIP Code Matters

A person’s ZIP Code has been shown to have a greater impact on health and well-being than their genetic code, affecting access to education, transportation, and wealth. How is this possible? This provocative new documentary ZIP CODE MATTERS boldly asks the question and gets profound and insightful answers from the nation’s leading policymakers, nonprofit executives, public health officials and social scientists, researchers, authors, civil rights, and social justice activists. Audiences will learn about the connection between ZIP Codes and the forecast for life outcomes..

Da Big Zip

Da Big Zip

The life of an unknown aspiring rapper and drug dealer becomes more complicated after he misplaces his fanny pack containing money and weed..



A simple home movie of a cat is reprocessed through a 'Zip-a-tone' dot pattern making a complex of layers. In combination with freeze frames, positive and negative, and color motion, this work attempts to visually construct a system of overlays like those in Baroque musical composition..



On her 16th birthday, singer-songwriter Melody awakens with a zipper sewn to her mouth. A story about the voiceless, who must fight to be heard..