

Comment regarder The Legend of Love sur Netflix gratuitement

Legend of Mermaid: Human Love

Legend of Mermaid: Human Love

A series of murders occurred in Yunyin Town, causing panic among the people. They decided to hold a grand ceremony in honor of the River God to pray for peace. Physician Tao Ran was assigned to investigate the serial murders. While solving the cases with his apprentice, Tao Ran accidentally saved a little fox named Hua Zhi, who witnessed one of the crimes and also made friends with the heavy-drinking wandering sorcerer, Mr. Xiao, and together, they joined forces to crack the case. In the thick of it, an embroidery workshop caught their eye, and the truth slowly came to light. As it turned out, the bizarre happenings were all tied to the grand River God ceremony... (Source: YoYo Movie Official Channel) Edit Translation.

For Love's Sake

For Love's Sake

Taiga Makoto est un jeune garçon qui, à cause de son enfance difficile, ne pense qu'à se battre et à répandre la violence autour de lui. Un jour, pendant une bagarre, il tombe sur une jeune fille bourgeoise, Saotome Ai, qui tombe amoureuse de lui. Elle va donc tenter de l'aider à sortir de cette spirale, notamment en le faisant entrer dans son lycée prestigieux… Se mêleront à cette histoire Iwashimizu, qui a des sentiments pour Ai ; Gamuko, membre d'un gang et amoureuse de Makoto ; ou encore Yuki, une jeune fille mystérieuse, et son garde du corps surhumain Gonta..

The Origin of Love

The Origin of Love

A story that follows Ji Yichuan, a gifted young warrior of the Ji clan who encounters all kinds of hardships yet ultimately relies on his own strength to defend his home. While under orders to guard a monster, Ji Yichuan chances upon a sacred beast. Along the way, he meets Yu Chixue. Ji Yichuan must face punishment for his infraction as the monster escaped. Yu Chixue gets seriously injured in her attempt to help him capture the monster. He secures the help of Lan Lingyu, a disciple of the Medicine King. Ji Yichuan embarks on a journey with Yu Chixue and Lan Lingyu in search for the immortal land. They cross paths with Shao Yan Wang who has assumed the pseudonym Wang Yan. Shao Yan Wang feigns kindness while pulling the strings from the background. Through many trials and tribulations, they discover the mastermind..

Urban Legends of Virgin Love

Urban Legends of Virgin Love

An urban legend that is truly rumored among the men of the world. It is said that there is a woman like Our Lady who gently embraces a virgin man who is trying to commit suicide due to such triple pain as "not popular", "not girlfriend", "dating and no money" .. That is the urban legend of "Maria the Savior". On the roof of a building, there was a man who was about to commit suicide. His name is Morishita. He confessed to his longing Madonna, Sayuri Mizushima, and was kicked down by a slapstick and lost hope of living. And when I tried to get over the fence on the roof, there was a voice behind him stopping him..

Ling et Tao

Ling et Tao

Dans la Chine Impériale, Ling, une jeune princesse, est obligée de se déguiser en garçon pour suivre les cours de la prestigieuse école de Hongshu. Elle fait la rencontre de Tao, un jeune élève courageux, à qui elle révèle son secret et qui devient rapidement son meilleur ami. Petit à petit, leur amitié se transforme... mais Thor Khan, l'impitoyable chef du village dont le fils est tombé amoureux de Ling, s'oppose à leur union et fait planer sur leur bonheur la plus terrible des menaces....

Les Trois vies de Rita Vogt

Les Trois vies de Rita Vogt

Rita Vogt est une jeune terroriste, membre d'un groupe armé international. Elle s'est engagée avec passion dans une lutte sanguinaire par idéal anarchiste et par amour pour son leader. Cependant, arrivé à la fin des années soixante-dix, son mouvement est menacé de toute part. La RDA accepte alors de lui offrir, ainsi qu'à ses camarades, l'asile politique. La Stasi va les protéger en leur procurant une nouvelle identité. Rita devient une citoyenne modèle de l'Allemagne de l'Est. Elle travaile dans une usine, jusqu'au jour où l'amitié et l'amour vont trahir son passé..

Heart of China

Heart of China

A story of an American pilot who crashes in China, gets rescued and falls in love with a local woman. Years later he returns to pay his respects..